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I went to a college party once (and only once) and didn't like any one I met there because they were all the partying type. I had a single beer under extenuating circumstances.


Except there was one girl who had a Mario mushroom necklace and minor gaming knowledge. We played beer pong together (she drank, I didn't). Only saw her a few more times when she came back form parties with my roommates. Bought her/the group pizza once. I do have her number and am facebook friends with her, but she's in a relationship. With a girl.


College, man...



"Anything I can do to help?"

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I dont like bars. I even deviated from my straight edge lifestyle and stated back drinking in bars but its getting me no where. I have been at this for 3 years and its gotten me no where.

Begone the fools that lead me I need not to know accept reclining spirit I need to endure You try to live a lifetime each and every day In this short time of promise you're a memory

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This is Mara Wilson










The child star that you assumed never grew up.



Edited by Guest (see edit history)

"Am I a hero? Eh, I don't know... I don't think it's heroic if the only person you're saving is yourself."

- Gordon Freeman

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Begone the fools that lead me I need not to know accept reclining spirit I need to endure You try to live a lifetime each and every day In this short time of promise you're a memory

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Don't give up dude. Just don't let it be such a priority, especially at 23. You're free, so use it. Try not to be so straight-edge. Go to parties, go to clubs, make some friends. The more friends you have, the more potential girls you have through those friends. Be social and let loose. Life's not about following every rule and temperance and making yourself miserable so you can have a more peaceful life later. Life is about having fun. You've only got about 15 more years before you start getting too old for doing stupid shit. Surf some trains, jump off some cliffs, follow a Spring Break convoy down to Miami, Go to Bronycon. Don't put it to waste, because by that time way off in the future that you're living so tempered for, you'll be too old to want or enjoy that adrenaline rush or that happy-go-lucky fun-loving attitude or that night on the town. You'll be like my parents, still working like hell cuz the economy screwed them and going out every once in a while to have a beer with a few close friends and share a few laughs. Every once in a while, my dad goes fishing, but my mom just talks to friends and plays cards with her in-laws. Seriously dude, have some fun and loosen up. Girls don't like a guy who walks through life stiff as a board. Free yourself and be more positive and believe me, your world will turn around.

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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Ross Scott:






Alyxx Thorne:





"Am I a hero? Eh, I don't know... I don't think it's heroic if the only person you're saving is yourself."

- Gordon Freeman

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If Ross Scott looked like Gordon Freeman, then you must've looked like Jamil Mullen.

"Am I a hero? Eh, I don't know... I don't think it's heroic if the only person you're saving is yourself."

- Gordon Freeman

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The door code is 111231222122212342413532514243153534111.


Watch out for the Karkian though.

I don't like writer's block, I prefer to call it writer's parry.

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Yes you will, i'm the case worker, and i can confirm this.


See how the yellow dolphin jumps over the stool? I would give it all for a piece of tuition tree!

Do you feel blame? Are you mad? Uh, do you feel like wolf kabob Roth vantage? Gefrannis booj pooch boo jujube; bear-ramage. Jigiji geeji geeja geeble Google. Begep flagaggle vaggle veditch-waggle bagga?

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I will NOT move out of the way!


Here, take this candybar.

I don't like writer's block, I prefer to call it writer's parry.

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bar candy

Do you feel blame? Are you mad? Uh, do you feel like wolf kabob Roth vantage? Gefrannis booj pooch boo jujube; bear-ramage. Jigiji geeji geeja geeble Google. Begep flagaggle vaggle veditch-waggle bagga?

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Don't give up dude. Just don't let it be such a priority, especially at 23. You're free, so use it. Try not to be so straight-edge. Go to parties, go to clubs, make some friends. The more friends you have, the more potential girls you have through those friends. Be social and let loose. Life's not about following every rule and temperance and making yourself miserable so you can have a more peaceful life later. Life is about having fun. You've only got about 15 more years before you start getting too old for doing stupid shit. Surf some trains, jump off some cliffs, follow a Spring Break convoy down to Miami, Go to Bronycon. Don't put it to waste, because by that time way off in the future that you're living so tempered for, you'll be too old to want or enjoy that adrenaline rush or that happy-go-lucky fun-loving attitude or that night on the town. You'll be like my parents, still working like hell cuz the economy screwed them and going out every once in a while to have a beer with a few close friends and share a few laughs. Every once in a while, my dad goes fishing, but my mom just talks to friends and plays cards with her in-laws. Seriously dude, have some fun and loosen up. Girls don't like a guy who walks through life stiff as a board. Free yourself and be more positive and believe me, your world will turn around.

Thanks but I shouldn't have to change myself to fit in though and I really dont need a woman that cant accept who I am and expects me to change.

Begone the fools that lead me I need not to know accept reclining spirit I need to endure You try to live a lifetime each and every day In this short time of promise you're a memory

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