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The problem has been described as well as can be, what's next is for us fans to decide what best to do about it. My first impulse is to support Accursed Farms directly, perhaps by encouraging a method by which we can buy downloads of current and future videos. This is likely too simplistic, but it's the best I've got.


That isn't the best of incentives for donating, since you can just use one of the extremely large amount of scripts for downloading Youtube videos. Although, I wouldn't mind Ross putting the raw footage (basically all of the video and voiceovers) for the videos as an incentive. It wouldn't be time-consuming at all and would please the fans that are fine with anything that has Ross in it.

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Before the video, I noticed Ross's monthly donation amount was about $2500. Now, it's been almost doubled. Bet that's more than enough to counteract the demonetization for a while.

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Before the video, I noticed Ross's monthly donation amount was about $2500. Now, it's been almost doubled. Bet that's more than enough to counteract the demonetization for a while.


More than doubled, actually.




Anyways, it's very good to see that Ross is getting through the adpocalypse (mostly) unscathed

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hey Ross, long time viewer here, I usually don't get involved but I've seen some seriously messed up stuff that ties in with what you've noticed about youtube and you're one of the few upstanding people LEFT who give enough of a damn to do proper research as well as make videos about this stuff, so I'll post a few things here. Obviously whether or not you look into this stuff further is up to you, but you seem like the type of guy who'd care.







All this should further explain (alongside the other crimes you already pointed out) youtubes wish to crack down on videos.


Honestly you're an entertainer and the stuff I'm linking to is probably way above anything you'd get into or make videos about, but it should affect whether or not you remain on youtube or otherwise search for an alternative to post videos onto.


Sorry if you're already aware of any of this stuff, I don't usually visit the forum. But like I said, even if you don't want to get involved, you seem like the type of guy who'd want to be aware regardless.


Either way I wish you well and I hope you are able to continue being able to create the content you want (especially that movie of yours!) without being sunk monetarily, you're creativity and humor are both a breathe of fresh air compared to rest of the slop that entertainment has turned into.

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Wow this is the first relatively non-crazy Pizzagate video that I've seen in a long time.

Personally I think Pizzagate was created to cover something a little less extreme (i.e. escort service, drugs, infidelity)


Anyway I've seen this issue progress over the last couple of years in Firearm, and political channels; most of which have started posting on multiple sites. full30.com for firearms, vid.me for political/ASMR/German channels because of censorship. Minds.com also has the ability to post videos, but it's not as easy.


I'm on all of these, and I definitely will start watching your videos exclusively on Vid.me if you start posting their.

I'd probably watch your videos on full30 too if you can talk them into letting you post non firearms related content.

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I've already gotten a bit too political in my last post about this, but what youtube should've done is ignore the advertisers and accommodate for nothing while they put on their crown and say "I am the king now, you shall kneel before me if you ever WISH to even advertise for me!" It's big enough for it to do that, it has a monopoly on entertainment right now.


edit: "I am your king, meaning you are all my servants. disobey me and you will not survive to see another day. I won't kill you, directly, you'll do that to yourself for not bowing to me. Do as I say, I will not say this twice. To show that I'm serious, I am going to permanently ban apple from advertising on youtube. apple shall no longer do work with us, and that will be you next if you disobey. I am the single biggest media platform on the planet. If you want me to accommodate you, there's always me turning the blacklist into the whitelist. Now, I am king, you are not, I am god, now bow!"


edit(0): "I have never been in the green all my life, I have always lost money, yet I still make it. I make it because I am youtube. I have supreme ruling over my debt, and I say it doesn't matter. You want to know why? Google "owns" me, when really I own him. I rack up billions in debt every year because I do, and my "parent company" won't do a damn thing about it! It's because I have final say in this, and my final say is 'you may own me, but I own you. You're lucky you own me.' Even if I owned myself and I lost money and never gave it back, it wouldn't matter because I am youtube, and everyone loves youtube! You will never topple me, for my subjects love me. They love me so much that they came here of their own volition. What say you, young jesters? That's what you are, because you will never gain a following such as I. No one will ever willingly flock to you every day, in fact you need to cage them up behind walls because you simply don't have it! I've never built a wall around my kingdom or forbid the entry and exit of it's abode, and that's because my name is king youtube, and I own you!"


alright, that's enough. I had way too much fun doing that

World's largest wildfire is happening right now in Montana.

