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The Space Thread

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Space. The Final Frontier.


This thread is all about space. Astronomy, Cosmology, Rocketry, all that jazz. Anything about Space, space travel or topics related to them.

For example, did you know that NASA retired all of the Space Shuttles last month?

This is a nice metric server. No imperial dimensions, please.

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This thred iz srs.

Be srs in this thred.


I'd love to meet a sentient alien being. Learn about their culture and customs.

Unless it's the Zerg....

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So... No progress on the Mission To Mars I suppose

It's only 30 seconds to mars. Heheh


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Did you know when NASA found out that pens don't work in zero gravity they spent 3/4 of a million dollars developing a pen that would work on the space shuttle. Do you know what the Russians did? They used pencils.


Yes. I'm serious.

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That is one ridiculous waste of money. How do they even get that kind of money if they do stupid stuff like that.


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Did you know when NASA found out that pens don't work in zero gravity they spent 3/4 of a million dollars developing a pen that would work on the space shuttle. Do you know what the Russians did? They used pencils.


Yes. I'm serious.


I heard about that. Crazy stuff really, but it just goes to show how easily some things have money readily spent on them...


Nevertheless, space itself seems really interesting, there's so much we don't know about 'out there', and I'm hoping that we'll see some sort of development like Lunar or Martian colonies in the future...

Feel free to PM me about almost anything and I'll do my best to answer. :)


"Beware of what you ask for, for it may come to pass..."

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They have a design for a nearly self-sustaining lunar base... They designed some of it off of the Heinlein books, and most of the rest off of stuff in Ben Bova's books... They just need new shuttles to get the parts and supplies up there.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Did you know when NASA found out that pens don't work in zero gravity they spent 3/4 of a million dollars developing a pen that would work on the space shuttle. Do you know what the Russians did? They used pencils.


Yes. I'm serious.


Wrong actually. When the tip broke off of the pencil it would float around and get into computer parts and stuff. So they couldn't use pencils.

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Wrong actually. When the tip broke off of the pencil it would float around and get into computer parts and stuff. So they couldn't use pencils.

Didn't seem to affect the Mercury/Apollo missions any...

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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This thred iz srs.

Be srs in this thred.


I'd love to meet a sentient alien being. Learn about their culture and customs.

Unless it's the Zerg....

You must talk about aliens in this thread now. Serious face dictates saying Vulcans are cool.

So... No progress on the Mission To Mars I suppose

On the contrary, I read that the European Space Agency is working with Russia on a simulation of a Mars mission right now.

It's around two years long and includes realistic portrayal of the inside of the trans-Martian module, 6 minute lag for communications, living off of recycled water and air and generally being bored for the 7 months it would take to get to Mars, and last month they did a simulation of their 3 day landing and EVA. The mission simulation will be concluded next April when they "return". One of the main objectives was profiling astronauts if they could really handle the 6-man isolation of living in a trailer without anything but radio and TV for 15 months.

Plans are to put a person on Mars for 2035, the main hurdle being development of a material that can withstand interplanetary radiation outside the magnetosphere that protects Earth and the Moon, but is also light and small enough to easily go places quickly.

This is a nice metric server. No imperial dimensions, please.

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Did you know when NASA found out that pens don't work in zero gravity they spent 3/4 of a million dollars developing a pen that would work on the space shuttle. Do you know what the Russians did? They used pencils.


Yes. I'm serious.


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For example, did you know that NASA retired all of the Space Shuttles last month?


Since there's two launches left on the schedule, and they just rolled Endeavor out to the pad, (to launch April 19) I don't believe you.


The decision to retire the shuttles was made back in 2003, after Columbia burnt up on re-entry.


Did you know, the first probe to orbit Mercury JUST sent back its first batch of pictures yesterday?


Link to website: MESSENGER


Did you know there is a lake of Methane on Saturn's moon Titan the size of Lake Superior?


Yes, I am a space geek. I even take two weeks in the summer to teach a bunch of 8-12 year olds all about space. I have a neat slideshow Grand Tour of all major bodies in the solar system.

He just kept talking and talking in one long incredibly unbroken sentence moving from topic to topic so that no one had a chance to interrupt it was really quite hypnotic...

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Space is quite vast.

Feel free to PM me about almost anything and I'll do my best to answer. :)


"Beware of what you ask for, for it may come to pass..."

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Space, the only place left that could possibly hold dragons or dragon-like aliens.

Or alien-like dragons...

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Space fascinates me. How vast it is, all those worlds we have yet to explore and colonize. And the beauty! Artistic vision of space creates some of my favourite art pieces, from images to music.


My dream is to one day travel to a distant world with hundreds of people in a huge starship. The odds of that happening in my lifetime are thinner than the human air at best, but I can always dream while I live. But god damn it would be long journeys. You know how long it would take to travel 400 lightyears at Star Trek's warp 10? Close to 5 months. And from that point onwards are additional billions of lightyears of space to cover. It is safe to say that to explore space to any meaningful degree it will take some serious technological advancements.

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Space fascinates me. How vast it is, all those worlds we have yet to explore and colonize. And the beauty! Artistic vision of space creates some of my favourite art pieces, from images to music.


My dream is to one day travel to a distant world with hundreds of people in a huge starship. The odds of that happening in my lifetime are thinner than the human air at best, but I can always dream while I live. But god damn it would be long journeys. You know how long it would take to travel 400 lightyears at Star Trek's warp 10? Close to 5 months. And from that point onwards are additional billions of lightyears of space to cover. It is safe to say that to explore space to any meaningful degree it will take some serious technological advancements.

Same here, I've always imagined a far-off planet that bears sentient beings that don't want to start an inter-stellar war, but have much more advanced military technologies, Different cultures and ethnicities, languages, foods, senses, etc.


I'd also like the human race to find a world like Reach, almost exactly like earth, only larger and denser, thus evoking an adaptive change in our bodies. It would be fascinating to study the effects of something like that on the human body. Maybe we would change to the point where it would be difficult to even see the similarities between the humans on Earth and the Larger planet. Get a fresh start from the beginning of time.

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You know how long it would take to travel 400 lightyears at Star Trek's warp 10? Close to 5 months.

Actually, Warp is an interesting speed calculation method that is not just multiples of the speed of light.


Warp 1 = Light speed equivalent

Warp 2 = Double light speed

Warp 3 = 6x

Warp 4 = 24x

Warp 5 = 120x

Warp 6 = 720x

Warp 7 = 5,040x

Warp 8 = 40,320x

Warp 9 = 362,880x

Warp 10 = 3,628,800 times the speed of light


Or at least that's the way it's supposed to be calculated.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Warp speed


I thought nothing could move faster than the speed of light without damaging the fabric of reality.

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