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It's a real website, it just has an infinitely loading thing that was in the same vein as the youtube .gif.

It shows up for me... don't know what the problem is.

100 percent average every time, all the time.

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i made a thing too




I too made a thing! I then flushed it down the toilet.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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I too made a thing! I then flushed it down the toilet.


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I like ACUs... They keep the boss from finding me and assigning more work.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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i made a thing too



Both of those are far beyond my ability. I will be honest. As the two are entirely different in style, it's hard to judge which is better. It doesn't so much suggest an improvement in drawing ability, but a better competence and possibly a raise in quality with whatever software is being used.

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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Randomness, randomosity, randomology, whatever you may call it, is using improvisation to create original humorous phrases or monologues or pine cones on the spot. "Randomosity" is fun to express in the presence of friends or logging companies, but can quickly become extremely obnoxious. Have fun with your randomness; don't force it. Remember, if you've got it, flaunt it!




1. Break free of conventional rules. Finishing your sentences is not mandatory, merely optional and you can do it on Tuesdays but not on Wednesdays if you so desire. This is how you must think. If you decide you want to buy rubber ducks whilst talking about something important — don't be afraid to end the conversation and do it! If you're at a college library and suddenly, you just want to find Wally\Waldo, go to the desk and ask for Where's Wally\Waldo. They probably won't have it, but hey, at least you tried!

2. Mention things at random intervals, such as oranges or cake.

3. Make plans and change them mid-way. Just because you're buying a new coat doesn't mean you can't go to the zoo on the way there. Plans should be broken if you think of a more exciting plan.

4. Be oddly specific with what you are saying. It will sound more random, or like you've got some kind of head injury. For example, instead of saying, "A few years ago," be more specific and say, "A few years after the year before ten years ago, I was speaking to the brother of my sister's father (uncle)."

5. Do odd things. Like find a book, put it in front of someone's face, and say, "You just got facebooked!" Note: this will make you seem extremely stupid.

6. Learn random/ specific colors and numbers. If asked to say a color, use "eggshell," or "dioxizine violet." (Look through Liquitex paint names for ideas; my favorite of theirs is "hookers green." And yes, that's a real color.) Also, answer with something like "pi," "e," or "the square root of seven" when asked to pick a number between one and ten.

7. Avoid "wandom" words. "Wandom" means "wannabe random", and is extremely heartbreaking that someone would feel the need to invent this term. This is usually formerly random material that has been overused and is just not random anymore. Wandom words include pickle, chicken, monkey, dino, penguin, purple, pie, squirrel, moo, pizza, mayonnaise, pudding, pants, rawr, socks, pony, llama, unicorn, taco (or burrito), cheese, and nose. Of course, the wandomness is fairly culturally specific to North American school culture, so feel free to ignore this step.

8. Don't be fake. If you can't be random, don't force it. People may stop liking you if you try too hard, but if you're reading a guide to being random, having friends was never a burden for you.

9. Find your word. Be sure to conform to step 7 when picking a word. Examples of random words are smiley, knee, boing, and the like.

10. Make random noises. Things like "mwargh" or "oooooohh" or even "bwah" and "digee" will work divinely. You could also laugh. A lot and randomly. People will know you for it. Sometimes, you can be the person who laughs and makes everyone else join in! Don't try for this, though. You have to kind of be in your own world first.

11. Don't forget random actions, like clapping randomly, or bobbing your head like a budgerigar (budgerigar a.k.a. budgie: small Australian parakeet).

12. Random names work well. Try using Chris Mear, Mr. Chesters or The Teletubbies; all perform well.

13. Have certain things that you have to do every day, like pet someones hair or say, "I love you" to a stranger. Remember to do these things every day so it becomes a habit, but never do these things to the same person, or if you like always do it to the same person.

14. Have a little notebook where you can keep track of your randomness. Write everything random that you say in it for further use. Make sure to carry this notebook around with you so the randomness can always be with you.

15. Put on a very normal outfit (e.g., jeans and T-shirt) and add something ridiculous (e.g., a huge chicken mask). Of course, you could also go with strange clothing all the way -- you might want to invest in things like suspenders, top hats, parasols, glitter vests, canes, ribbons, army boots, hippie or (real) vintage things, neon things, glowsticks, rainbow suspenders, etc. (The trick is to have basic staples: plain T-shirts in varying colors and a couple pairs of blue jeans, maybe in gray, paired with freaky accessories). NB: wearing 'random' clothing will lose you randomness points in whatever else you happen to do - people will see how ridiculously stupid you look and ignore the randomness of your words and/or actions. Sorry, but it's true.

16. Have fun with it. Just look at it as a way to express your originality. Don't be random just to imitate others. Use it as a talent. Think of it as a way to be happy.

17. Get used to forming odd obsessions, like a certain state, food, person, or animal. Make them very public and insane. There are certain topics though that are just old and used: penguins, llamas, Ramen, muffins, Red Bull, Mountain Dew, Monster, Michigan, celebrities like Marilyn Monroe,Ryan Ross, Benji and Joel Madden.

18. There is absolutely nothing wrong with breaking into random accents. Make your own language!

19. Cite interesting tidbits of seemingly frivolous information when the situation permits it (like during a pause in the discourse. Don't be rude.) Also, any brief anecdote beginning with, "This one time..." that remotely pertains to the subject being discussed works like a charm. Just make sure your friends will think it's funny. Don't weird them out.