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Before the video, I noticed Ross's monthly donation amount was about $2500. Now, it's been almost doubled. Bet that's more than enough to counteract the demonetization for a while.

It's more than what I usually make per half a year, roughly, and this is in this single month. And I am just here in CZ, next to Poland, couple hundred kilometers. Without any critics, I think Ross deserves it, but what the heck is he spending all them moneyz on? I mean, looking to history the donations never went under 1k per month. You can live with such money alone in Poland without any troubles and you do not have to even think about any 'tube dollars whatsoever. So unless he wants to save for a house with this, what's the problem? Can as well just give up all them 'tubes and keep it on this site alone.


BTW, what happened to Gorilla Gong? There's been lot of talking about it initially and besides the few videos from the beginning, I can not see ANYTHING there. Am I just looking wrong, or has Ross abandoned that site?

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Before the video, I noticed Ross's monthly donation amount was about $2500. Now, it's been almost doubled. Bet that's more than enough to counteract the demonetization for a while.

It's more than what I usually make per half a year, roughly, and this is in this single month. And I am just here in CZ, next to Poland, couple hundred kilometers. Without any critics, I think Ross deserves it, but what the heck is he spending all them moneyz on? I mean, looking to history the donations never went under 1k per month. You can live with such money alone in Poland without any troubles and you do not have to even think about any 'tube dollars whatsoever. So unless he wants to save for a house with this, what's the problem? Can as well just give up all them 'tubes and keep it on this site alone.


I have a recurring donation to Ross, I also live in CZ and I can live off about 800$ a month. BUT I live with a flatmate. Isn't rent in Gdańsk expensive or something?


Anyways, It's his business, I don't actually want him to explain himself or anything. Expenditure might be personal for people.

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I have a recurring donation to Ross, I also live in CZ and I can live off about 800$ a month. BUT I live with a flatmate. Isn't rent in Gdańsk expensive or something?


Anyways, It's his business, I don't actually want him to explain himself or anything. Expenditure might be personal for people.

Not sure where exactly in Poland, you'd have to ask him (if he has not mentioned in some video), though I have a feeling they share a flat with Magda. At least that's what I remember from some of Ross'es videos. I think she was also trying some machinima projects?


I mean like sure, I understand his intention to also stand for other people by making such videos. But unless they stand on their own, and actually, unless he does himself by abandoning that, it's kinda futile. After all, it is still private website and it's their own rules, no matter how stupid. You don't have to use it, and if you don't like, than don't use it! You can criticise them of course, that's your right, but if you want to make them get the point, you won't do it from within anyway. It's corporation, they don't care at all what ppl say. For them, everything is OK as long as they have such insane numbers of ppl in the "uploader" box (and also viewer box for that matter). They won't do anything unless ppl start leaving such box and instead appearing in "uploader (viewer) at competing website" box. With so many direct supporters, there isn't much better situation for Ross to finally leave them morons and move vids elsewhere. That's what I mean, that I think he should have more than enough for nice life with the supporters of Accursed Farms iself, so he CAN stand out and help some other website getting bigger, big enough to compete with 'tube or other huge corporation. It won't happen on it's own, it needs users. And big enough users (like Ross) can make some difference on their own.


Besides, it is kinda stupid to criticise some corporation for monopoly, and than continue using it and helping them to keep the monopoly in the first place! Nobody else will become serious competition unless ppl like Ross actually support them. That's why I have asked about the Gorilla Gong, when the Machinima group turned out to be dumbasses and Ross seems to be done with them. Now it seems it's just a bit of ranting, doing a bit of show about joining Gorilla Gong…and than staying on the bad, oh so bad 'tube anyway. Some ppl may actually call him a hypocrite.


It reminds me the situation with AMD, how every second fool praises AMD for the competition, so he can buy Integrated Electronics/Lievidia cheaper. Yeah great Mr. Stupid, there won't be much AMD if you continue doing that and they go bankrupt cause everybody only has their mouth full of them, but never actually buy from them.

