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Games similar to the Arkham Series

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So for me, what I really enjoy the most in the Arkham games is being the badass that Batman is. Let me 'splain... No there is too much. Let me sum up. I'm the predictor, the mooks, are the prey. I might be over here, or I might be over there. You don't know. When you first entered the room, there was nine of you, now there's seven. What's that noise? Better go check it out. Now there's six. Five. There's a guy hanging from a statue. How the hell did he get like that?! Four. A destroyed wall, that was intact a minute a go. Three. Another guy hanging upside down. Two. Two guy's left. They're both very terrified. One's glad he's wearing brown pants. Now he's the only one left. All of a sudden you're being dragged away and are knocked out. You never saw me coming.


Is there any other game series where you're the horror? Any games out there where you get to play with your food, before taking them out? The Assassin's Creed games come close, but they don't quite have the same oomph the Arkham games have.


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When you mentioned "game series where you're the horror", I remembered Prototype and inFAMOUS. Although both of them have you play as superpowered beings and not a Badass Normal, they also have that feeling where you are in control. Especially in Prototype

A.K.A. UberCatSR

Favorite game: Quake 1.


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Although I personally hated how much they fucked with the lore, Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor takes a lot of mechanics from AC and the Arkham series in terms of gameplay. That you can directly take control of Uruks, prey on their fears, upset the army hierarchy etc.


As for games where you're the horror? I can name a bunch.


Dead by Daylight is a multiplayer game where you can play as a Killer hunting down four different people who're trying to escape the map. Its inspired by a bunch of slasher films like Friday the 13th, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and so on.


Party Hard is another one inspired by Friday the 13th and Hotline Miami or Lakeview Cabin in terms of style


Dishonored you can pull off some very cool assassinations and tricks and slaughter tons of people even if the game's story mostly encourages you to play non-violent. Check out some videos on youtube if you want on some of the craziness some people have pulled off like getting enemies to shoot their own allies by accident, aiming bolts to precisely rain down on people, or otherwise just pulling off really fast and smooth runs of whole areas.


Another simple game, Deadbolt, you can fuck around with enemies by teleporting through vents, knocking on doors to have them open up before blowing their brains out

Long is the way; and hard, that out of Hell leads up to Light-Paradise Lost

By the power of truth, while I live, I have conquered the universe-Faust

The only absolute is that there are no absolutes, except that one

Vae Victus-Brennus

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I'll have to check out Deadbolt, I'm not a fan of most pixel art indie games. I Really enjoy Dishonored, although I always go the stealth route. Tried Infamous and Prototype, couldn't get into them. Which is weird, because I also enjoy superhero games.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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I agree with Shadow of Mordor and Dishonored, both great games that have great AI which can have NPCs simply terrified.


I think there are NPC conversations about it in The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay, although it's an interesting dynamic. For a large part of the game the enemies are better equipped than you, but you still slink through the shadows killing them. They'll still fight you and have a pretty basic AI, but the game favors stealth so most of the time you still feel like you're stalking your prey.


I don't think there are many AI horror elements in it, but Mark of the Ninja has you sneaking around with the ability of taking out enemies one by one. From a gameplay standpoint, it's like a 2D Dishonored.

Gunpoint doesn't have any horror elements at all, but it has the same sort of concept. It also rewards you for skillful play and not just non lethal play, so it doesn't pressure you to doing something over the other - unlike Dishonored, where non-lethal is clearly better than lethal.


It's incredibly different and lighthearted, but the Mother series (RPG) has a mechanic where if you start a battle where you're clearly going to win unscathed it doesn't even enter the battle screen - it just tells you you won. And at that state, most enemies will run away from you because they're about to get slaughtered. It's kind of empowering, especially if you didn't grind your way towards it.


Soul Nomad and the World Eaters is a PS2 strategy RPG, where you save the world from a demon trapped inside of you. This is a pretty standard affair and a pretty fun game on its own, but in NG+ you can give in to the demon and pretty much destroy the world. If you aren't comfortable with inflicting terror like a tyrant (including but not limited to rape, slavery and genocide), you probably won't like it.

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