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Screw you Ross, I love you, I waited until today to watch this because I thought it was gonna be a meme video, I have conflictiong emotions about this

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Did anyone else immediately go and check the date on their computer when this popped up? XD


Still, that was oddly nostalgic. As for "pick up the can." it's safe to say I never guessed that outcome but that was completely in character.

I am more impressed that he actually managed it. How many tries did Ross need to pull that off? Or was he just improvising after he managed it by accident?


You can see there is a cut a bit before that scene so I am pretty sure it wasn't improvised or by accident,it surely took a few tries.

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Okay, that's a good point. It seems then that Ross chose an alternate path. But please, there is no need to be hostile.

oh sorry man i was not being hostile .

i have no idea why i added the "fucking" .

no hostility here ,only love

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One of the news on the popular Croatian game site HCL is featuring Freemans Mind 2 Ep1. So Ross if you don't want to disappoint your Croatian fans you know what you have to do. :mrgreen:

I'm just kidding take all the time you need. Please don't throw me in the pit from Construction Bob.


Thanks for the video Ross.

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I think, knowing adress to the Kleiner's lab wouldn't do any good for Gordon. Or it would be too long to say in that short amount of time.

"Ok, so exit to the plasa, go the only way that doesn't have any combine checkpoints, find the N street, look for the white building next to a warehouse, get to the basement, find a Soda machine, insert any coin, input the secret code with the machine buttons and here you are. Yep, that's about it."

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To be fair, Freeman wouldn't know about the convoluted way to get into Kleiner's lab. Barney would've escorted Freeman to the lab from the plaza, but instead he blundered his way around, instead until he was saved by Alyx. Yes, an address wouldn't help Freeman, but he didn't know that at the time.

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I wonder if Ross will use his 'very merry christmas' steering wheel for the Air Boat and Scout Car levels.

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Ah, at long last! I was surprised that Freeman didn't remark on the enormous cloud-breaching tower, but I guess he's had a lot to take in very quickly, although he does seem to have picked up that his situation has not improved. :P

He'll probably spot it when he gets out of Kleiner's lab. The designers intentionally funneled players into a narrow passage that looks out directly at a dramatic shot of it (with dropships flying out to search for him) despite it being visible earlier.


I wonder if Ross will use his 'very merry christmas' steering wheel for the Air Boat and Scout Car levels.

Does it even support them? I was under the impression that it doesn't even support the left analog stick properly; it just maps it to WASD.

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tbh i really wonder how Freeman acts when he meets Alyx

Jack O'Neill: "You know Teal'c, if we dont find a way out of this soon, im gonna lose it. Lose it... it means go crazy. nuts. insane. bonzo. no longer in possession of ones faculties. 3 fries short of a happy meal. WACKO!!!!!!!!"

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This was pure genius, Ross.


I really don't know what to say about the episode, beyond the fact that it was perfect. It felt like Freeman's Mind when it was at the height of its powers and every joke landed wonderfully.


Honestly, thanks for this (joke or not).


PS: I had an account on here several years back but I couldn't, for the life of me, log in it. If the mods want me to PM them and tell them what that account was so they can disable it, that's fine with me. I had like three posts made anyway, so it wouldn't be a huge lost.

You know, I'm thinking about creating a technology company whose name would make people think about winding roads, technology and all the "E" online mambo-jumbo. It should be called: "Path-E-Tech".

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I really hope we see more of these Ross. I'd love to hear Gordon's comments on some of the things like the Citadel, the new headcrab and zombie types, Lamarr, Alyx Vance, Nova Prospect etc.


Say, when the full game of Missing Information comes out, will you cover that one too? I'd gladly watch it.


PS: Marathon Trilogy and Pathways into Darkness for the next Game Dungeon please. (plus mods)

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After watching the episode an embarrassing amount of times and listened to everything closely this seems legit!



"I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant."


"Does my beard intimidate you?"

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You know, watching this got me thinking; What if Ross just got bored and started to do a new Freeman's Mind in Black Mesa?

I know the idea's been proposed before, and people have edited videos of it, but the most recent, retail version of Black Mesa is incredibly different from the original Half-Life, and I feel like most of the commentary Freeman gives would be completely different. It would be fun to watch if Ross didn't have any projects and wanted to go back to his roots in a way.

I'd especially love to hear Freeman's reaction to the guard getting mauled by an alien grunt from behind the door in Surface Tension.

I don't get half of the science humor in FM, but I think that's one of the beauty parts of it.

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