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Freeman's Mind 2: Episode 6

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Looks like you're getting some well deserved fame around the net!
Thanks for the status update. Good to know that you haven't given up on CP.

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Oh, I knew about Machinima.com wanting a film from you, but not the Tutorial Guide. Good news, Ross.

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Thats pretty cool, being choosen to make a tutorial for that, keep up the good work!

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Alright, thanks for the update, was getting a little worried there.

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Thats pretty cool that your getting asked to do other work as a result from civil protection. as for wanting help, i would love to volunteer but i already have so much work to do for college.

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"You do NOT need to already know how to use Face Poser for this position; I have made a tutorial that teaches how to do this"

Could you put the tutorial here.SO I can see if I know enough of Face Poser yo be of use to you.

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hey ross,

when youve done this super long episode of civil protection.. can you make a few more freemans mind episodes.. they truly kick serious ass.


PS: GT = Robster1234 [add me]

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hey ross, u know doom 3 rite? is it posibl to make a series of doom 3, for exampla the xbox live one........ i have the limited colecter edition for xbox and its a tite game!!!!! P.S. ALL OTHER COMMENTS AFTER THIS ONE,,, IF UR A DOOM 3 FAN SAY "H E L L Y A H !"

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fremans mind does KCK ASS!!!!!!!!!!

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anonymous guy: It would probably lead to people emailing more questions if I were to put it up

karanjhala guy: I don't think Doom 3 has good animation tools. I'm sure you can find better places to talk about your xbox version than here. Why are so many of your words misspelled? It almost looks deliberate.

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idk really, i mispel cuz i dont relly like typing very much... it does build finger strength though

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hey MIKE! Nice to see you got contacted for doing a video tutorial, I'm sure it'll be a blast! keep up the great work and say hi to DAVE aswell

all the best mate!

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I really like the Civil Protection! Keep 'em coming! You rock man! Awesome job!

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