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Videochat December 2016

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Updates on everything that's going on. Expect at least two Game Dungeons this month. I'll also be having a birthday streaming session where I try to beat Supreme Commander on hard all in one setting. All important dates and links are in the Youtube description.



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Alright guys here's right where I become internet famous

https://www.youtube.com/watch?start=6315&v=5L4An2JlquM . From now on I will be known as that guy who asked Ross one too many questions that one time. I'm kind of waiting for one of those youtube comments to say "Wow that Heliocentrical guy's an asshole.". :lol:


Ross if you're reading this I'm really sorry for what happened. I just started recording with OBS and I wanted to know everything you do so I could replicate the same level quality as the regular Game Dungeons since you said the quality might be lacking from with the spinoff. I have this bad tendency to ask way too questions in general and annoy people as a result. So again I apologize for my behavior.

I'm not saying I started the fire. But I most certain poured gasoline on it.

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For live audio management, there are a few options that come to mind:


  • Voicemeeter & Voicemeeter Banana. By far the simplest, and more of a tool for mixing multiple audio streams together, but it has a super basic one or two knob compression system. I bring it up for completeness more than anything, since someone is bound to mention it downthread.
  • Hotto Engineering's Audio Compressor & Limiter, it's just a compressor & limiter and free, but it has about as much control as any compressor.
  • Adobe Audition, not free, and you probably already have it, but it can work for live audio mixing by using the per-track monitoring setup (the "I" button), and supports basically any effects on the input audio. The main downside here is that it has a 200ms-500ms delay, which OBS can compensate for.
  • A physical compressor, which is the most expensive option, but has basically no delay and doesn't require any CPU resources.


I went through the last 3 options in order over the past few years for my own streaming, and they all worked fine. I've not used Voicemeeter for anything other than mixing multiple audio streams, since I don't find it's compressor controllable enough for my tastes, but maybe you just want something super simple.

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I am certain that Ross has already mentioned this, but I am unable to find where, so I ask the community:


What souses for news, gaming news, and stuff that's free like the Crew does Ross use?

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Question for the next video chat, if someone will pass this on to the reddit that would be appreciated.


Ross, would you consider using the HL2 Cinematic Mod? (a version that doesn't change the look of the original actor models, CM doesn't require Steam after the first run of the game and it patches a lot of bugs) P.S.: I can even put together the older models with the newer Cinematic Mod for you if you want.



Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Question for the next video chat, if someone will pass this on to the reddit that would be appreciated.


Ross, would you consider using the HL2 Cinematic Mod? (a version that doesn't change the look of the original actor models, CM doesn't require Steam after the first run of the game and it patches a lot of bugs) P.S.: I can even put together the older models with the newer Cinematic Mod for you if you want.



cinematic mod is an absolute joke, even the older versions.

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cinematic mod is an absolute joke, even the older versions.

One look on the screenshot with "upgraded" version of Alyx was enough for me to instantly close the browser tab.

Come the full moon, the bat flies whose boiling blood shall stem the tide.

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He said "Evoland"

Thanks. In that case, here's the time index:



00:40 – questions for this chat were submitted through Reddit

00:56 – why there was no video during November

01:29 – current situation on Game Dungeon + its fork

02:01 – at least two Game Dungeons coming before Christmas

02:42 – the next videochat and Planetside 2 session date & time should be sought in the YouTube description of this video

02:51 – voting for the videochats' day of week

03:15 – reasons why previous Planetside 2 session was replaced with Zombie Panic Source

03:36 – voting results

04:12 – upcoming live playthrough of Supreme Commander on Hard with no loads

05:22 – quick follow-up on last year's Ross's Big Birthday Video

06:10 – another upcoming giveaway of The Crew on December 18th

10:55 – Ross is freezing

36:20 and 01:45:15 – please don't send more than 2-3 questions

38:00 – there are rumors of Unreal Engine being unstable, and of Unity getting frame-by-frame processing feature. Are these true? Please contact Ross if you have experience with these engines.

