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What about the possibility of trying to join each faction equally? It's not ideal, but it's better than nothing. So long as we're on the same server, we should still be able to have a good time. And besides, if you can't play WITH Ross, Playing against him is the next best thing, right?



Then something like Public Test Server would work best.


Edit: btw, Ross, would you appreciate some old veteran stories from battles in Planetside 2?

You who distill within you the whole world,

attend to this voice from the realm beyond:

You’re beast, and demon, angel, human being;

whatever you show forth, you are that thing.

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· If the player’s faction is severely overpopulated on all unlocked continents, they will be able to play on the continent where their faction has the least population advantage

The way this sounds is that, despite being OP on all servers, they won't relegate everyone to queueing and unable to play, just forced onto a specific continent. This means they may not be able to get on the same continent as you, but they will be able to play.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I reinstalled this and was goofing around the last few days - I am BAD at this game.


Furthermore, after the new update EVERYONE is getting queued anyways. It's an incentive to buy their membership - so you don't have to wait in their 10 minute queue. Every continent that wasn't locked today had 33% pop for every faction, and I still had to wait. You could chalk that up to a flood of players checking out the new update though too.


Your best bet is just to pick the continent with the lowest NC pop to get as many players as you can on your continent.

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This game does not like my VPN. Couldn't even access the website.

"Fleet Intelligence Coming Online"

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this is just "get sniped: the game" i'm pretty sure

Go for a heavy assault, and turn on your shield in the areas you normally get sniped at... Also, CoD style run-and-gun is a great way to die really fast.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I took another crack at the game and put about 10 hours into it. I got acceptable enough to function as a strictly healing medic and provide a net benefit to pitched battles. I would've been happy...I mean willing...to play once a month for a few hours. I guess that's unlikely with the recent update, which is doubly a shame since Ross obviously put a ton of work into his tutorial video. I've never played a less rewarding game, but I'd still have loved for this project to succeed.

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So this video finally made me register here after being a fan of FM and Ross Scott in general for years. Hi everyone.



Regarding video:

Great work as always, Ross, and thanks. While I am no stranger to FPS or even MP-focused shooters, I can say your PS2 tutorial was quite informative. I didn't watch any other so I can't comment if it was THE best (though the most hardcore Ross fan inside of me would vehemently agree it was), yeah, it was damn good. I would personally like a bit more information on other classes and/or vehicles but as you've said yourself - this is not the video about that, this is video how to get to the action and have FUN. And having tried PS2 today for the first time, it definitely helped.


Second thing, I find it interesting you were leaning towards picking TR. From what (little) I knew about PS2 factions I was sure you'd pick NC straight away. Of course, my faction-knowledge is limited to watching faction videos on official site so from those I got the feeling that - TR are bullying dicks with a fascist streak ergo Ross wouldn't pick that; VS are elitist pricks with a self-supremacy complex ergo Ross wouldn't pick that; NC are a lose collection of rebels and freedom fighters, fighting against the Big Guys and for peace and equality... what I didn't know was that they were supposed to be "corporatist pawns". And from what I know about Ross, it now doesn't surprise me he would pick TR over NC.

Also interesting you classified TR as Cybran... but I guess if you compare their appearance rather than philosophy, yeah they are pretty Cybran. :)



Now, regarding this:

Continent Faction Population Queue

Any player trying to zone into a continent where their faction has 10% more population than the lowest populated faction will be placed into a queue.

· At least one continent must have over 150 players on it for the queue to be active

· The target continent must have at least 50 players on for the queue to be active

· If the player’s faction is severely overpopulated on all unlocked continents, they will be able to play on the continent where their faction has the least population advantage


This is a bit troublesome, but I don't think all is lost so here's few possible solutions, if I may:

1. First come, first serve(d). Mentioned couple of posts ago. So, at the start of the event, Ross logs in PS2, sees which continent has least NC and announces via Twitch which continent to join. People who manage to get in do get in, those who don't, don't. Most crude and I wager least pleasant solution, not a big fan of it myself but if nothing else it is a possible solution.

