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Hey everyone, as an update, I have a few announcements. First, the next videochat with fans will be on June 5th, at 4pm EST on twitch.tv/rossbroadcast. I'll put the stream on up on Youtube afterwards. If you have any questions or topics you want covered, either reply to this thread or email [email protected]. Next, I have a date for the next Planetside 2 session. It will be on June 18th, at 2pm EST on the Emerald server. I THINK it will go okay, but if you had difficulty joining last time, I recommend joining a different continent next time and you'll probably still get a chance to play. I'll discuss this more when I do the videochat.


In the meantime, I've been catching up on a massive amount of emails and slowly getting more prepwork done for future videos and work done on the movie itself. This month I hope to have another Ross Rants and at least one Game Dungeon, hopefully several more videos, but I don't want to promise anything in terms of dates. I'm looking forward to working on all the stuff I have planned, it's just a matter of grinding through it.



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Hi Ross here are my questions.


1. Have you ever been apathetic, pessimistic or misanthropic? I'm all three, I find it hard to care, expect the absolute worse and hate humanity in general. As much as I wish there was hope reality seems to say otherwise and I find that people are far too blissfully unaware of it. It's almost as if they're deliberately ignoring just how shitty the world is because they can't handle it.


2. Have you considered getting a crock pot to cook your food for you? You basically chuck whatever you want in it, set it between 4-6 hours and then you're done. They're stupidly simple to use, have saved me a ton of time that I've used to work on my projects without having to make compromises with what I'm able to eat.


3. What element of turn based combat do you despise the most? For me it's limited actions and hit/miss chances. Fallout 1 & 2 in particular drove me up a freaking wall because of those elements.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

I'm not saying I started the fire. But I most certain poured gasoline on it.

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Hi Ross,here are my really random questions!

1.Whats your favorite food and drink?

2.Have you already played Sunless Sea and your thoughts about it if you have?

3.Your top 5 RTS games of all time?

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Questions for you...


1. Your opinion on the current presidential candidates, bearing in mind that there has been more money spent on badmouthing Trump than has been spent on everything else by everyone else combined.


2. Your opinion on sound suppressors for firearms, the real life versions. (not the movie or game versions that are completely unrealistic)


3. What is your current audio/video hardware/software setup?


4. What is your #2 favorite game of all time, and your next to least favorite game ever?


5. Do irrelevant questions annoy you?


6. Have you seen Deadpool yet? If so, your opinion?


7. What shoes do you wear?


8. What does your desk look like? (with all the stuff you normally have on it)


9. Your opinion on the newest VR-ready GPU offerings by AMD and Nvidia.


10. Make sure Ross sees this question, but doesn't actually answer it. How many clocks can you see from where you're sitting?


11. Do you have any 'superstitions', like a lucky sock or a broken chair you just can't get rid of?


12. Have you used a Steam Controller yet? Your opinion?


13. Have you heard of Space Pirates And Zombies 2? Your opinion?

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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1. Have you ever been apathetic, pessimistic or misanthropic? I'm all three, I find it hard to care, expect the absolute worse and hate humanity in general. As much as I wish there was hope reality seems to say otherwise and I find that people are far too blissfully unaware of it. It's almost as if they're deliberately ignoring just how shitty the world is because they can't handle it.


Some people are actually pants-on-head retarded, but most just focus on what really matters to them personally.


Also, there really wasn't much "hope" to begin with (unless you believe in immortality implied by the Quantum Suicide thought experiment) , so why squander your life force worrying about what others are thinking and doing?


Question for Ross :


Do you think entertainment(with the bounds of games movies, not so much books) has gone/will go drastically down in quality? It seems that the big dogs, like Disney and [insert AAA game studio here] are taking a lot less risks with their projects in order to maximize audience and profit. On one hand, a business is first and for most a business, and they are getting better at generating money by playing it safe. But on the other hand, it feels like we the audience getting the shit end of the stick in the long run. Maybe in twenty years going to the movies will be like chow time and the Nebakanezer : everyone gets serving of bland, homogeneous goop...but at least it's filling, and more importantly, predictable.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

"Fleet Intelligence Coming Online"

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You have mentioned Diablo several times as a prime example of a great RPG, aside from the fact that you like real-time combat as opposed to turn based combat, what are the several other reasons you like it so much? Can we expect to see a game dungeon on Diablo that sets your standards clear for future hack and slashes you review?


I happen to like Diablo as well, but I like Diablo II more, maybe you can turn me around with stuff I never noticed. What are the reasons why Diablo is better than the other Diablo games in your eyes?


Also have you heard about the game "Tubes" by Impulse software also known as Software creations? As far as gaming archaeology goes I've been looking EVERYWHERE for the full version of the game but like Bip bop III it seems to me every time I find the game I can only get a hold of the shareware version.

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Some people are actually pants-on-head retarded, but most just focus on what really matters to them personally.


Also, there really wasn't much "hope" to begin with (unless you believe in immortality implied by the Quantum Suicide thought experiment) , so why squander your life force worrying about what others are thinking and doing?

Oh I'm not worried, just annoyed. Stupid people are like pests to me. It doesn't help that they usually don't shut up either. It's too bad you can't kill them with a fly swatter, You could smack them in the face repeatably with one though and that would probably shut them up if only momentarily.


Though seriously it doesn't help that I'm part of a species that is 95% stupidity. Being smart is by no means a luxury. In fact it's more of a curse the more you think about it. You become aware to all the stupidity around you and that awareness is maddening because you can't do anything to eliminate it in any way, shape or form. It's like the force except dumb. I'm sure as hell not fine coexisting with these morons. If only they could embrace their inner lemming and jump off the nearest cliff. The world would be so much better off. But still life goes on I guess.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

I'm not saying I started the fire. But I most certain poured gasoline on it.

