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Proper Prior Planning Prevents Pitifully Poor Performance.

He just kept talking and talking in one long incredibly unbroken sentence moving from topic to topic so that no one had a chance to interrupt it was really quite hypnotic...

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I guess I'll have to go get checked then.

Maximum fuck about to be given in 3... 2... 1...

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Yes, in fact he does look like a bitch.

Maximum fuck about to be given in 3... 2... 1...

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It's from doctor who, though I can't quite remember which scene. that guy in the back is the character Jack Harkness.

Retired Forum Moderator

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It's from doctor who, though I can't quite remember which scene. that guy in the back is the character Jack Harkness.

No it's from the spinoff show torchwood, and that is what happens when a dead guy gets drunk.

non-euclidean fuck machine

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It's from doctor who, though I can't quite remember which scene. that guy in the back is the character Jack Harkness.

No it's from the spinoff show torchwood, and that is what happens when a dead guy gets drunk.

same difference. it's all the same universe.

Retired Forum Moderator

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Well, see, this is where you fucked up. you're in a grand style court room, that i built specifically to say "i will throw the book at you if you don't come up with something creative" and by "book", i mean an Atlas, and by "Atlas" i mean the UN's table map they use to strategize stuff. your move, horse.


you can tell i'm serious when i use a run-on sentence.

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Well, see, this is where you fucked up. you're in a grand style court room, that i built specifically to say "i will throw the book at you if you don't come up with something creative" and by "book", i mean an Atlas, and by "Atlas" i mean the UN's table map they use to strategize stuff. your move, horse.


you can tell i'm serious when i use a run-on sentence.


Retired Forum Moderator

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Well, see, this is where you fucked up. you're in a grand style court room, that i built specifically to say "i will throw the book at you if you don't come up with something creative" and by "book", i mean an Atlas, and by "Atlas" i mean the UN's table map they use to strategize stuff. your move, horse.


you can tell i'm serious when i use a run-on sentence.



Well, that's a good point, but have you ever considered





Do you feel blame? Are you mad? Uh, do you feel like wolf kabob Roth vantage? Gefrannis booj pooch boo jujube; bear-ramage. Jigiji geeji geeja geeble Google. Begep flagaggle vaggle veditch-waggle bagga?

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