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Xezr, during the times when you were living in temporary quarters, did you still go to work?


I was studying at the time but yep, no reason to stay home and do nothing.


And that's my point. I can sympathize with Ross for this problem, but I can't believe he's unable to do ANY work at all on videos, even if things are so bad that they had to relocate to some temporary accommodation. Or at the very least post an update on his situation every few days.


Thanks to fan donations, Ross is able to work on videos full time. In a sense, this is his job. I don't think there's an employer anywhere in the world that would let you take a paid leave of absence of a month and a half (and counting) from your work, for ANY reason. Even in very worker-friendly countries like France, you get at most a week bereavement leave if a close relative dies. Ross has mold in his flat.


I don't think us fans have a right to expect anything, but IMO there should be some degree of accountability when you're taking money from people.


Actually, there are employers who give people several months of leave of absence. I've personally seen it happen. It might be rare, but it happens, so I'm pretty sure two months isn't unreasonable. Besides, any reasonable employer wouldn't expect their employees to work in the same conditions that Ross is living in. It would make sense for the employer to give their employees time off until the working conditions have been improved to where it's no longer condemnable. I completely understand Ross being gone for this long, and I actually expect to not hear from him for a while. I'd be shocked if I saw Ross working on videos if his situation hasn't improved. I'd be like, "Ross, what are you doing? Breathing is more important right now!" I can understand if he is making videos in the middle of a mold attack if he is financially desperate, and needs to make enough money to get by another month, though.


To ask for a quick tweet or short post about his situation once in a while is reasonable, but it's not unreasonable to not do it, either. He might think there isn't much point to giving updates if it's the same situation, and I think the lack of news says enough. If the situation has become radically different, I'm sure he would actually go out of his way to let us know, unless that situation has made him unable to for some reason. I sincerely doubt he has run off with donations, if that's what you're suggesting.

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When you're an artistic patron, you're not a customer. You are not buying art, you're supporting an artist. I see a debate here about how one should respond to an artist who goes totally dark for a while. The dilemma is simple and complicated at the same time.


It's simple because whether you're putting a penny in a guitar case or gifting a sculptor a hundred thousand dollars a year, no one "owes" anyone anything. It's a donation. It's complicated because one cared enough to donate in the first place.


Ross can go for another eighteen months without a single video and I'll keep donating every month. That said, hmm, how do I say this in the nicest way I can? "I only want anything."


Tweet a photo of yourself with an improvised french fry mustachio every month. That would be enough. "Hi, I'm OK, I have food, and I'm in a place where I can goof off a little." I don't expect a vlog or long explanation to "make up" for missed time. I don't feel resentful or angry, but by the same token I'm patronizing a black hole right now and it's unpleasant.


I hope I'm not sounding weird or demanding or creating stress. That isn't my intent.

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Just a side-note:

Судя по половине написанных тут комментов, вот это — «Ross' fan base consists mostly of Americans» — как миниммум неточно, а то и совершенно неверно :) Но для Росса это даже хорошо. Росс и Магда — держитесь, вам помогут где угодно! 8-)

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Just a side-note:

Судя по половине написанных тут комментов, вот это — «Ross' fan base consists mostly of Americans» — как миниммум неточно, а то и совершенно неверно :) Но для Росса это даже хорошо. Росс и Магда — держитесь, вам помогут где угодно! 8-)


لول، کن یو تاپ دیس؟


It says: Lol, can you top this? :D

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Just a side-note:

Судя по половине написанных тут комментов, вот это — «Ross' fan base consists mostly of Americans» — как миниммум неточно, а то и совершенно неверно :) Но для Росса это даже хорошо. Росс и Магда — держитесь, вам помогут где угодно! 8-)

Я вообще офигел - захожу - а у Росса в комментах хохлосрач! У Росса! На английском! X_x


PS Given that in ex-USSR countries PC gaming is relatively much more popular than consoles, unlike in virtually all the rest of the world, and that HL is among the best PC games, I suspect that Ross has quite a lot of russian-speaking fans )

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Just a side-note:

Судя по половине написанных тут комментов, вот это — «Ross' fan base consists mostly of Americans» — как миниммум неточно, а то и совершенно неверно :) Но для Росса это даже хорошо. Росс и Магда — держитесь, вам помогут где угодно!


PS Given that in ex-USSR countries PC gaming is relatively much more popular than consoles, unlike in virtually all the rest of the world, and that HL is among the best PC games, I suspect that Ross has quite a lot of russian-speaking fans )


Somehow I doubt that he gets a lot of donations from an ex-USSR countries. Maybe I'm wrong, and not that those people who not donating are not fans, but most loyal (those who paying and basically providing Ross with living), probably still live in the US.


P.S. - И нет, как по мне, никакого "хохлосрача" (хоть термин и сам по себе убогий и использовать его - дурной тон). Просто есть люди, которые адекватно смотрят на мир и уважают международные законы, а есть люди, которые - "За Русь - усрусь", "Можем повторить", вот это вот все. И пожалуйста, я никого не критикую, свобода слова, все дела.

Ross's videos featuring Russian & Ukrainian subtitles - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCovZbPyDLJnrSsm489fv9-A/playlists?disable_polymer=1

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I'm eager to see Magda's comment as well. Хоть на русском, przynajmniej po polsku :)

захожу - а у Росса в комментах хохлосрач! У Росса! На английском!
«В общественном парижском туалете

Есть надписи на русском языке!»


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Я вообще офигел - захожу - а у Росса в комментах хохлосрач! У Росса! На английском! X_x




Come the full moon, the bat flies whose boiling blood shall stem the tide.

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Hey :)


@ScumCoder , @RED@KTOR . Guys, it would be great if you could keep it on-topic and avoid off-topic talk. And if possible, provide an english translation of that russian text to save us all the hassle (and unprecision) of google translating everything. Just common courtesy :)

''Almost everything–all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure–these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.'' - Steve Jobs

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