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Tries to be like Fallout, but with survival mechanics.

Has great atmosphere/map design. But it's very hard to follow with its story, is very unforgiving with its survival elements, and combat can be rough.


Good game, if you can work with its issues.

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The survival meter's are just garbage like you have to smoke 5 joints every ten minutes or you'll die of stress (and you've just gotta go around picking more herbs which is inevitably gonna expose you to more factors that induce stress) and the combat just never felt very satisfying. But really what stopped me was this one mission where you need to follow a beeping noise to place a scanner or something and I could never find where to put this last one after having spent maybe 3 hours in total trying to figure it out. May be a bug, maybe not. Not interested in finding out. 

Edited by Darth Jesus (see edit history)

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