41:32 – be prepared for Ross's YouTube channel being closed by Warner Bros.; in this case go to Accursed Farms website and help him sue them

01:40:01 – Ross is burning


Top-voted questions from Reddit

08:55 – advices for someone working as a security guard

11:07 – interesting stories that happened with Ross while he was working as a security guard

13:20 – plans for Ross's Game Dungeon: Follow-up Episode #2

14:23 – are these videochats a replacement for Follow-up Episodes

14:59 – how would Freeman adjust to the world of Half-Life 2 + how will Freeman's Mind 2 differ from original series

16:43 – if Ross's life was a novel studied in a high school literature class, what would the teacher call its main theme or concept

17:48 – Ross's favorite conspiracy theories

19:47 – will it be hard for Ross to go back to the Source engine to make Freeman's Mind 2, considering how he hates it

21:33 – the future of Moon Gaming

23:19 – will Zombie Panic Source sessions continue, if yes will they replace Planetside 2 sessions

24:38 – would Ross review a game like Daikatana


Other Reddit questions picked by Ross

25:56 – what would Ross change about human nature

26:30 – why Ross doesn't run emulated games in Linux

28:34 – questions about Warframe and frankincense

28:41 – since Ross is a self described soundtrack junkie, is he planning on doing an episode about his favourite game soundtracks


Other pre-submitted questions

31:15 – why VR isn't aggressively marketed considering how awesome it is

33:23 – do enemy factions ever help each other in Planetside 2

34:11 – examples of good 3D games and movies

36:50 – what's the average percentage of time spent on pre- and post-production for Civil Protection and The Movie

40:20 – Warner Bros. bought Machinima


Live chat questions

43:38 – who would Ross get as a guest in Moon Gaming

44:52 – most exotic game Ross ever played

46:20 – political question

47:33 – what software Ross uses for recording raw game footage for Game Dungeon

49:08 – did Ross see Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

49:34 – did Ross visit Austria (since Freeman mentioned Innsbruck)

50:33 – will Ross do a Carmageddon Game Dungeon

51:09 – did Ross ever scrap some almost finished project because it wasn't good enough

53:35 – opinion on open world games vs linear style games

55:28 – Ross's settings for recording game footage

57:23 – why doesn't Ross ask for donations in a more explicit manner

01:00:35 – did Ross ever think about composing music, if yes what genre

01:01:47 – how long does Ross have long hair, will he ever change his style

01:03:10 – is JonTron over the top with his humor

01:03:27 – opinion on Star Wars: The Force Awakens

01:06:26 – opinion on genre-hopping games like Evoland

01:06:56 – if Ross could travel to Mars, would he help colonize it and why

01:07:50 – how Ross feels about inspiring a lot of people with his work

01:09:22 – has Ross played System Shock 1

01:10:43 – opinion on Star Trek

01:13:12 – opinion on green technology and renewable resources, will they help with oil shortage and pollution

01:16:20 – recommendations on Diablo-like games

01:17:19 – does Ross need experienced editors and game footage recorders, or is he OK with rookies

01:18:49 – does Ross keep Game Dungeon and Freeman's Mind universes separate on purpose

01:19:32 – opinion on Marc Laidlaw leaving Valve

01:20:06 – advice for someone starting his own YouTube Channel

01:21:29 – what things dramatically influence Ross's mood

01:23:02 – Ross's biggest pet peeves

01:23:48 – does Ross have a degree in psychology

01:25:40 – what software Ross uses to compress his videos

01:27:01 – has Ross considered streaming for several hours a couple times a week

01:27:45 – will Star Citizen ever come out

01:28:26 – does Ross need any help with the Unity engine

01:30:27 – would Ross remake Freeman's Mind in Black Mesa

01:30:47 – why Ross reads so slowly, does he like to read or is he rather a movie guy

