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Freeman's Mind 2: Episode 7

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anonymous: fair enough, my priorities are food and rent. Without that I can't make more episodes anyway.

andrew: I'd appreciate it if you aren't condescending, but I'll reply anyway. Leet World doesn't have to animate their characters the way I do. Some of the episodes I've worked on have totalled hundreds of hours to do because of that. The animation should be getting easier in the future, but right now I'm working about 10 - 12 hour days on this tutorial. Also I have 2 unfinished episodes of CP, which have soaked up a bunch of time, but I haven't released because they're unfinished. Once I get done with this tutorial things should start coming out faster.

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Hey Ross, can you make a short trailer to CP? Ten seconds, nothing long.

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well, it's not CP, but then agian I started coming here when the first freeman's mind came out, so I guess I can wait a little longer. Very funny and I would like to buy this tutorial program whenever it becomes avalible.

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* I mean trailer to new episode of CP.

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bursoft: None of it's filmed yet, 90 - 95% of all the work for the episodes is pre-production. Once everything's ready to be filmed, it only takes about a day or two to make the episode anyway.

karanjhala guy: I think the guys at Noesis are having a problem compressing the high quality copy. I'm not sure what the holdup is, but they're the ones who have the final copy of it. I'm sure it will be on the DVD at least.

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Great Work!

In the credits
(yes I read credits)
I saw "Concerned Customer"
but his model is the same as Frohman on www.hlcomic.com and the comic is also called "Concerned"

wuz at dere cause you wanteds it thar? or is its just coinsidink?

Add me on steam!

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really nice one! unfortunately it satisfies my hunger for CP only a tad. but, i appreciate the work and there are some really funny moments. thank you, sir!

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I felt this was sort of lacking potential however it was kind of funny and somebody said anyone can do freemans mind that may be true but i would like to see any one of you come up with such great dialogue ross you're doing a good job and the only thing i think anyone is really upset about is they have no idea what is coming up next because you never post what you,re doing I think everyone would hold back such harsh criticism if you just posted a little more often and explained what you're doing. Thanks for listening.

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Just a thought but if your needing Soundtrack idea's you could do worse than to check out some of Nine Inch Nails latest Instrumental work. (nin.com) It's distributed Freely under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike license. So it's perfectly legal to use for a soundtrack.

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Nice job on this video, but please don't distract yourself from your jewel series: CP and FM. I've been checking almost everyother day for an update since ep. 3 came out for freeman's mind. Keep up the good work.

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Nice job on Galaxy Gulp.
For me, the "epic" fight scene and Yoda's appearence was hilarious.

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Most of it was very good, although the skeleton's corny jokes kind of ruined it.

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gamewinners: I didn't make the credits, that was Noesis, including some of the names they added.

mike & dave fan: after I done with this, I swear I'm going to focus on making more CP episodes

anonymous dude 1: This tutorial stuff has been going on for months, I plan to make a big effort towards getting more content out and more updates once it's done

anonymous dude 2: I almost used "Pilgrimage" by NIN (my favorite song by them) in Episode 2 when the Strider appeared actually. I probably will use it in another episode eventually.

anonymous dude 3: Unfortunately this will distract me from CP and FM, but once it's done I really want to get back to both of those.

other anonymous dude: I promise future material won't be as corny, that aspect was kind of an experiment

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Dude! Its been nearly a month. we need some CP!

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Ross I just want to say you have lost me as a fan.You haven't produced anything good anymore.I done visiting your site and watching Civil Protection and Freeminds which anyone could of done I mean seriously you could assigned 1 person to record & write diolog for it while you produce your CP episodes

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Whats the ETA on CP or Freemans? DOnt mean to be pushy.

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Hey! nolonger a guy or whatever your name is! Mr. Ross is under no obligation to do whatever his fans want! Remember that he's basically doing this for fun, on his own time, with little to no pay. Show him a little respect for creating CP and FM in the first place!

Moreover, random criticism like yours certainly won't help his work. Go ahead and stop being a fan if you want to, but put your head to good use and keep your comments to yourself!

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Dude wtf why you making fun of him?I thought ross was keeping comments like your off this thing.I mean come on think about it this show is funny but like it loses its appeal when the production takes a really long time.So why don't you keep your comments to your self.I mean he is sorta right.Me and my friend thought anyone could do freemans mind considering how long it took (Expected like a Source Engine Machinima like CP) but when it was just a fps type demo well.I have HLSource and Xfire and windows movie maker I could make that right now if I wanted.I am just saying its understandable when people lose interest in something like this when he spends time doing stuff.I know he isn't obligated to do anything but at least he should consider some form of media he can release.Like team up with someone who can release something else while he does his shows and stuff.like to keep people into tha show.also maybe he should think of Ross Scott Productions or something instead of one CP site for one show but thats just my thoughts

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