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I don't have a question, but I do have a statement.


I thought you would like to know that a local bar arcade that opened here actually has the arcade version of Carn Evil.

It's alright, but it's a real pain on the wrists. Also kinda cheap, in terms of taking your tokens. Makes the final boss make sense, though.

Also, hot darn does that game have a long credits sequence for an arcade game.

I HAVE to blow everything up! It's the only way to prove I'm not CRAZY!

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Though seriously it doesn't help that I'm part of a species that is 95% stupidity. Being smart is by no means a luxury. In fact it's more of a curse the more you think about it. You become aware to all the stupidity around you and that awareness is maddening because you can't do anything to eliminate it in any way, shape or form. It's like the force except dumb. I'm sure as hell not fine coexisting with these morons. If only they could embrace their inner lemming and jump off the nearest cliff. The world would be so much better off. But still life goes on I guess.

Heads up. I've posted this topic in serious topics. So lets hop over there if you want to continue this discussion, instead of further derailing this thread


Now wait just a burger flipping second. The area of human knowledge is unimaginably vast: most people take decades to become experts in one small section of it, and sometimes it takes even longer to actually push the boundaries of our collective knowledge by just a tiny bit. You don't see a lot of folks with multiple doctoral degrees, do you?


So does this mean that 95% of all humans are dumb? No. Well, sort of. Since it's impossible to be an expert in *everything*, all of us have a completely superficial view of the world sans a few things we actually specialize in. Of course, some of us are more intuitive than others, but intuition alone is a poor substitute for actual knowledge.


The point is, in terms of the amount of knowledge, the gap between individuals is completely minuscule compared to the actual amount of knowledge out there. For example: I've read some Plato, and Joe Asscrack the plumber hasn't. Joe Asscrack isn't dumb just because he has never heard of the Allegory of the Cave and I have. You see, neither of us have really devoted our lives to studying Greek philosophy, and if pressed, he could probably reach my level of understanding on the subject pretty quickly and easily. In the end, it makes no discernible difference if Joe watches bikini mud wrestling or reads in his spare time, he'll still remain on relatively the same level as all of us. The only real thing that may distinguish us is our overall trade.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

"Fleet Intelligence Coming Online"

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but intuition alone is a poor substitute for actual knowledge.

And knowledge alone is a poor substitution for intuition. You imply otherwise with the wording of your statement; both are required. Wisdom comes when you have a balance of both, the knowledge and the intuition to apply it properly.


The biggest problem isn't that others aren't as 'smart', the problem is that they usually refuse to even attempt to communicate on any terms other than their own. (this is particularly frustrating for me, as I rarely put any emotion into my communication, and it is almost always taken as an insult)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Hi Ross, here are some questions


1. I recently took a class trip to Poland, and I noticed two things. One was that the economy is very poor compared to the US. I think i spent $50 in total. How do you feel about the Polish economy? Two is that at the hotel we stayed at, there was always a car or bike in the 24/7 car wash. Is this something all over Poland, or was it just at the hotel?


2. If you could go back in time and stop yourself from doing something, what would it be?


3. What is the worst job you've ever had?


Also, sorry for asking about HL3 last time :(

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I have a few questions for you, Señor Scott.

First and foremost: Are you still taking sketch artists? We messaged about this a couple years ago for your movie, but communication on that dropped. I was the one who made a quick sketch of the civil protection unit. Also, I was wondering when you will be taking samples for voice acting.


Second: For game dungeon, are you going to try and get your hands on obscure/vintage computers to play the games made for that system? Things like the TRS-80, and obscure Atari games from before and after the crash would make interesting targets, but you get the gist. I think it would be beneficial to shed light on these types of things. While they might not be playable at the moment, they can be revived/recreated in modern systems.

Third: I am now working with a new 3-D printer, and I am prepping to start making that mouse. Are there any particular types of mouse switches you prefer. I am a Zowie fan myself, but I play a lot of FPSs.


Fourth: Just because someone apologized for it (hehehe). Now that the stars have aligned, black mesa is complete and freeman's mind is completed, do you have any insight on the release of Half-Life 3?

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I have a few questions,


First: How did you render the intros to freeman's mind, which depict the little scenes going on at black mesa. You know, the ones at the start of each episode. (They are so well made I cant imagine their in game).


Second: What editing software do you use to edit your videos.


Third: When did you learn to edit, and do you have any professional experiences or education in the film industry?


Thats all. Thanks!

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I live in a small town in England, I meet many Polish people and all of them say that it's economically shit over there which is why they're moving to England. I wonder if you and your girlfriend ever thought of moving to UK?

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First and foremost: Are you still taking sketch artists? We messaged about this a couple years ago for your movie, but communication on that dropped. I was the one who made a quick sketch of the civil protection unit. Also, I was wondering when you will be taking samples for voice acting.
I'll answer this one now. Yes, I can consider people for concept art, though I have a couple promising people already and that's being worked on. I checked your email address and couldn't find the CP shot that you sent me I'm afraid, it might have been under a different name.

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can someone convert June 5th, at 4pm EST to GMT+10 because last time this happened i pulled an all nighter waiting for Ross to broadcast before realising i was a day early.

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@Zelpa: I believe that's 6am, Monday. :3 Also, hey, we're in the same time zone. XD Hello, fellow GMT +10er.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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@Zelpa: I believe that's 6am, Monday. :3 Also, hey, we're in the same time zone. XD Hello, fellow GMT +10er.

damn i've got exams on monday, won't be able to catch this one.


ross pls do them a day earlier to people from every timezone can watch live

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