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AlChestBreach fans

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I dont know if I should of posted this here or on the free for all area, or if I even can create a thread about a YouTube channel but I have not made a topic yet so I might as well post one. Has anybody heard of and like AlChestBreach? As you might of guessed from my avatar (a character he made up named Curt Beltpantz in GTA 5) I am a fan and religious follower of "the breach doctrine". How did you first discover him and what do you like (or hate) about him? Of all his regular series and scheduled stuff what do you enjoy the most? Fallout mods? His old Skyrim mod playthroughs? Indie sunday? Misc mondays? His crazy schemes on Sims with the Duggart family? I am sorry if this is a bit of an obscure topic but I liked him and wanted to post something.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhXnllVl0X4: "Can you hear the screaming of the piss?"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfPw4YmOfuw: "Remember what your mother told you. Keep eating!"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovMmayW7OEg: "Yes I am sure a bear who can't drive can give you the Heimlich maneuver"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkHtsdEDF_g: "I'm axe man. And I am technically not allowed to be in this bar"

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Would be better in the FFA section, as this appears to be about the Youtuber, not games themselves.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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He is a gaming Youtuber though, so I reckon it just about fits the criteria for the gaming subforum. And to answer the OP's original question, yes I have heard of and are a big fanboy of Al, Curt Beltpants and the rest of the gang... :3 I love the way he conjures up this insane cast of characters from absolutely nothing other than random modded companions, or through his bonkers voice impersonations (Louie in his Fallout 4 live sessions) and even just inanimate in-game objects. Infact a while ago I tried to recall all of his named companions (including Chains, you mentioned Fallout: Dust's "breach doctrine") and I quickly lost track of how many there were. I guess I just find his slightly inept way of playing games and general irreverence extremely amusing, it's hard to explain to anyone who isn't a fan precisely what his appeal is.

Any way I can't hope to discuss everything on his channel so I prepare a quick list of general questions for you curt+wraithpantz (is that Stargate Atlantis reference?) or anyone who has the foggiest idea what we are talking about.


  • What's your favourite series on his channel?
  • What's your favourite specific episode? (that can include multiple part mod/game reviews)
  • What's your second favourite specific episode?
  • Which member of Al's New Vegas team do you like most?
  • Which one of his many characters (across the channel in general) do you love the most?
  • For the sake of balance, who is your least favorite character?
  • Which game do you wish he kept playing and made a series of?
  • Which top three moments or jokes made you laugh like an imbecile?
  • What do you think of the videos where Al plays with his real life friends and the not the imaginary ones in his head?
  • If Al also lives on the moon, does he know Ross? Are they sworn enemies? Lovers?


Sorry about the amount the questions but it was just a way of getting the conversation going, answer as few or as many as you please. I'll get around it to it myself at some point.

When close friends speak ill of close friends

they pass their abuse from ear to ear

in dying whispers -

even now, when prayers are no longer prayed.

What sounds like violent coughing

turns out to be laughter.

Shuntarō Tanikawa

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I kinda like him but my viewing of his stuff has just amounted to just his new vegas and fallout 4 mod reviews.

Certainly the overwhelming majority of his videos are Fallout related, but there's so much more going on in his channel. A good place to start are his Indie Sunday videos. Not only will you get to see some very obscure (and often extremely broken) games but he usually spends most of the "review" espousing some spiralling nonsensical tale and/or playing some absurd character he has just made-up seemingly on the spot.

When close friends speak ill of close friends

they pass their abuse from ear to ear

in dying whispers -

even now, when prayers are no longer prayed.

What sounds like violent coughing

turns out to be laughter.

Shuntarō Tanikawa

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