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Freeman's Mind 2 (Разум Фримана 2)

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О, круто, так кто-то таки занимается сабами) (И это видео, видимо, таки не было первоапрельским в полном смысле) Проверю сабы на досуге, но уже вижу, что там дофига сделано, не думаю, что перевод плох.

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Подредактировал немного. Была пара мест, где был неправильный перевод, но не критичных. Тайминги отличные на мой взгляд.

Немного занимался переводом, но не сабами, так что можно считать, что тоже впервые. Не идеально, но вроде норм получилось.


ADD Oops, now i read the rules and I think I need to add one thing to v2 file


Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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Hello there! Sorry, I do not speak Russian (or any other language other than English). I used Google auto-translate to translate the posts above and it seems there's some question as to the how well the translation has been done.


Could a native Russian speaker go through these subtitles and see if they're as close to the original as possible with the context of the jokes intact? If they're understandable to Russian-speakers, I'll add them to the compendium and submit them for inclusion on the official video. I am concerned over the accuracy though.


Thanks! :)

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Could a native Russian speaker go through these subtitles and see if they're as close to the original as possible with the context of the jokes intact? If they're understandable to Russian-speakers, I'll add them to the compendium and submit them for inclusion on the official video. I am concerned over the accuracy though.


Ross used some jokes, that eventually changes in "really hardcore translation". Such as a joke about "General Electric". But I personally prefer not to fully translate this one (in full translation there must be a name of some world round well known big company). There are also some things (one or two) that are not well known in Russia. And I think it is better to leave it in original version, because it is better to google and knew something new, than read some replacement word, that may not fits in. (When we translates manga or books we may use addition pages to explain those words, but it will not work for subtitle)


And yes, I think this translation will be understandable in any other cases.

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