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Another game getting killed off (Nosgoth)

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And nothing of value was lost.

Whether the game was good or not is irrelevant. It's about the principle of killing games and Nosgoth is another one to add to the pile of bodies. Ross didn't cover Darkspore because it was good. Would you say that people who're bad at their jobs should be murdered?

I'm not saying I started the fire. But I most certain poured gasoline on it.

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Yeah the marketing for this game was absolutely nonexistent. I think the most I saw for this was a couple banner ads on a few websites and that was it. Guess they didn't realize that it being in the Legacy of Kain universe isn't going to sell itself unless people know it exists in the first place.

Retired Forum Moderator

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Nah, Square does this. Like what they did with the Sleeping Dogs MMO, Triad Wars, that was being developed. They announced it to a few sites, did very little to promote it before closing it down.

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that's fucking stupid honestly

i don't even know if the game was out of beta or not yet but it hasn't been out much longer than 3 years if that

that's like if valve shut down TF2's servers before even adding the ingame store

the name's riley

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I didn't see any clear indications of it, but judging that it was still in beta (???) and they stopped working on it, almost surely it means its a money issue and the project (or company) dies. Its a normal process of the business world - if you can't sell your goods or service good enough, you go broke. Its that simple.

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