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Ehn, there's not much offence. EA has lost its objectives in making quality games, in favour of corperatized money-mongering.


(Don't be dumb, EA has made quality games. It's just been a long time since they made them on a regular and consistent basis.)

This is a nice metric server. No imperial dimensions, please.

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Here's the funny thing. In my normal speaking voice, I can NOT do a New York accent. But a LOT of my voices have near flawless New York accents. I mean, what the hell?


At least your normal speaking voice isn't a Boston accent for some reason...or the Bronx, or British like that guy said one time.


Also, doing different voices is a different thought process than normal speaking. For example, this weird voice i can do (i can't describe it; weird works.) I can do 3 convincing accents in it. however, in my normal voice, i can only do one of them. Your brain's a dick like that.

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Ehn, there's not much offence. EA has lost its objectives in making quality games, in favour of corperatized money-mongering.


(Don't be dumb, EA has made quality games. It's just been a long time since they made them on a regular and consistent basis.)

I agree. EA has made some of my favourite games, including the early Need For Speed games and they also published Syndicate last year which was a good game despite receiving a terrible PC port. It wasn't awesome but it was pretty fun in multiplayer at least.


That being said, they have made some rather dumbfounding decisions recently...


And I think EA's main problem is that they try to co-develop games they should just stick to publishing. The thing that ultimately ruined Ultima 9 was EA's meddling because they feared the game wouldn't sell if it didn't have this and this, not to mention it was being rushed as hell. Same happened to Mass Effect 3 I believe. The ending being changed to what we ended up getting was probably largely due to EA stepping out of their publisher role and trying to meddle with development which just causes more chaos than good.


The same happens to a lot of big budget movies that end up being terrible because the studio publishing the movie meddles with the director's original vision and turns it into a clusterfuck.

Game developments at http://nukedprotons.blogspot.com

Check out my music at http://technomancer.bandcamp.com

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Holy segue guys. C'mon, let's talk about me some more :)


But honestly, I absolutely love playing Battlefield 3. EA did a good job with DICE on that one.

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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(Don't be dumb, EA has made quality games. It's just been a long time since they made them on a regular and consistent basis.)


Incoming mini-rant


Never said that, I was talking about Bioware and how they've gone from 'amazing' because of joining with them. When was the last really good game by Bioware? I'd argue Mass Effect 2, and yeah that game was released during their whole partnership with EA, but it was also released at the VERY beginning of it, too. But you can go even further back to Dragon Age: Origins or just Mass Effect by itself. But, in my opinion, Dragon Age: Origins and Mass Effect 2 were the last games truly created by BIOWARE, and not rushed out or really even touched by EA. Since then, that's been the whole thing with them. Rushing or changing things to fit what they want. Which is why Dragon Age II and Mass Effect 3 are good (okay) games, but sorely lacking when compared to the last ones.



TLDR; Not so much talking about EA, just annoyed Bioware sold out and are suffering creatively because of it.


Even more TLDR;




"There are no good reasons. Only legal ones."


VALVE: "Sometimes bugs take more than eighteen years to fix."

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The same happens to a lot of big budget movies that end up being terrible because the studio publishing the movie meddles with the director's original vision and turns it into a clusterfuck.


*Cough* Spider-Man 3 *Cough*


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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There are few things I hate more that EA. they take very good games and fuck them (ultima 8,9) the way they market and advertise is holding the gaming world from the respect we deserve. I point at EA and yell "This is why we can't have nice things!"

non-euclidean fuck machine

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Going to Bible School makes your emotions actually function.


So no one can really call me a stoic user anymore- introspection as well as prayer for friends and family makes me open up the water works more than once a week.

This is a nice metric server. No imperial dimensions, please.

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Going to Bible School makes your emotions actually function.


So no one can really call me a stoic user anymore- introspection as well as prayer for friends and family makes me open up the water works more than once a week.

Yeah, religion is a powerful catalyst for emotions, hence why it's popular in music, books and movies.

Game developments at http://nukedprotons.blogspot.com

Check out my music at http://technomancer.bandcamp.com

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This is a nice metric server. No imperial dimensions, please.

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