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All videos are on hold due to a domestic crisis I’m having! Playsessions and videochat sessions are all cancelled until further notice. I honestly don’t know when this is going to resolved, but I do intend to return once my living situation has stabilized. Sorry about this, I’m not happy about it either!





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Thank You for your good work! As a German I'm glad about Your subtitle plans. I don't want german ones it's sometimes just hard to get what the two funny combines say through their helmets
The first episode I saw was the fabulous one with the train game which really impressed me in order to your work in animation and sound validating.
So I'm looking forward to Your next "20+" thing =)

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If you whant, I can make polish subtitles:)

I love CP I can wait for new episode:)

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Wow so you are going to finally have your website posted up! Who is going to host it? Yourself or a web-hosting company? Looking forward to the new stuff you put out (that is if you can). I think I just might link you to my phlog


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Fine, I already made the Hungarian subtitles for the first three, but too lazy to work from scratch on the other ones.
Not to mention that a correct translation requires the original text. On the other hand some untranslatable word-jokes make it necessery to change bits (it was hard to find a double meaning for Combine or its Official Hungarian Translation s I used the word Cartell, which is also the name of a gangsta rap band),
or localize a few things.

All in all. I am looking forward to the new site.

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Yeah, Ross. The new site looks so fantastic, I'm really excited.

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I like the possible new website display

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Anonymous dude 1: Well once I'm set up, I'll host any languages people give me the subtitles for, but I do understand, both Mike and Dave use American slang and have American accents, so I can appreciate if not everything is easily understood.

tomek: that will be great, just wait until I get the english ones up so it's easier for you to work with (and I have a place to host them)

Lé Mouette: I'm leaning towards hostgator.com at the moment, however I'm not going to purchase any plan until the mock-up website is done first.

kuangeleven: There's no pressure to do this, I'll host whatever people give me. Episodes 1 - 3 in Hungarian is better than non at all. I just want to standardize things so it will be easier for people in the future. And yeah, I'm sure it's difficult translating all the context of the language. You're welcome to make additional notes in the subtitles if necessary.

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SWWEEEEET! SWEWEEETTT!!!!!!! I CANT WAIT FOR CP EPISODE 6!!! AND FM 4!! Wow, freemans mind 4, 20 minute long cp episode, daang. I cnat wait!!!also new subtitles and a website, way cool!!

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i'm sure you've answered this before but are u going to incorporate effects from the orange box, like motion blur and particle effects? or even characters from portal? i would love to the companion cube in daves apartment


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Oh thank GOD, a simple web design! Looks clean and simple...the way it SHOULD be. Can't wait to see the new site mouchacho, CP ROCKS.

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hey ross, i was bored yesterday and thought of making a good CP episode of Mike and Dave going to jail for something (Possibly beating an old lady for throwing her ciggarete on the ground, or busting a rap aloud as a patrol went by, throwing beer bottles and stuff at a dumpster out of boredom, or for the time Mike hit Dave with his club in episode 1. Im not too good at thinking of something, but ill let u decide if one of those would work, or if u wanted to make something up urself) I'm typing it on my computer and ill paste the full copy on a comment when its done.

Im calling it CIVIL PROTECTION EPISODE 7: IMPRISONED (also change the episode number or title if u wish)

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anonymous dude: I've been using motion blur since before the orange box came out, you can see it in episodes 4 and onward. I'll also cover how to add it in the tutorial. As for particle effects, it would be nice to use some of them, but I won't be switching to the Ep. 2 engine until Valve fixes some bugs with the camera tool. I can import content from the Orange Box if I need to however.

cbi elite: Yeah a big part of my design is to make as easy to navigate as possible.

karanjhala guy: Don't worry ideas aren't the problem. I'm not going to give any spoilers, but my plans for Episode 7 are going to be much more exciting than what you're talking about.

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Very good news, Ross. I'm looking forward to new episodes. New webpage is great.
One thing. Can you make new episodes in 800xsomething px (or 1024xsomething px) resolution + stream videos + HD quality? I have got an old PC and resolution 1280x768 is very demanding to my hardware.

Keep up word, Ross.

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well, okay that sounds good, but would you mind if i put them up on the site anyway? they are not as good as your works no doubt, but maybe just as a helper, okay?

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I love CP and freemans mind so much! The twenty minute one is going to ROCK!

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The new site design looks nice! Can't wait to see it when you've got it up and running.

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Just wanted to say I love your Machinima series. I would love to see some more of your work get main stream attention. Maybe even get it on Xbox live or something.

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