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Xeno Clash (not sure if its obscure or not tbh)

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"Xeno Clash" was one of those games i picked up on the Xbox 360 market place a while back and eventually found on Steam later. I very rarely hear anyone talk about it so I'm just gonna assume that its fairly obscure.


I remember it looking good for a source engine game, particularly since it used entirely original assets in conjunction with an art design that made it look like a Hieronymus Bosch painting. Weird doesn't quite cut it as a description; while the game has a pretty sweet combat system (at least from what i remember) it was weird to a point in which playing it would often give me headaches or a slightly nauseous feeling...so...yeah. Its sequel is pretty good too.

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I saw the beginning of of another game they were working on, where there was just a giant rolling pin, stretching forever in both directions, slowly flattening the landscape and weird creatures. That was back in 2013 or so, so who knows if that's still a project. The bizarre world of Xeno Clash left an impression on me though. I'd say it's fairly obscure.

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If I'm not misunderstanding you, then what you are actually talking about is Zeno Clash. And yes, it's really interesting. I especially enjoyed the second game with its beautiful and strange maps and their day-night-cycle. Wonderful game for just staring at things.

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On 7/26/2019 at 7:01 PM, Wwen said:

I saw the beginning of of another game they were working on, where there was just a giant rolling pin, stretching forever in both directions, slowly flattening the landscape and weird creatures. That was back in 2013 or so, so who knows if that's still a project. The bizarre world of Xeno Clash left an impression on me though. I'd say it's fairly obscure.

You mean The Eternal Clyinder. That's going to be released this year. It's not that obscure, I heard a couple of reports about it. https://eternalcylinder.com

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2 minutes ago, RaTcHeT302 said:



ughhh no more... good god

I can live with those, really. As long as there is no crafting. I hate crafting in video games from the bottom of my heart and there's hardly any way around it nowadays.

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Zeno Clash is not at all obscure, it was pretty well known when it came out, but it would probably be a perfect game for Ross. Forgotten, but if you remind people of it, they will remember.

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necroing this thread because i can: they made a prequel called clash artifacts of chaos and it was a pretty nice brawler, with a great soundtrack and an interesting story. 

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