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UT2004 Session March 2017

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Here’s the updated info for the Unreal Tournament 2004 session: This will be for the FULL version this time, not the demo.



2PM EST, March 18th.

Can be seen live at twitch.tv/rossbroadcast


Primary server:


password: dog


Secondary (overflow) server:

ut2004.ziltoid.rocks:8888 – Overflow #1

password: dog



This is for the FULL version this time, not the demo. Also, modern copies probably have it already, but if not, here's a link to the patches you'll need (3269 + ECE)



After starting the game, press the ~ key, then type: open ut2004.ziltoid.rocks

Press ~ again and enter the password.


Instructions for running the game in widescreen

The HUD will still be stretched, but everything else is fixable.


As before, you're welcome to join anytime, though the game won't be until tomorrow. This time I'll try to remember to record the damn video.



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Hey Ross, could you do me a solid and list the maps that the server rotates with? Downloading the maps in-game takes forever, but just finding and adding them manually times less than a minute each.

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Here's that list, that I wanted. I got it for anyone else who wants it. It seems like the only maps that arent available from the Steam copy of the game that this server uses are aridoom and ascendancy


















It takes literally 25 minutes to download 21MB via the in-game system so I highly recommend you do download them from a site.

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I feel like its worth noting I was entirely unable to connect using the Steam copy, and I've had issues in the past with connection to servers with the Steam copy. The Gog copy gave me no issues connecting to the server.

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I feel like its worth noting I was entirely unable to connect using the Steam copy, and I've had issues in the past with connection to servers with the Steam copy. The Gog copy gave me no issues connecting to the server.

What version is your Steam copy? The server is running the patch v3369 with an exploit hotfix.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?start=4056&v=_y0HycMbfX0 was one of the most embarrassing encounters I ever had in UT2004. I mean for fuck's sake, there were TWO of us there against Ross. And he didn't fire a single shot at us, just obliterated our node and then built his own instead, like we weren't even there. (Although I do suspect that the other guy had problems with connection, seeing how he just stopped moving and let Ross blow him to pieces with a jackhammer).


Also, "Creamy Stalin" is probably the funniest nickname I've ever seen.


Another noteworthy episodes:



Come the full moon, the bat flies whose boiling blood shall stem the tide.

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