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What do you guys think of 4chan?

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Just curious. Ross has a pretty decent following on /r9k/, /pol/, and /v/.

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I mostly just browse /v/, /g/, /k/


and /wg/. I've heard good stuff about /po/, /vr/, /ck/, /tg/ and /out/, and have been meaning to check them out. I mostly avoid the other boards though.

How old are you?


As old as the Old Order, a time when Nabudis stood well and strong in lands of Jagd.

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i used to frequent /lgbt/, /x/, and /mu/, don't anymore because i actually kind of hate that website.

the name's riley

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Novelty wears off after a while, but the Big Guy always rises.

"Fleet Intelligence Coming Online"

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Well, they're not "smart people pretending to be stupid" or 100% reactionaries. They're just people. And people come in all shapes and sizes.


I haven't ever taken part in any board though. Just lurked. Well once I asked for a cartoon but I didn't stick around to see their replies.

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After hearing a lot about 4chan, things they do, things they don't.


Realistically I think they're just people doing things people don't normally do, or just post porn.


But I like to think of them as basically a poor mans Illuminati. They form their own society (Kekistan) can create new trends, (milk is racism, end Fathers Day, Hitler did nothing wrong...etc). Oddly enough their idols and anthem are all related to kek and pepe and fit the description of 4chan accurately, kind of like their an ancient Egyptian, anarchist, prophecy.

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But I like to think of them as basically a poor mans Illuminati. They form their own society (Kekistan) can create new trends, (milk is racism, end Fathers Day, Hitler did nothing wrong...etc). Oddly enough their idols and anthem are all related to kek and pepe and fit the description of 4chan accurately, kind of like their an ancient Egyptian, anarchist, prophecy.


Yeah, only 12 year old turbo autists and 4chan derivatives (like r/4chan) take shit like "kekistan" seriously. Most of the content on there these is days is discussions, varying forms of creative expression, and inside jokes. There is really nothing mythical about it.

"Fleet Intelligence Coming Online"

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Yeah, only 12 year old turbo autists and 4chan derivatives (like r/4chan) take shit like :?: "kekistan" seriously. Most of the content on there these is days is discussions, varying forms of creative expression, and inside jokes. There is really nothing mythical about it.


Well it's funny to think of them like that.

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Outdid BTG in the crazy conspiracy theory-ness, and in a single post too? That's an academy record. Explain your methods newbie.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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12 minutes ago, slow-boil said:

Reading to understand how the world works led me to 4chan, and 4chan made me the man I am today. 


Is it still a...

...when it fits the facts better than any other theory? My thesis is that the Cabal is real (that there is a handful of very rich individuals who own the controlling shares of most major companies and who guard their privacy using trusts, because they are smart and want to avoid a repeat of the French Revolution), and furthermore that they focus their attention on winning internal power struggles to maintain their place at the top of the power structure. As a result, all publicly-known leaders are selected by the Cabal (i.e. when a rich person chooses a board of directors to choose a CEO, or when a rich person chooses a foundation to fund a presidential campaign), and these publicly-known leaders actual job is to help their Cabal sponsor (i.e. when a CEO leads a company to attack the market owned by a different rich person's company, or when a president leads a military to attack the land owned by a different rich person's president). This Cabal finished consolidating their power over corporations ~50 years ago, but they can't openly remove the proles' human rights all at once or else people would revolt. So, the Cabal has been slow-boiling the plebs: zero real wage growth, increasing competition, and obliteration of every single organization (family, religion, local government, small business, etc.) that is not controlled by the Cabal. Already culture (folk songs, local gatherings, etc.) have been wholly replaced by culture which is owned outright by the Cabal (popular songs, media events, etc.). Already people's genes are put in databases (23andme is one example), and in a generation or two genes will become something that people have to buy from the Cabal with money instead of something that people inherit from their parents. Already I carry a cell phone with microphone and video camera on my person at all times, and do 90% of my work and recreation through computer systems, to which not only the data is tracked by Cabal companies for marketing purposes, but the Snowden leaks showed that the Cabal-controlled governments have backdoors and routinely spy on each other's citizens. This trend does NOT look good for the average person. For myself, though, my job treats me really well and gives me the opportunity to do good work that I could not do anywhere else, so even though more money would make my life better I really have nothing to complain about. The number one rule of prospering in the brave new world (and in real life) is to not go around provoking powerful enemies. I am here to praise the glory of G-d's great Creation, not to question the balance of it.


