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Planetside 2 Event - VCO: Official Ross Scott Liasion Outfit

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Communications is the key factor in all of this. Without communications to build upon the social aspect, I've found the game to get boring pretty quick. At least in VCO, there's a chain of command involving members/squad leads, squad leads/platoon leads, platoon leads/force commanders, and force commanders/other Outfit's leaders. It can be quite extensive and not always apparent to everyone, but it is there and it's what makes the world go 'round.


I think words can't express exactly what we're trying to articulate here. We run Ops ever Sunday, Tuesday, and Friday 20:00EST. They're open to blueberries, but joining the Outfit gets you in for sure. Come on out one of these days!

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Okay, I presume text chat will work just fine then? what do I need to do in order to join in on an ops mission? Do I need to message anyone in particular and where do I need to go?

I'm not saying I started the fire. But I most certain poured gasoline on it.

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No mics are necessary! As long you're listening, you're more than qualified. To join, just hop into an open VCO squad through the squad browser between 20:00-22:00EST.

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Do you have any events earlier than 20:00 EST? I just realized that I'm not going to be able to make it if it's at 20:00 EST due to timezone differences. Also how long do these events typically last?

I'm not saying I started the fire. But I most certain poured gasoline on it.

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