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Games Not Being Difficult Anymore

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Most Sci-Fi is definitely not based off Star Trek lmao. Science fiction got its biggest push with the works of H.G. Wells. But that wouldn't be something known by the unintelligent.

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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when you go to triple-a games, then yes, games often arent as hard as they used to be. But thats not a bad thing in my opinion.

Still, as people already pointed out, RTS & strategy in general is one genre that can be really hard.

For example, i dare you to play empire: total war campaign (or any total war, really) even on vanilla on very hard/very hard. Even TW veterans (talking about people who play TW games since Rome came out or even before that) have hard time with that

Now, add darthmod to the mix & you are pretty messed up

Jack O'Neill: "You know Teal'c, if we dont find a way out of this soon, im gonna lose it. Lose it... it means go crazy. nuts. insane. bonzo. no longer in possession of ones faculties. 3 fries short of a happy meal. WACKO!!!!!!!!"

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I feel as though the video games that I play aren't being challenging anymore and I've played some games with insane levels of difficulty. Super Meat Boy, Unreal Tournament 2004, Quake I, Undertale with all of these games I eventually mastered them and then they effectively became jokes in terms of difficulty for me. The only one I can say is still challenging me is Unreal Tournament but it's only a matter of time before I'll be able to play on Inhuman and Godlike difficulties. I tried going outside of my comfort zone and playing strategy games like HoMM but that didn't take long to master either. Now I've become so bored with video games and I don't know what to do.


If I'm being bluntly honest I have a difficult time believing you. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, however, and give you some recommendations. If you're looking for a real challenge, you could play I Wanna be the Guy, on Impossible difficulty. The FNAF games also have some really punishing challenges in the extra levels (for example 4/20 mode in the first game). Geometry Dash and its custom levels are also liable to keep you busy for a while. You could also do self imposed challenges to make easy games harder.


This might also help: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NintendoHard

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If I'm being bluntly honest I have a difficult time believing you. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, however, and give you some recommendations. If you're looking for a real challenge, you could play I Wanna be the Guy, on Impossible difficulty. The FNAF games also have some really punishing challenges in the extra levels (for example 4/20 mode in the first game). Geometry Dash and its custom levels are also liable to keep you busy for a while. You could also do self imposed challenges to make easy games harder.

This might also help: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NintendoHard

I'm very much aware of the fact that I'm just a guy on the internet saying he's beaten x amount of games with no proof to show for it. I'm not touting the games I've beaten as achievements here as I fear I may have given you that impression from my OP.


I don't consider much of anything to be worth touting over. If anything I become slightly depressed when I beat a game because then it's no longer a new experience for me. From that point onward I just play it for the sake of system mastery and that's it.


I haven't played anything that feels new, foreign or alien to me in a long time because I've grown so accustomed to a point where most of the games I've played are practically second nature to me. Again I want to emphasize that I'm bored as hell and not proud of what I've done here. I am not some self proclaimed "champion" who finds the games he's beaten as anything noteworthy. I'm someone who's bored out of his mind and doesn't know how to fix his boredom. These aren't victories they're problems I keep encountering over and over again. Anyway I hope that makes some sense.

I'm not saying I started the fire. But I most certain poured gasoline on it.

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I am not some self proclaimed "champion" who finds the games he's beaten as anything noteworthy. I'm someone who's bored out of his mind and doesn't know how to fix his boredom. These aren't victories they're problems I keep encountering over and over again. Anyway I hope that makes some sense.


To be blunt again, it doesn't make any sense. If you're truly bored of video games then my only advice is to do something else.

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Quake on Nightmare is actually easier then Hard because the enemies become so aggressive they often just sit and spam their attack leaving them open and exploitable. I find Quake is only enjoyable on Hard and anyone accustomed to the way classic FPS handles themselves shouldn't find it a problem though, Quake has some nasty balancing issues. The Vore missile is ridiculously unfair in how freakishly well it tracks the player and the fiend's jump attack is either bugged or fucking retarded because as long as it's in the air the damage goes up incredibly fast, meaning it can literally one hit kill you in the right circumstances even if you have 200 health and full armor. Also the Spawns are just a bullshit enemy design and they were thrown in the last minute. It shows.




I too like a challenge in games and take joy in mastering its mechanics and basically gutting the thing inside and out, but there are SO many games out there that I find it hard to believe you'd become bored. Typically modern games will not be extremely hard because they're trying to appeal to a mass audience but there are some geared towards a hardcore audience. Otherwise there are plenty of indies, older games and mods for games geared towards the hardcore.

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