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Digital Homicide

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I was unaware the goal of journalism/news outlets was to be funny

I was also unaware that humor factor had an effect on the merit of what they say

You can make the argument of form vs. function only if it's a trade off. There are better videos on the same subject which do better in both style and content.


Anyway, Digital Homicide is down with its hopes of getting out-of-court settlement deals smashed. They'll probably keep pumping shit down the Steam Store in a couple of months under a different name, because the Steam Store is so easy to abuse it's ridiculous.

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I was unaware the goal of journalism/news outlets was to be funny

I was also unaware that humor factor had an effect on the merit of what they say


When one's trying to be funny and they're not, it sticks out like a sore thumb.

I never said there was a connection between the two.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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I was unaware the goal of journalism/news outlets was to be funny.

Unfortunately some "Journalists" try to blend together entertainment and information with mixed results. They do this to appear "hip" and "with the times". I hate this because it can lead to a compromise on the information presented for the sake of some gag/joke. I say can because some people are able to maintain a balance between entertainment and information. I have no problem with them. But As far as I'm concerned unfunny "Journalists" should shut their traps, stop trying and actually give me the information I came for in the first place.

I'm not saying I started the fire. But I most certain poured gasoline on it.

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I was unaware the goal of journalism/news outlets was to be funny.

Unfortunately some "Journalists" try to blend together entertainment and information with mixed results. They do this to appear "hip" and "with the times". I hate this because it can lead to a compromise on the information presented for the sake of some gag/joke. I say can because some people are able to maintain a balance between entertainment and information. I have no problem with them. But As far as I'm concerned unfunny "Journalists" should shut their traps, stop trying and actually give me the information I came for in the first place.

Honestly. I don't care for journalism in the first place since nowadays it leans more towards being argumentative than being informative, but that especially doesn't clash with humor. That's where you end up with shit like CollegeHumor and Buzzfeed.

the name's riley

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Honestly. I don't care for journalism in the first place since nowadays it leans more towards being argumentative than being informative, but that especially doesn't clash with humor. That's where you end up with shit like CollegeHumor and Buzzfeed.

True, but with that being said there's still informative sources out there. It's just not profitable to do so. One Journalist that comes to mind is George Weidman of the Youtube Channel Super Bunnyhop https://www.youtube.com/user/bunnyhopshow . I've never found any of his positions to be overblown nor his videos clickbaity. On top of that he actually has a degree in Journalism unlike most "Gaming Journalists". I seek out and promote these sources in the hopes that journalism will slowly fix itself. I don't fix anything by complaining about how awful it is but being proactive might. That's a big might but it's better than doing something that adds up to nothing.

I'm not saying I started the fire. But I most certain poured gasoline on it.

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Honestly. I don't care for journalism in the first place since nowadays it leans more towards being argumentative than being informative, but that especially doesn't clash with humor. That's where you end up with shit like CollegeHumor and Buzzfeed.

I have to concur with this point. I often think that even something epistemologically valid like investigative journalism has been far too subsumed into capitalistic ventures and often under the "patronage" of someone else's narrative and agenda.

When close friends speak ill of close friends

they pass their abuse from ear to ear

in dying whispers -

even now, when prayers are no longer prayed.

What sounds like violent coughing

turns out to be laughter.

Shuntarō Tanikawa

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