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Serious, why is it I keep seeing people get so offended by comparing bronies to furries. It's not like they're saying we ARE. But we make our own characters, we draw the art, write/read stories, gather in communities and generally have it in our daily life (even if it's just seeing a picture of it when bored) We also both have equal parts R34, even if the purists refuse to believe that.


In fact, I'd say the only difference between the 2 communities(that I can see anyways) is that one deals with ponies, the other with animals as a whole. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of differences, just more similarities than people claim exist.



Also, I am a furry so I'm not helping felix's case. :P

Retired Forum Moderator

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We often get lumped in with them, and it's one of the hardest stereotypes to shake.


We are similar in that we are both fans of brightly colored fluffy animals and often roam the internet looking for others like ourselves.


We are NOT like them in that the only thing we have in common is a sexual fetish.


I can see where people get the two confused, but it's like comparing S&M couples to Masochists. Wait, that's a bad example: it's like comparing auto-erotic asphyxiators to people who just want to hang themselves. Wait no: it's like comparing Hentai readers to Manga readers.



@Alyxx: But yes, there is lot of crossover. It definitely made Bronycon a little bit more awkward for me when I saw a guy in a fox costume walking around.



"Anything I can do to help?"

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Actually Felix, totally. Not all bronies fit the 'furry' criteria, obviously, as some are just fans of the show. But people who regular furry sites like e621 and the lot? Ponies have settled in nicely with those communities.



"There are no good reasons. Only legal ones."


VALVE: "Sometimes bugs take more than eighteen years to fix."

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qwelo jwee, ufs gopod isda treery vuit yuiyyj, un tweanouty U du'p yhij utz quijf reardy owd vera nis. bu6 rt woild b pletyt gool yo be swabl tp do teh ebil flindas.


Anyways, I don't want to be around when this shrimp goes bad.

Retired Forum Moderator

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