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Disappointing games

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I rather liked Watch_Dogs personally. I found the story very touching and the gameplay engaging as fuck. Definitely will be playing it a lot.

I think it was just hyped way too much for its own good. It's nothing like GTA just like Far Cry is nothing like Skyrim. They tend to build the expectations way too high before releasing their games. But for what it is, I loved both Far Cry 3, Far Cry 4 and Watch_Dogs. They're not bad games, just insanely overhyped.

I agree, watchdogs in its essence wasn't a bad game, but it wasn't great imho either. It was like 6-7/10. If you can get it at discount, sure its good pick (I wouldn't buy it now after playing it for the full launch price). Ubisoft tries to overhype their games and after that no doubt you will be disappointed. But the problem is - they try to be like others, but they can't really get there. Those comparisons - GTA and watchdogs, skyrim/fallout series and farcry aren't far fetched - they are surely going in that direction, and those titles are one of the leading ones.

Yeah but I feel it's still an unfair comparison. Watch_Dogs isn't GTA and it's not trying to be GTA either. It's its own thing and it's more about choosing whether you wanna be a hero or an anti-hero/villain. In GTA you're always the badguy and can do whatever you want while in Watch_Dogs, it's not that simple and there is more of a morality involved.

And I agree it's no great game but I am very fond of it personally since I grew attached to the story elements and the variety in gameplay.

I bought the collector's edition of Watch_Dogs personally and paid quite a bit for it but I feel I got my money's worth.

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Still, it sounds like you were skipping things.

Like, what? I've literally done all the quests there is in vanilla Skyrim. I've check the UESPWiki's page for Skyrim's quests and I've done every, single, damn one of them. http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Quests . There is no more. If you don't believe me Go ahead and ask me which quests you think I haven't done and I will answer them.

Unless you were doing more than 16 hours per day, every day for those two weeks, you couldn't have visited every location on the map... If you did, your disappointment is probly because you were skipping sleep to play the game.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Still, it sounds like you were skipping things.

Like, what? I've literally done all the quests there is in vanilla Skyrim. I've check the UESPWiki's page for Skyrim's quests and I've done every, single, damn one of them. http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Quests . There is no more. If you don't believe me Go ahead and ask me which quests you think I haven't done and I will answer them.

Unless you were doing more than 16 hours per day, every day for those two weeks, you couldn't have visited every location on the map... If you did, your disappointment is probly because you were skipping sleep to play the game.

I spent a week playing and found everything there was to find in about the left half of the map in terms of locations, and that's inclusive of "fucking around" hours. Not to say I don't enjoy the game even as someone who started with Morrowind but I can definitely say compared to it's predecessors it certainly falls short content-wise.

Retired Forum Moderator

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Unless you were doing more than 16 hours per day, every day for those two weeks, you couldn't have visited every location on the map... If you did, your disappointment is probly because you were skipping sleep to play the game.

I might be remembering the two week playtime wrong. It probably was longer but Skyrim still felt like it was over in the blink of an eye for me.


Now keep in mind that this is my very subjective opinion. I did the content that I wanted to do which was to complete all the quests and all the factions. Once I've done that to me means I've beaten the game. I felt like that kind of content in particular was severely lacking in comparison to Oblivion or Morrowind. I don't play an Elder Scrolls Game to explore every dungeon or to get all my skills to 100. That to me isn't meaningful content, it's filler. Now that isn't to say it's not meaningful to someone else but I'm not that person.


I'm disappointed with Skyrim because it didn't do what I wanted it to do. I should've realized that it wasn't going to be for me. But I was in my happy, little Morrowind fanboy bubble completely blind to what was going on around me and when that bubble burst my disappointment for Skyrim stung more than it would've otherwise. I was burned by hype on top of being disappointed and as that reason for being disappointed maybe petty it's still a reason.


I spent a week playing and found everything there was to find in about the left half of the map in terms of locations, and that's inclusive of "fucking around" hours. Not to say I don't enjoy the game even as someone who started with Morrowind but I can definitely say compared to it's predecessors it certainly falls short content-wise.

Maybe I'm just more chaotic when it comes to traversal but I had hard time finding locations in Morrowind. I would often come back to an area I had previously been and find something new that I didn't notice the first time. While you might say that sounds repetitive for me the opposite was true. The new element in what I had previously thought to be an explored area is what kept the game fresh and exciting for me. It kept me guessing.

I'm not saying I started the fire. But I most certain poured gasoline on it.

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Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain

Biggest sign is requiring players to replay past story missions with difficulty modifiers before they can move on. If I wanted to do that I would just go back and use the replay mission feature that's already there and try for those challenges myself. <_<


Shit man, I might not bother with the game now if that's the case. I hate it when games do shit like that *Glares at Goblet of Fire*.



OT: Dark Souls. If you enjoy the series, good for you. I couldn't get into the first one. All I saw was a game with two steps to every battle: Dodge/block until opening, attack 3x, repeat. Fuuuuuuuun.... Now I do have other issues, but the biggest one is the combat. Ultimate Spider-Man (PS2 era) uses the same tactic, and it's not even a hard game!


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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Battlefield Bad Company 2. For so many it is pinnacle of Battlefield franchise, but for me... Its lazy, boring and doesnt have nearly as much options as you'd need. Plus everything feels so damn slow (game itself being slow isnt a problem for me though). Also, random FPS issues.


Far Cry 3. I really dont get why people like this game- even Vaas isnt that great character.


Fallout 4- while i have played it bit further, i still cant get rid of some level of disappointment. It still feels sloppy and lacking compared to New Vegas, though it does start to feel more complex than fallout 3. I still feel that while settlement building is good option to have for players who like that stuff, it seriously takes away from fallout feeling.

Jack O'Neill: "You know Teal'c, if we dont find a way out of this soon, im gonna lose it. Lose it... it means go crazy. nuts. insane. bonzo. no longer in possession of ones faculties. 3 fries short of a happy meal. WACKO!!!!!!!!"

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