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Tyler from Valve News Network mentioned Ross's scenario in a video about a similar situation he is in at the moment. I think it's worth a watch if you haven't seen it already. Ross is mentioned around 5:32 and 9:15.



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EDIT// Sorry for kinda long post, guess I am just in the philosophic mood ATM, but I think it would be good to sum everything here in one place. We'll see what Ross decides to do in the near future, but this is kinda how I feel it anyway.


I watched this VNN video which also sheds more light on it and I think it's very clear: this subeconomy just could not work like this much longer. 'tube was loosing so much money even before the big-assed corporations said they will stop advertising. Way too many ppl started making videos about pretty much every shit they can think of, believing they'll make ton of money of that. I mean dumb ugly ppl who know and can do nothing, but just talk shit to camera for hours (and there are other dumb and ugly ppl who watch that crap, I am not sure what's worse :D). Well, guess what: does not work that way. There's still the real world out there where human work is needed (and payed good for, at least sometimes lol). Now 'tube just implemented possibly poorly made bot, but who knows, that may actually be intention, to bring that ton to few pennies, so they also do not loose so much.


On average, they've been pretty much paying way more than what the videos were worth, it's as simple as that. If you compare making a good written article to video, although both may be similarly demanding (both time and effort-wise), guess which was payed about gazillion times more for? In the end, isn't this just the equalisation which had to come one day? Cause the advertisement income is quite similar on both in the end (and a poor one for that matter), yet written articles are usually payed quite bad, while for the videos 'tube was paying way more on average.


Plus there is also the thing about storing those milions of videos, and getting them to viewers. That ain't free. And is it better to just say to everybody that they'll be getting 1/10th from now on, or implement such a bot and say it's learning, just keep pushing the appeal button, but hey, you won't be compensated back even if we find it was indeed poorly flagged? I think way less ppl are furious about the second way than they would be with the first way, right? Yet the end result may be pretty much the same.


Now there are of course great videos, but there is also a shitload of average and two shitloads of garbage videos. I know that money does not stink and ppl get very easily used to such income, but really, isn't it just kind of normalisation, return to where it was few years ago when ppl were doing as a hobby, mostly?* Ppl making good videos will most likely get noticed by either fans (=direct donations), or by companies which would hire them (like filmmakers, game makers etc.) in the end so they should be more or less fine.


I may be mistaken, but hasn't been Ross too making tons of videos years ago more like for fun than for the few pennies he's been making on them? So it's not like question of standing behind his opinion but ending living on the street, or swallowing it up and keeping the income from 'tube, right? Now when there are so many fans supporting him so he does not really have to think about these matters of existence.


I mean I am also kinda on a crossroad now when I am deciding if I will even continue writing articles at all cause it's mostly not even paying rent and the regime taxes, not to mention the expenses for running the website. Although I do enjoy it and believe there is some higher purpose in doing it. Yet I can just go to the real world to install cables and get two magnitudes better money for that. And of course it is also time to slowly think about the future, where writing articles means living in a squat I guess (definitelly not having a family in me own house, that's for sure). I understand many ppl are in similar situation now when 'tube is cutting their ad' income and they may be forced to end doing it. On the other hand ppl must understand too that Poogle won't be paying the losses of the overpaying 'tube forever.


Yeah I may be using Poogle ads too ony my site to pay for some expenses, but the difference is, I not only talk about principles, I also act according to them. So Poogle ads were the first thing I removed when I took over my current reviewing site, because IMO Poogle is bad corporation and I do not want to have anything in common with them, if I don't have to. The same way I left fleebay etc. I would rather support tiny company which I believe is a good one rather than evil corporation even if it means loosing ton of money. 'tube was almost as bad as Poogle for very long time, lately they are getting even worse, so I would never even think about using that to host any videos (if I was even making some), heck I am not even watching anything there any longer when they want me not to. But that's me, guess I'm just the weirdo from next street :D


Kinda realised this may be the reason why there are no direct download links here at Accursed Farms for new videos for some time now: there's no money per download. But there is money per view, well, at least there was until recently. No matter how bad the 'tube is and that Ross himself has criticised this company way too many times before, as long as them moneyz kept coming…

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Go watch the videos I mentioned if you need some cheering up. Brave Dave may be more of an acquired taste, if you're not hooked after the first freight hop, then you'll know if it's for you or not.