So, if you're wondering why old videogames have better gameplay than new videogames, it's perfectly valid to blame "The Illuminati". Making good games requires an individual mind, or a small team of individual minds, to pour their heart and soul into something in an original way. This (individuality, originality) is a threat to Cabal power structures, and doesn't help push Cabal-approved narratives, so it's discouraged at the large game companies which the Cabal owns. Cabal owned companies are all about "values" and coming together in a big happy family where everyone is equal and the hierarchy is entirely hidden and replaced with encouraging people to conform to the "values", which results in bland and overpriced games. Indie companies are all about "mission" and coming together in a small desperate hierarchy where nobody is equal and the hierarchy is honestly communicated based on someone's value to the "mission", which results in innovative games of excellent quality.


I went back and read my wall of text, and it must sound fully insane to someone who isn't me. So since I'm often busy trying to forget about all my responsibilities and the crushing weight of this terrible burden of knowledge I carry, ask me about any single part or factoid of my unique worldview, and I'll try to back it up with publicly known information.


I could go on, but I'll stop there.

The reason why it sounds totally insane is because it is. When you get out of the /pol/ rabbit hole you kind of come to your senses and realize something about the line of thinking /pol/ puts you in. It's honestly astounding how close /pol/ comes to the point and yet how often they completely miss it just by manner of their psychotic conspiratorial thinking. They paint part of the picture correctly, enough for it to make sense, and then it fills the rest in with complete nonsense.


Think of Marxism for example, I AM a Marxist so this doesn't really apply to me but it may be able to put things in perspective. When you figure out basic tenets of Marxism you start to feel like a fucking genius. Imagine how someone feels when they pick up Capital for the first time and figure out that value is the sum of labor plus the means of production and that profit is theft. Now imagine how that same person looks to everybody else a few months later when they come preaching about Posadism a few months later and how Trotsky was right and that the aliens will save us by starting a nuclear war and the working class can create a communist paradise from the ashes of society. That's how /pol/ looks to everybody else. You start with the relatively sane assertion that our lives and media are being controlled by wealthy capitalist elites, and end with the fucking insane conclusion that it's being used to push a Jewish agenda in our movies and music and video games that promote "cuckolding" and "multiculturalism" and "transgender ideology" and whatever else.


I don't see how a group of anti-war, anti-police, anti-state political figures are pushing an agenda that's beneficial to the fucking military industrial complex, your line of thinking got mixed up somewhere.

the name's riley

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I don't usually engage shit like this head-on but I suppose this is a rare instance where I have the time and energy.

4 minutes ago, slow-boil said:

Pretty sure "value" is how much benefit something gives to the consumer, not how much labor went into making it.

For example, a modern computer made by robots without human labor is more valuable than a UNIVAC with each vacuum tube lovingly soldered by hand.

A second example, when I play Starcraft I might make 100 clicks per minute, but lose the game to someone who makes 50 clicks per minute. They put in less labor but made more value. 

A third example, when I make cookies but bake them for too long so they burn and are totally destroyed, I put in a bunch of labor and produced nothing. Are burned cookies valuable just because a lot of labor went into them?

"Profit" is when I don't burn the cookies. Sometimes when I don't burn the cookies, I can take cookies I made to a potlatch and trade them with my friends for good foods they made. But one time I made a lasagna with hot dogs instead of ground beef, despite all the work I put in the end product was not valuable, meaning that it grossed out my friends and they didn't invite me to the next potlatch. If the labor theory of value was correct, then my friends would have loved my hotdog lasagna.

It's a very simple, base-level explanation of one basic concept in socialist thought, you're missing the point by overanalyzing it. The point is that it's a very basic economic concept but it opens up such a wide variety of thought that you could easily use it to come to even some pretty insane conclusions.


On the topic of value: It's easy to assume that supply and demand are the sole determiners of value, but take a closer look at the counter-examples you gave. Sure, a modern computer built by modern machinery removes the cost of labor but it also makes the product much cheaper, at least, much cheaper than it theoretically would cost if you could find a worker capable and willing of BUILDING a brand new Windows 10 machine literally from scratch. A Starcraft game is a bit of an out-there example that's a bit hard to compare to an economic scenario, but you COULD argue that while 50 CPM is less physical labor, a victory with 50 CPM requires more mental labor in the form of deeper strategic thought in making every click count. Similarly, careful thinking and acting is part of high quality labor so a burnt batch of cookies indicates that whoever's making them is lacking in their effort compared to someone making a flawless batch. Just watch that Youtube video on differently skilled bakers making cookies. The amount of time and effort that goes in to each level of cookie is dramatically different. In the context of capitalism, if you're buying from a bakery, the product is likely at a set price anyway so whether or not you're willing to buy a cookie priced at $2.99 is pretty much solely determined by how much effort went in to baking that cookie, in addition to the base components.


A very basic economic concept is bound to be met with very simple criticisms, but when you think more deeply about the contexts in which those economic concepts are applied it starts to demand a more thoughtful approach.