20. Add extra bits to words! For example, Edit can be turned into EdIMIFY, Philosophical can be PhilAMAHsophical and so on. Making words longer is the most funAMAST part of randomness

21. The word "the" can provide endless fun. You can always add "the" to the beginning of words such as Internet, Youtube or FaceBook. These turn into "The Internet" OR "The Interwebs,"* "The Youtube" and "The Facebook." Feel free to change "the" into "teh." You always have the option of saying "teh" or spelling it when writing it somewhere. *Interwebs is a more random version of Internet.

22. Change the regular pronunciation of some words. California can be turned into "Cal-ee-For-Nigh-A",or even "Cal-eye-phor-nee-ay" so it's said "Californighia" or "Caliphorneae"! Be creative! You'll be surprised with what you can come up with.

23. Make a vocabulary of your own invented, edited or pronunciation changed words and use them frequently! (Although, see the warning in Warnings!)

24. Although randomness can be fun, it is important to remember to only be random around people who will laugh, not people who you know will get upset/offended.

25. Speak about yourself in the third person ("John Doe/Myself/Super John Doe/John doe-san likes cheese" instead of "I like cheese") and about the collective by using random group concepts ("we" becomes "our company," "our army," "the movement," etc). Keep switching between normal jive and this methods, and also constantly changing the replacements themselves for maximum efficacy. As always, don't overdo it.

26. Choose a reasonably common word, (Not too common, like "the," and not too uncommon, like "frivolous"). Every time you hear someone say that word, act horrified as if they have just uttered the most disgustingereterina word in the universe.

27. Add a Title to your name. If you use an adjective, make sure it doesn't usually apply to people. If You use a noun, make it an uncommon one, or one in another language. Examples include John Doe the inhospitable, Dr. Doe, John Doe of Topeka, and John el Fuego.




Try to lose your inhibitions; many people think of very random things through the day, but never act on them because they're too afraid of being embarrassed or seen as weird. Want to run at pigeons in the middle of a conversation? Suddenly feel like running doing a slope screaming "Wheeee!"? Get the urge to pick roadside daffodils and walk off with a bouquet of them while you're going somewhere? Do it!


Have fun and relax.


Try to call your friends by their last name, middle name, initials or a combination. Mix things up. (Do not over do it)


If you want to be random, just remember to not care if other people think you're weird. If you want to scream "TRASH CAN" in the middle of a crowded mall and run towards it, do it! Just try not to be obnoxious.


Don't use the word "random" when you really mean "spontaneous," "unusual," etc.


Remember: the definition of random is unplanned for. Don't try to be random, just do it.


Feel free to break out in song and dance anytime.


Instead of saying something random, sing it and make up a little dance to go along with it. For example: Instead of saying, "Prune juice makes my bowels loose," sing it and dance along. Name the dance the Prune Juice dance or loose bowel dance...whatever.


Find your "inner random." Don't use other people's randomness! It will make you seem like a copy-cat and will ruin your chance at being random.




Please remember that RANDOM =/= FUNNY.


Doing this will make you seem really stupid to people who matter to you.


Remember that trying to be random defeats the entire purpose of being random, since all you are doing is looking for acceptance from actually random people, so don't try too hard, or you will fail.


Don't laugh at your own randomness; it just makes you look like an attention seeker.


Don't be too loud for too long. One loud saying is alright but too much will make everyone angry.


Don't be random all the time, especially if someone is trying to tell you something important. If you don't know how to answer that question, for example, don't change the subject back to you and your randomness. That makes you seem conceited and a horrible friend.


Never cut off an important conversation no matter what you'd rather do or how random it would be. It's rude, and you'll hurt someone's feelings.


Always run your jokes by your friends if you are thinking of going national; you could get extremely embarrassed.


Do NOT say, "I like pie." It's unoriginal.


Phrases that involve cheese, banana pie, monkeys, ice cream/frozen yogurt, sugar, mole rats, llamas, beavers, ninjas, nerds/geeks/dweebs, bathroom humor, Hannah Montana, girly girls, valley girls, and the like are 'completely overdone, especially bananas and monkeys.


Don't be random all the time. Randomness every once in a while can make people chuckle, but there is a limit to being random, and if you break that limit, people will think that you're crazy rather than funny and random.


While this can be a fun thing to try among friends, use it sparingly around adults and strangers. It will seem disrespectful.


Don't try to be random in front of a truly random person. The aforesaid will only laugh at you and be rude to you.


Don't try to be random; just let it come to you. If you don't, you will be considered "wandom."


People will get annoyed with you--either use this "talent" sparingly or make it your lifestyle. There is no in between.


Do not use "random" words in the presence of a random person, as such person will scold you thoroughly.


If a particular random saying or action didn't pull off very well, don't laugh and don't try it again. The point is to get people to believe you're just bizarre and crazy, not a desperate attention hog.


You don't have to change your personality to be random. People may see you as being strange if you follow these steps, as many people don't go to these extremes to be random.


Remember: there is no true way to be random; you are or you aren't. It's kind of like a sixth sense, you're either born with it or you're just like every other normal person on the entire planet which is not fun at all!


Don't do un-random things that your un-random friends think are funny (because they're not).


You could actually be random by not being random at all!


Don't use the same random saying or action more than once; it gets extremely boring and annoying to your close friends.


You don't have to be random all the time; maybe just for an hour or two around your friends.




On that note... I like pie; Mokeys; lol!



Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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