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End of June update

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Well I have some bad news in that I'm running late on the next Game Dungeon. I just can't see it being finished by tomorrow. I intended to have it done this month, but it's going to take a couple more days. I do intend to have multiple Game Dungeons for July however, and I plan on posting a short follow-up video a little later to the latest Ross Rants since some confusion + good questions were brought up that I wanted to address.


Also a reminder, the next videochat will be on July 3rd at 4pm EST at twitch.tv/rossbroadcast. You can either email me or post any additional questions / topics you have in the comments below. I can't promise which will come out first, the videochat, or the next Game Dungeon, but they should both be pretty close to one another.


Also the next Planetside 2 play session will be on July 16th at 2pm EST on the Emerald server, also on twitch.


That's it for now. Expect several more Game Dungeons coming both July and August!



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Hey Ross here are my questions.


1. When it comes to talking about video games which aspects do you think matters more, the person's voice or their tone? Like for instance would you rather listen to someone who has an articulate and robust voice like Yahtzee Croshaw or someone who is enthusiastic about what their talking about like you? I've been really wanting to do something similar to what you're doing with your Ross's Game Dungeon/ Ross's rants series in regards to covering old and obscure video games. Except my voice sounds very average, I've never done it before and I have no vocal training whatsoever. I basically just want to bring attention to the games/topics I'm covering and not bore my audience to death.


2. What's your thoughts on publishers killing video game genres? I've been noticing this disturbing trend amongst Blizzard's games such as WoW, Starcraft II and possibly Overwatch where they're are so perfectly made and heavily marketed that they effectively kill any possibilities for new games in their respective genres. If EA is killing games then Blizzard is taking that one step further and preventing thousands of games from even being born.


3. Are you going to continue hosting PS2 play sessions despite PS2 being on shaky ground now with PS1's shutdown or will you move on to something else?

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

I'm not saying I started the fire. But I most certain poured gasoline on it.

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Have you heard of a band called 'the Residents?' I ask because I recall you mentioning a game called Bad Day on the Midway in your CarnEvil review, and I recently discovered that that game was scored and designed by them, along with several others.

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Hallo Ross

Hope your doing well. Here are my questions:

1. How good are you at RTS's? have you ever competed in some tournament anywhere?


2. Which game genre are you the best/strongest playing at then? Which is next? and so on.


3. Obviously next question is which is your worst? I know you don't like turn based but I think you'd still be good at it.


4. When can we see the website update? personally I don't think it need it. People come to your for original content not style. I mean Look at maddox of www.bestpageintheuniverse.com


Stay productive.


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Hey Ross,


I'm the concept artist that you've been emailing. Take a look at what I've sent and reply back to me (about questions I had) so I can continue working on it. And yes, I sent it to the right email.


Also I have PLENTY of L4D2 and Payday 2 game footage lying around if you want it.



Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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Ross, here's something for you.

It appears that the Grickle channel has started a Patreon, but he's not reached the value he set out to obtain yet.

Perhaps you could help, with your fancy internet fame?


Video below:


I HAVE to blow everything up! It's the only way to prove I'm not CRAZY!

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Ross, in the in the secret world video you mentioned that you noticed an odd graffitty sprayed on the side of the walls around your home. TSW, did you find out what it means?

Also, when making cult tycoon you said so many things about how to make and maintain your own cult, makes me wonder if you ever led a cult. I mean, what do we know about you before you revealed your face? For all we know, the reason why it took so long to make freeman's mind was because you were too busy running a cult.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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Ross, I am moving out of my parent's house and am living with some of my coworker friends. What are some healthy and cheap foods that you would recommend?

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Ross, I am moving out of my parent's house and am living with some of my coworker friends. What are some healthy and cheap foods that you would recommend?


Beans. :lol:

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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Ross, I am moving out of my parent's house and am living with some of my coworker friends. What are some healthy and cheap foods that you would recommend?


Beans. :lol:


preferably ones without bugs in them, though.

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Ross, I am moving out of my parent's house and am living with some of my coworker friends. What are some healthy and cheap foods that you would recommend?


I feel like Ross has answered this in one of his prior video chats. From my question history to Ross, it was on the January 3rd video chat.

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Hey Ross,


Question #1: How's the movie coming? Are you finding time for it?


Question #2: Do you have any plans as to where you'll get music from for the movie?

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Ross, I am moving out of my parent's house and am living with some of my coworker friends. What are some healthy and cheap foods that you would recommend?


Beans. :lol:


preferably ones without bugs in them, though.

But they add protein...


Actually, lentils and rice are an excellent source of vital nutrients, and they're extremely inexpensive.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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