24 minutes ago, slow-boil said:

The thing about /pol/ is that 90% of it is spam. It's a dumping ground where competing propaganda teams just spray their message everywhere. Some propaganda teams want to radicalize people, some want to turn people for or against different states, some want to demoralize, and some just want to make the board look creepy and insane. The anonymity of /pol/ means that propagandists can launder their message through the board to pretend it is organic. For example, there are regularly posted "flat earth" threads which are there just to make the board look idiotic. There are regularly posted threads about "going to prison" and "militias" which are there to radicalize people into joining some honeypot. Et cetera. The people doing the spam-posting are quite a few levels below the Cabal in the power structure, and don't have the mental creativity or the intestinal fortitude to stay long enough to figure out what is going on. /pol/ provides an archive of a never-ending stream of garbage with disturbing ideas mixed in. Shutting it down would Streisand Effect the ideas into mainstream awareness, so the approach taken is to bury the disturbing ideas under lies and obvious falsehoods. I don't disagree that /pol/ looks insane to people who haven't been there long enough to simply not see the 90% of threads that are unoriginal, much in the same way that you simply don't see banner ads. It's spam; my subconscious know it's spam; so I don't even see it and don't click on it. What's left is terrifying conspiracy theories that explain otherwise inexplicable events in my own life.

Some short answers:

Trotsky was wrong about Communism, but I bear no ill will toward a guy who believed that hard and got killed by Stalin for it.

Aliens might be out there, but I haven't seen any credible evidence for it. All the alien stories I've run across are schizophrenia mixed with cover stories for secret aerospace programs. Personally, thinking about G-d worries me on a daily basis, while thinking about aliens doesn't bother me.

Rich people building luxury bunkers is a thing. The day-to-day purpose is privacy from drones, but apocalypse safety is a bonus. Long-term, the Cabal seems to want to slow population growth and stabilize at ~12 billion people living on renewable energy resources doled out by the global State which the Cabal controls. An apocalypse would slow population growth quickly, but would hurt the economy and would make the proles want a change in government; thus, an apocalypse has not been caused. The plan is a slow transition into "paradise".

But yes, sometimes /x/ leaks stories about skinwalker aliens. Doesn't mean they're mainstream /pol/.

Sure. I'm familiar with the nature of 4chan, the boards aren't all that dissimilar in how they handle near total anonymity. Go on /v/, /mu/, or /a/ and you'll find a million threads that are just shit opinions from NEETs who know they have shit opinions but are so starved for attention they feel compelled to put them out there, /lgbt/ is a total shitshow, nobody there has any self-respect or respect for others, and like 30% of the people who post there are transphobes coming in from other boards trying to bait the regulars with shit like "join the 40%" and "nice mental illness" and such. The thing is, once you've exposed yourself to enough of the bullshit it's not that hard to tell what's worth replying to and what's worth ignoring. It's not a matter of the spam content on /pol/ being nonsense because of course it is, it's a matter of the genuine content that regulars take seriously being nonsense as well.


There's not some secret knowledge locked away behind mountains of spam and archives that you need to dig through to get answers. The U.S. wears its bullshit proudly on its sleeve, and hardly makes an effort to cover it up or make excuses for it. When you start to get a feel for how you're getting fucked over and who you're getting fucked over by, it's not that hard to see where a lot of the folks on /pol/ come in to their own frame of mind, the thing is though, their anger and bitterness always seems to be grossly misguided and misdirected. Everyone has skeletons in their closet, but /pol/ seems to wallow in them and act like normies wouldn't understand when really, normies just see /pol/ as some sort of sad collection of failed individuals. Take this for example:

58 minutes ago, slow-boil said:

"Cuckolding" propaganda helps the lack of children go down easier. "Multiculturalism" propaganda helps the importation of workers and outsourcing of jobs to keep real wages flat despite increasing productivity go down easier. "Transgender ideology" helps the destruction of marriage and the family go down easier.

How do you think you appear to an ordinary person who has gotten over cheating and remarried, or someone in an open relationship, when you talk about cuckolding? How do you think you appear to a black or asian person when you talk about multiculturalism? How do you think you appear to trans people when you talk about transgender ideology? How do you think you appear to your average non-religious person or, really, your average Christian, when you talk about "G-d"? There is shit wrong with society, and honestly it isn't even insane to say we're headed in to some really scary territory which we may never be able to leave or recover from as long as we live. There's just a lot of thinking about it to do, but I think /pol/ does the wrong kind of thinking, the kind of thinking that leads them to believe that ordinary people that frankly have more in common with them than the "cabal" are the enemy. And I'll be willing to admit, there's probably a lot about /pol/ that I'm missing or misunderstanding, I got out of that rabbit hole when I started making the wrong kind of friends, that is to say, I didn't stay long, but I certainly wouldn't consider myself ignorant.


