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One of the best quotes IMO. I even had to stop the video because I was laughing so much

Fool me once: Shame on you. Fool me twice: EVERYONE DIES!!!


si·lence (noun): The sound people make, when everyone trying to kill you is dead.

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I think one should have an image of Gordon's head, yelling, and underneath it a quote of him yelling something. Because, y'know, if we had to have a quote of him yelling there'd be tons of funny quotes to choose from.


Also: "Give Peace a chance! Or at least stand still!"

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or you could just open the thread that says "you favorite quote" for both FM and CP and copy all of the posts

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Is that "Dead" Niezshe in your avatar :D??


Cool shirt btw!

"When a son is born, the father will go up to the newborn baby, sword in hand; throwing it down, he says, "I shall not leave you with any property: You have only what you can provide with this weapon."

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Among the others suggested previously, I would pay for one with "I am the Bruce Lee of Physics" on it or maybe "Network error 482. Somebody shot the server with a 12 Gauge, please contact your Network Administrator."

"That which you do not know, is not a moral charge against you; but that which you refuse to know, is an account of infamy growing in your soul. Make every allowance for errors of knowledge; do not forgive or accept any breach of morality."

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Yea, it's the "tilting" version of Nietzsche. I used to have a gif with moving stash but I lost it when my external hard drive blew up.

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The ambassador pineapple design has my vote.


Perhaps one of Dave from the CP episode "Friday"


"Whooping Crane!"




"Wachichichichichichichooah!" (or whatever the hell he said)

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Yea, it's the "tilting" version of Nietzsche. I used to have a gif with moving stash but I lost it when my external hard drive blew up.


I like the granade inside his head ;P

"Even if something sounds logical, it doesn't mean it have to be true"

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Gordon Freeman with a shotgun standing over the corpse of the icthyosaur with the quote underneath, "Call me Ishmael, BITCH!"


EDIT: Also, Gordon Freeman with a stunned expression and a smoking .357 standing next to a dead bullsquid saying "Okay, what the fuck did I just shoot? I'm totally justified, whatever it is. It looks like a cross between a leopard and... Cthulhu."


Edit of my edit: Not jaguar, leopard.

I have the perfect comeback. A Spaz-12.

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i totally want the one with "Does my beard intimidate you?" should probably have gordons head on it but is still ok without it.

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Also, next in my line of shirts with Gordon with a gun standing over a dead alien, have him pointing the gun at a dead houndeye with a big bold No. underneath

I have the perfect comeback. A Spaz-12.

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"At the end of the day, there's only one thing that matters: I did not leave any fingerprints"

Retired Forum Moderator

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Quote T-shirts might be profitable, but you need to make sure they're popular enough. I don't think I'd buy a shirt with just a logo (I might change my mind in the future)


Quotes I might buy would be:


"Submachine guns: can solve up to eight hundred problem a minute"

Picture of a CP holding a stun stick in the ready to whack position "Citizen: you're staying here until we figure this out."

"If I had a superpower, I would want to be rich."

"I'm on your side you fucking idiots! How many more of you do I have to kill before you realize that?!"


These are just off the top of my head, but that means they're memorable and that's good.


EDIT: I agree: the "don't look at me, you're not worthy" quote is the perfect T-shirt.


Also, "Don't follow me, don't follow me, don't follow me" I'd get.

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"i'm a walking CDC nightmare"



Hahaha... That's all i can think of right now...


the CDC nightmare one is the best so far..

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Hello everyone!


This is my first post haha.. sorry for bringing back this old topic to life again but i made two t-shirts in photoshop months ago but i wasn't able to upload them in that moment.. so here they are :)






Hope you like it ;)


See ya'!


American Bad-Ass!!


PD: sorry if my english is bad.. i`m argentinian ;)

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