Dammit, we're going to need to find a "Gordon goes train-hopping" game.




I now have yet another pet project I'm unlikely to complete.

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We must be overjoyed actually, we are witnessing the first steps of the AI right here :)


But regardless of the quality of that particular AI, I don't see the issue here. Of course AI will never properly categorize "artsy" and "obscure" things, but youtube is a commercial organisation, not a patron of arts. Advertisements are not some manna falling from heavens, the business companies order it, and they decide for themselves what kind of clips they want to pay for, and youtube just tries to match their requests. If it does that good it will be profitable, which is it's ultimate goal. If not, the competitors will eat it in a snap, the e-business is very mobile.


So, if you're an artist who seeks the new creative ways to express himself - ask your fans for help, and remember, that most artists lived in poverty. And if you want that sweet lucrative deal from the corporate business, well, too bad, you have to conform to the mass-media standards.

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So here comes another video quite pertinent to this topic via the Jimquisition, which I've linked rather than embedded because it's got some quite NSFW barbarian-themed footage, though you can just as easily listen to the video rather than watch it since the important information is transmitted entirely verbally.

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Before the video, I noticed Ross's monthly donation amount was about $2500. Now, it's been almost doubled. Bet that's more than enough to counteract the demonetization for a while.


More than doubled, actually.




Anyways, it's very good to see that Ross is getting through the adpocalypse (mostly) unscathed


Man, given that he lives in Poland that's gonna feel like making it rain. This is way above most earnings here.

Maybe Ross will be able to get the fanciest beans money can buy.

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I don't know about Poland's economic situation but 5000 dollars is around 4248 Euros, which in turn is 18267 Zlotys.

Now I am obviously no expert on Polish economy or what the average rent is around those parts, but it looks like a good

amount of money to not starve and also have a roof over your head.


Now lets have some fun and compare this to what an average engineer in my country (a Middle East country), which is 832 Euros

because the economy is not good at the moment. This makes 3578 Zlotys which is 5 times less than what is donated to Ross.

Now lets check out an average Polish engineer, a quick google search shows that they make 2050 dollars per month

which is 7486 Zlotys. It is a decent middle ground between the two numbers. Now obviously the amount donated

per month is going to change every time so the numbers can vary, but as long as it is over 2000 dollars, it is

still more than what a Polish engineer earns.


Considering how many times Ross has stated that he considers himself extremely lucky to recieve this fan support,

I totally understand him now. The average engineer from the Middle East would probably have starved or has to eat

cheaper less healty stuff.


This post does not in any way try to prove a point or anything, it simply is just an interesting comparison between Europe

and Middle Eastern countries and how wage varies extremely between them.

It took six years to get a physics degree. Don't do what I did, try engineering or social studies.

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An intriguing video indeed. From what I've heard of late about this demonetisation bot, my impression is that this seems to be a somewhat desperate move on Youtube's part; they're testing an AI with the capacity to cripple channels on live data. They obviously felt so compelled that an immediate response to their advertising issue was required that they developed and deployed this immediately with very limited internal testing. It sounds like they may have felt that they didn't have much of a choice in order to continue maintaining the service, considering the loss in revenue. This hasty deployment theory might explain the lack of explanations from Youtube; that they simply don't have any explanations owing to the hasty development and testing process that is likely still going on, even several months on from when this all began (because the task required of the bot is gargantuan).


That said, I do wonder whether or not Youtube might potentially be prevented from saying anything about this via agreements with advertisers? As in the development and deployment of this bot may have been part of some subsequent deal with advertisers, but at the same time a stipulation of that deal may have been that Youtube have to keep most of the information regarding this a secret.


Still, the lack of information from Youtube on this means that pretty much all of this is speculation based on the observations of what is happening, rather than what Youtube say is happening. Who knows what the future may hold. It certainly sounds like it will make things harder for individuals to start up new channels with the intention of making a living off of them.

Feel free to PM me about almost anything and I'll do my best to answer. :)


"Beware of what you ask for, for it may come to pass..."

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