01:31:49 – opinion on the young generation exploring old games

01:34:21 – voice auditions for The Movie

01:34:37 – using Ross's work for making merchandise

01:35:37 – smoothest interaction Ross ever had with his computer

01:36:28 – what actual uses would we have for artificial intelligence

01:38:32 – why Ross compresses his videos if OBS already does that

01:39:43 – are there any new projects coming soon

01:40:23 – opinion on Pathologic

01:41:33 – will Ross create a trailer for The Movie

01:42:32 – Ross's lips move asymmetrically like Sylvester Stallone's

01:43:03 – Ross's favorite Metroid game

01:43:50 – muting the voice track in songs to get the music

01:45:35 – did Ross post his scaling trick anywhere


01:44:21 – conclusion

01:46:51 – final word

Come the full moon, the bat flies whose boiling blood shall stem the tide.

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Ross, is Twitch Prime a potential revenue stream for you? Apparently all Amazon Prime customers can get it for free. It said something about supporting your favorite streamer with a free monthly subscription. I don't know if that means you get money or if it's just "hand for the band" kind of support, so I figured I'd ask.

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So... what is Ross' scaling trick? dying to know (i have a lot of low resolution snes capture footage that I'd like to scale up)

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Are you going to play Supreme Commander or Supreme Commander FA campaign? FA campaign is a bit harder, but overall both are pretty easy even on hard if you ever played ranked multiplayer and know when things gonna trigger.

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Quote from Freeman's Mind episode 64: "What was I supposed to do, turn down Black Mesa? oh yeah, I'll just go work at ANOTHER well funded facility looking for PURE physics work. Theoretical no less."


I feel like a reference to Aperture Science could've been built in there somewhere, since that exists

in the Half Life Universe and acts as a competitor to Black Mesa. Did you consider and dismiss that during writing, or did the thought not hit you?

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02:42 – the next videochat and Planetside 2 session date & time should be sought in the YouTube description of this video


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mh4oX-P9cWU is out and Ross says that he would like to try something else than Planetside 2.

Is there any place were we can discuss suggestions for other games?

Are there any known statistics, how many players actually come play into this sessions?

I would suggest a game called Renegade X, but it has 40 player limit on public servers, can push it up by making own server.

Or if Quintet can take big amount of players, we could revive this almost-dead 2013 game and have some almost-Star-Trek-Bridge-Crew action, make whole fleet, do some fun space stuff.


I think it would be better to discuss possibilities in the community before we fill up Ross' inbox even further with suggestions.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mh4oX-P9cWU is out and Ross says that he would like to try something else than Planetside 2.

Is there any place were we can discuss suggestions for other games?

Are there any known statistics, how many players actually come play into this sessions?

I would suggest a game called Renegade X, but it has 40 player limit on public servers, can push it up by making own server.

Or if Quintet can take big amount of players, we could revive this almost-dead 2013 game and have some almost-Star-Trek-Bridge-Crew action, make whole fleet, do some fun space stuff.


I think it would be better to discuss possibilities in the community before we fill up Ross' inbox even further with suggestions.

During Planetside 2 there was also talk about Realm of the Mad God and Unreal Tournament 2004: Onslaught (I think that's how it was called?). Half a year ago I would advise to steer clear of this game (it was earlier owned by Kabam!, and they almost sank the game to the bottom), but now I think it is a viable candidate. However it also has flaws. One: it runs on Adobe Flash (though I heard that Deca Games are planning to switch RotMG to the new platform in the future). Two: it has micro transactions, and while you can ignore most of them, there are some elements that WILL make your life MUCH easier if you pay for that (Storage and character slots), which is a thing that I don't like. And three: community. It's not as bad as some other communities (looking at YOU, majority of Undertale and Sonic fans), but it has its moments. I do know a handful of players there who are pretty decent, and in general they are fun to talk with.

If you can look past these flaws, however, I'd say it can make a decent candidate for holding game streams

A.K.A. UberCatSR

Favorite game: Quake 1.


Avatar made by Neffertity

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