1 hour ago, slow-boil said:

SO I'M NOT INSANE! GOOD! wait a minute, "relatively" sane. huh. either I'm crazy or I'm controlled by a Cabal that no-one else can see. neither one of these scenarios looks good.

I assume you know this just as well as anyone else, but "control" isn't a literal term. Nobody can control you, you have a say in the news and media and products you consume, but they DO have a say in whether or not you can take part in capitalist society (hint: you have to) and whether or not you can get away with being circumstantially financially unlucky (hint: you can't.)

1 hour ago, slow-boil said:

For example, a few years ago a notorious banker family bought a 51% stake in the National Geographic Magazine, and not long after that they had special issues on "Gender" as well as other topics with the intent of pushing transgender ideology. A few people have recommended I watch Eddie Izzard (transgender ideology) and John Stewart (multiculturalism). There's also Bill Nye the Science Guy's "Bill Nye S*x Junk" video on YouTube (cuckolding ideology). I've received on-the-job training on multiculturalism and gender policies. Not due to anything I did, just normal HR trainings for everyone. And to be clear, I love everyone and say all this as necessary context for discussing videogames.


Deus Ex was right about everything.


I hope that "Cyberpunk 2077" will be Deus Ex tier, but I am not optimistic. My theory suggests that it would be impossible for a major game studio today to make a game as good and conspiratorial as Deus Ex, and "Cyberpunk" will follow the example of the later Deus Ex games, of focusing on a few "pros and cons of this issue" soundbite-level points and shiny graphics instead of on a deep plot.

You can argue that NatGeo, Eddie Izzard, Jon Stewart, and Bill Nye are all spreading propaganda, but I could just as well say you're writing them off. As far as I can tell Eddie Izzard is just a comedian/actor and Jon Stewart is just a milquetoast liberal who used to do basic political commentary. As far as NatGeo goes, is it really that hard to imagine that something interesting or meaningful was written about gender and transgender people? Is it really that much of a stretch to say that Bill Nye was talking about something true, simplified so pre-teens could understand it? I don't really typically watch or read shit like that, so I can't say that I fully understand what's being said or written, but to me it's not a stretch. Being trans and seeing somebody (like you) saying that transgender ideology or whatever is being pushed by major media companies and celebrity figures is kind of strange and outlandish to me, because it makes me feel like some sort of outsider who finds shit like this to be relatively normal. Not necessarily alienated, just kinda like I understand something that I'd typically think is just common sense, or rather not think about at all.


Not much to comment on Deus Ex. I can't deny a lot of it feels eerily real and is largely based on reality rather than speculation but there's also some more strange commentary going on there that's best taken with a grain of salt.

2 hours ago, slow-boil said:

Labor class outrage has been redirected from upper to middle. The actual capital owners are invisible to normal people. In short, corporations flow money to anti-state, anti-war, and anti-(government)police when it will help break down government controls on corporate (Cabal) profits.

Going by this I have the feeling that you haven't come in to serious, honest contact with many leftists, at least not anyone left of a green or demsoc. There are many petit-bourgeois in socialist movements and as long as they understand what it means to be in their position of wealth, they typically are welcomed as comrades. Every leftist I've met fucking abhors the rich though and would sooner point fingers at a CEO than a congressperson.

the name's riley

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Also, just out of curiosity, what inspired you to join this random near-dead forum and revive an old thread to talk about /pol/? All of this feels pretty intentional.

the name's riley

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On 6/27/2019 at 10:34 PM, slow-boil said:

(uhh...i tell myself that my line will not end with me, but studies show that birthrates for men in my demographic are less than 2 kids per man, i.e. on track to extinction).

When you have to stretch the goalpost to meet the needs of the crazy conspiracy theory, then yes, it is indeed, a crazy conspiracy theory.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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What you've just posted is one of the most insanely, idiotic things I've ever read. At no point in your rambling, incoherent, response, were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this forum is now dumber for having to read it. May God have mercy on your soul.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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1) Wikipedia isn't a reputable source.

2) I'm not doubting or confirming The sperm count claim.

C) You've completely ignored my previous point. You friggin changed the goalpost to match the narrative.

4) There. Is. No. Connection. Between. Witcher 3. And. Your. Sperm. Count.


Yes, there's real life parallels in media and real life (like the stock market crash in The Dark Knight Rises, or Brexit in Watch Dogs Legion). There are no connections to you, me, sperm count in men, your neighbor, your parents, etc. The Illuminati aren't controlling what you consume. There's no society of anthropomorphic frog people living in the sewer, you're just being paranoid. 4Chan is nothing but bored autistic paranoid script kiddies, with nothing better to do with their lives but rot away in their mom's basement.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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Yeah, this isn't going in any sort of good direction. I'm locking this, it's only going to get worse.

Retired Forum Moderator

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