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Sottotitoli in Italiano

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Ecco l'episodio 27, ovvero "l'episodio piratato".

Per questa volta, ascoltare Freeman e, capire che c###o diceva - in particolare i termini pirateschi - mi è risultata una faticaccia troppo immensa. Invece, ho "barato" e mi sono letto i sottotitoli in inglese scritti da danielsangeo; pertanto, c'è un ringraziamento a lui all'inizio dei miei sottotitoli, prima del titolo.


Here's episode 27, aka "the pirated episode".

For this once, listening to Freeman, understanding what the d##k was he saying - especially the pirate slang - turned out to bee a too immense effort. Instead, i "cheated" and I read the english subtitles written by danielsangeo; therefore, there's a "thank you" to him at the start of my subtitles, before the title.



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Episode 26.


Hey there, BIRB. I was going through the files. The SRTs have tags which don't seem to work on YouTube for me. So I've been stripping out those tags. However, I got to Episode 26 and I see [ATTENZIONE: Parte abilista da 3:24 a 3:36.] at the beginning.


I don't speak Italian. What does this mean? I went down to 3:24-3:36 and saw these two lines: [! 3:36 !] and Mi chiedo se quelli del circo li conoscono già. [! 3:36 !].


Upon looking at those lines in context, Gordon is talking about a barnacle hanging from the ceiling during On a Rail, and he wonders if carnies know about barnacles. I don't see why this specific line would be highlighted. 3:36 doesn't seem to have any special significance either.


Before I strip out these things for submission, could you please help to explain what these are referring to?


Thanks! :)

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Episode 26.


Hey there, BIRB. I was going through the files. The SRTs have tags which don't seem to work on YouTube for me. So I've been stripping out those tags. However, I got to Episode 26 and I see [ATTENZIONE: Parte abilista da 3:24 a 3:36.] at the beginning.


I don't speak Italian. What does this mean? I went down to 3:24-3:36 and saw these two lines: [! 3:36 !] and Mi chiedo se quelli del circo li conoscono già. [! 3:36 !].


Upon looking at those lines in context, Gordon is talking about a barnacle hanging from the ceiling during On a Rail, and he wonders if carnies know about barnacles. I don't see why this specific line would be highlighted. 3:36 doesn't seem to have any special significance either.


Before I strip out these things for submission, could you please help to explain what these are referring to?


Thanks! :)


"ATTENZIONE: Parte abilista da 3:24 a 3:36" means "WARNING: ableist part from 3:24 to 3:36".

Basically, I felt that the "carnies" line was a cheapshot at "carnival freaks" and other disabled people, so I decided to put a warning for that line. "[! 3:36 !]" is supposed to be a reminder that that line was coming up at the 3:36 time mark.

If you prefer, I can edit that warning out.


Also, since you raise the issue, maybe it would be better if I stripped all the tags from the SAMI files (the ones for the Youtube subtitle) from now on, just so that you don't have to go through the hassle of editing them all out? And possibly from episodes 27-to-31 as well?

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It's no trouble to remove the tags. Just open it up in Subtitle Workshop and click "remove tags". Easy peasy. It's fine to leave them in or strip them out.


As to the carnies line, completely understood. However, it should've been made clear to whomever is watching it that this incarnation of Freeman isn't the most...err...politically correct. Or the nicest guy either. Even from the first episode where he shouts, "SUCKER! Haha..." at Barney during the tram ride, this is evident.


To me, the warning feels out of place. Would such a warning be needed for Italian speakers? I don't know. Remember that the wording is not a reflection on you, or even on Ross for Freeman. It's for the fictional character of Gordon Freeman, theoretical physicist, psychopath.

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It's no trouble to remove the tags. Just open it up in Subtitle Workshop and click "remove tags". Easy peasy. It's fine to leave them in or strip them out.


As to the carnies line, completely understood. However, it should've been made clear to whomever is watching it that this incarnation of Freeman isn't the most...err...politically correct. Or the nicest guy either. Even from the first episode where he shouts, "SUCKER! Haha..." at Barney during the tram ride, this is evident.


To me, the warning feels out of place. Would such a warning be needed for Italian speakers? I don't know. Remember that the wording is not a reflection on you, or even on Ross for Freeman. It's for the fictional character of Gordon Freeman, theoretical physicist, psychopath.


Maybe you're right. So I've modified the subtitles for episode 26 to remove that warning.



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Oh, uao, mi ero dimenticato di dover caricare sul sito i sottotitoli per l'episodio 36.

Comincerò subito a lavorare sull'ep. 37.


Oh, wow, I forgot that I had to upload episode 36's subtitles on the website.

I'll immediately start working on ep. 37.


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Cavoli, o sono scemo io, o c'è un problema col caricare i file sul forum. Perché non mi ha caricato la versione "Youtube" dei sottotitoli per l'ep. 36.

Oh, vabbé. Li carico ora, e carico anche entrambe le versioni dei sottotitoli per l'ep. 37, e mi metto a lavorare sul 38.


Dagnabbit, either I'm an idiot, or there's a problem with the uploading files on the forum. Because it didn't load the "Youtube" version of ep. 36's subtitles.

Ah, whatever. I'll upload it now, and also upload both version of ep. 37's subtitles, and start working on ep. 38.



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