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Here's part 2 of covering the Deus Ex games. This one isn't as serious as the last episode; really, I think the last Deus Ex is likely going to be a high water mark for the series as far as serious as I prefer to focus on more fun stuff. I really thought this episode was going to go faster than it did, but there was more to say about it than I originally anticipated. In any event, I'll be moving on to Human Revolution as soon as possible after this. It's my hope to have the next one done before the videochat on September 3rd, but I'll just have to see what's possible. On that note, you can post here or email me if you have questions for the next videochat.


Also, in case anyone is wondering, I'm not intentionally trying to ignore anyone since I'm sure the last episode stirred up a lot of comments, but I've been spending all my available time trying to get the current videos done, so I'm largely putting off going through comments until I'm done with all three videos. More coming!



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The Kidney Thieves are really good. Thanks for introducing them to me Ross.

I'm not saying I started the fire. But I most certain poured gasoline on it.

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Cant wait for Human Revolution

“Error 482: Somebody shot the server with a 12-gauge. Please contact your administrator”

“Caution Laser Caution Laser Caution Laser”

“I can now solve up to 800 problems a minute”

"I got my degree under the tutelage of Dr. Pepper."

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Some good ideas in his game, but their off set by the console friendly design. I wonder how many people use the female model due to the male model looking like a douchebag.

"I don't trust a man that doesn't have something strange going on about him, cause that means he's hiding it from you. If a man's wearing his pants on his head or if he says his words backwards from time to time, you know it's all laid out there for you. But if he's friendly to strangers and keeps his home spick-and-span, more often than not he's done something even his own ma couldn't forgive." -No-bark Noonan

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Some good ideas in his game, but their off set by the console friendly design. I wonder how many people use the female model due to the male model looking like a douchebag.

What?! Homeboy with his gat sideways on the cover was totally gangsta, yo!




Yeah, I'll admit that was a major factor in deciding to play as the female version of Alex D in my playthrough.

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Hi Ross, here are some questions for the next video chat


1. Have you read Stephen King's Dark Tower series? If so, please don't spoil anything, I just started the fifth book, if not, I highly recommend you read it. It is

often considered to be the greatest series of books ever written


2. Do you have a favorite episode of Game Dungeon or Freemans Mind?



3. Here are two hypotheticals; in one, the entire earth would be nearly destroyed with pollution; the air is basically toxic, there is little drinking water or food, but world peace

has been achieved. In the other, all nations prosper and the environment is still perfect even with all the technological advancements we have today, but you are always in fear

of being nuked or worse due to world war III raging on. Which do you choose?


Hope that I didn't ask too much!

Love You Man



(P.S)- I know you are a zombie enthusiast, so you should check out my youtube channel where I review weapons for the zombie apocalypse. Not asking for a shoutout

or more publicity, but it would really mean something to me if you checked one of my videos out. It's up to you though. My channel name is


Joes Guides 1

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Note: The subs for this episode will be delayed. Since the previous video was pretty long and, to be frank, not very entertaining for me to type (not much in the way of humor or anything), I'm going to be taking a break. I'll get on these subtitles soon but it might be a week or two (possibly even after the next video chat) before I'm done with them. And there'll be probably be a delay on the next video which will probably be out before I'm done.


Sorry folks. They'll be done but not quickly.

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Sorry folks.
You don't owe us anything. Thanks for your job.

Come the full moon, the bat flies whose boiling blood shall stem the tide.

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Concerning the nanite bomb, its more than possible that the nanites could have been limited to how many times they could replicate. There could have also been a counter measure to the nanite bomb which would stop their uncontrolled replication. So its more than possible that the attack could be contained to chicago

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Hey Ross, good video as usual but I don't like how you casually SPOILED THE ENDINGS to both the first and second Deus Ex games. At least put in a warning, or even better a video annotation to skip over the MAJOR spoiler part.


You're probably assuming everyone who's watching the videos has at least completed the first Deus Ex. Well maybe, but that was 16 years ago! After your video of the first game, I started playing it again, only to have the ending spoiled before I even finished the second area. I am disappoint.

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that was 16 years ago!
So I guess you're like that character from Memento? In this case, MAJOR SPOILER:

the Titanic SINKS!

Come the full moon, the bat flies whose boiling blood shall stem the tide.

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that was 16 years ago!
So I guess you're like that character from Memento? In this case, MAJOR SPOILER:

the Titanic SINKS!

Don't forget to mention HUGE SPOILER:

Darth Vader is Luke's father.


The Narrator and Tyler Durden from Fight Club are the same person.


I'm not saying I started the fire. But I most certain poured gasoline on it.

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Some of those dumbed-down mechanics... Geez, even BioShock still had different ammo types (multiple types per weapon, even!) and the need to reload! Actually, it's kind of interesting seeing how shooters have evolved since then; nowadays a game is seen as a throwback if it has universal ammo and no reloading. Even the new Doom has separate ammo for each weapon.

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I know Ross does his own thing with the game dungeon, but I'm still surprised he didn't talk about the AI or the lack of believable consequences with the 3 factions throughout the game. Those were the things I felt held back the game the most, aside from the level loading bullshit.


I remember clearly shooting an enemy with a poison dart, and quickly popping back behind cover, and watched with my x-ray vision as she did absolutely nothing and got knocked out like she didn't even notice. On the flip side, certain enemies that I tried to sneak past seemed to have superhuman hearing as they were able to hear me crawling on a different level than them.


But the worst thing was that no matter how much you screw over the Templars, how many black market biomods you splice yourself with, or how many Templars you kill, the Templars still seem keen to trust you to carry out their requests. The same goes for the Illuminati. Only the Omar react believably at all....by taking away a discount they may have given you in the past. Whoop dee-doo. It was this lackluster approach to player consequence that really took me out of the game, and made me never want to play it through again.


Also he left out one really good positive to the game: Better jumping. This is the one of the few FPS games where you can actually climb ledges like a normal person, and it does it quite well. The jumping itself though, it kind of strange because you get this awkward sort of hang time before dropping faster than you jumped up.

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Oh god this game was so disappointing. There's just enough there that you can see what it could have been.

Or at least there was if you could get it to run. It took me an age to get the thing stable, and even then it would crash to desktop on a regular basis.


Although, there was one bug that was simply hilarious - for some reason, it would apply lighting effects normally, with the exception of the character's eyes.

Combine that with the psycho-staring and it felt like I was surrounded by Goa'uld.

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Oh god this game was so disappointing. There's just enough there that you can see what it could have been.

Or at least there was if you could get it to run. It took me an age to get the thing stable, and even then it would crash to desktop on a regular basis.


Although, there was one bug that was simply hilarious - for some reason, it would apply lighting effects normally, with the exception of the character's eyes.

Combine that with the psycho-staring and it felt like I was surrounded by Goa'uld.

Ironically for me, patches made the stability worse. I decided to start up a second playthrough of Invisible War recently just because I'm a bit of a masochist, and found that on Windows 10, the only version I could get running was the original 1.0 version directly off my CD copy of the game. If I install the 1.1 patch, the game will start, but fail to start a new game or load any existing saves, and if I install the 1.2 patch, the game won't even start. On the plus side, v1.0 has been stable enough to be generally playable. I'm near the end of the game and have only had two crashes to desktop, and one case where some sort of glitch was preventing the game from starting up. Rebooting fixed that problem.

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Hey Ross, have you played the original Thief games (Dark Project and Metal Age)? If you haven't, I have a feeling you are going to love them, based on what you are saying about Deus Ex. I'd like to see a video on your thoughts about them if you feel like it.

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