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Death Trash

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The preview image is not displayed correctly for me. Mozilla, Linux.

Regarding the game - I played the demo and it definitely had some of the Fallout charm, but real-time combat. The story has some edge to it and the world is intriguing. Looking forward to the release.

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Same problem on Chrome, Windows. The picture is not loading.

About the game, I got as a gift for my bday. It's amazing. The dev it's super friendly and updates/fixes the game almost every day. It can be difficult as in ammo scarcity/always looking for more items, but once you get the hang of it and began making some quests, it's fair. Very good, recommended.

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Yeah the image doesn't display once I click on it from the list.


Has a lot of promise but still isn't done after all these years. When I got it, took me maybe 5-6 hours to paly what was there and I scrape every inch of maps trying to see and find everything and sit around admiring scenery a lot. And from what I've been told on the forums, not much else ahs been added and they've mostly just been overhauling gameplay and I thought that it was perfectly fine. It was hard, but I have quicksaves and it was early in the game. Hope they get it together. 

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