2. Switching to low-population hour. Someone would need to nose around a bit and try to find if there's any sort of statistics floating around showing at which hours target server hits the lowest pop-cap. And that's when we get to join up. Of course, the downside of this solution is the very same thing that's supposed to be upside - less people will play at those hours, but probably a lot less fans of Ross will be able to join also...

*2.5. Switching to a different server? Again, someone would have to dig out some sort of statistic, but maybe there are other server that have lower population by default? European ones, maybe? People from US/Asia would get higher ping, that's for sure, but maybe it's wort a try?

3. Mixed sides. This was mentioned before. We forgo the original plan of sticking to NC, instead everyone joins any faction they want. As already mentioned, some people probably wouldn't want to shoot at Ross AND majority would probably prefer to stick to his faction anyways... BUT let's be honest, in the heat of the PS2's action you are rarely paying attention to what is the name of the person who is on the opposite side of your barrel. Besides, maybe some people would get kind of a satisfaction to play against Ross? I mean, it's probably to be expected there will be people who listen to Ross's Twitch with sole intention of finding and killing him in-game anyways, so why not make an event out of it?

4. (And here's my personal favorite)... United NC offensive. So. We stick to the original plan. Same date, same time, same server, same faction... ALL CONTINENTS. Think about it. IF there will be enough people to fill multiple maps... Why not do it on purpose? Why stick to one continent? Judging by the comments here we already know there will be people who won't stick to the main Ross army group so why not expand on that? Now Ross doesn't command an army. He commands an armada. Not a continent, but a server to be conquered! All we need is to designate some sort of official communications officers, people who carry on commands/suggestions/inspiring rallying cries from Ross over multiple continents. Of course Ross will stream, but instead of everyone having to have Twitch open to listen to him (and I'm sure some even can't due to bandwidth limitations) we organize ourselves into squads where some people do also have Twitch running in the background and voila.

Or instead of squads, outfits, yes? Outfits have outfit-wide communication and can have lots of people in, right, so that's the way to go.

The downsides to this are, similar to suggestion number 3, some people would simply like to play WITH Ross. Playing on the other side of the map or even continent just might not appeal to some. Not to mention, for continent-wide communication official outfits need to be created well before the event so we need to appoint some people to be leaders or let them volunteer AND some might not be comfortable with joining outfit (though why would you be?)/are already in another so there's that... But those people can still have stream opened, I guess.

*4.5. GLOBAL NC offensive? Oh my. :o

Ok, I'm sure this one is pretty much out of the scope even for Ross, but it would be spectacular to see every PS2 server across the world experience a simultaneous NC offensive. Of course the numbers would be significantly lower, but it could be interesting!


This are just some suggestions I have. I'm pretty new to PS2 so I am using just my speculations and common sense to judge how feasible they are. I was anticipating heavily the opportunity to meet up with Ross in a game so I'm thinking really hard how to make this project possible. :D


And now unrelated to this, but still related to PS2 - hey Ross, check out these war stories. Especially the 3rd one that talks about leading/playing in a massive allied "blob" which is something I'm guessing our experience will be like. I found it interesting!


Also, related still, did you consider contacting any YouTube-er with experience in organizing massive PS2 battles or the likes? Specifically, I'm thinking of Criken, though that's just the one I know. He made a fans meet-up in PS2 too (there's videos of it on his channel), maybe he can share some insight? He also held a massive "cow-stampede" event in World of Warcraft, maybe you can get some ideas for future project if PS2 one doesn't work out? Also, I'm sure there are other known YT people who have experience with PS2 (AngryJoe was mentioned, don't know his videos enough to talk about him; maybe TotalBiscuit dabbled in that too?), but Criken is the first that came to my mind.


Hope any of this helps!



furthermore, you're challenging a community that made organized 240 vs 240 their competitive format. Please be aware you're poking the bear.
I'm interested what do you mean by that. Care to explain? Should we fear a strong, united counter-offensive or is it something else you are talking about?

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furthermore, you're challenging a community that made organized 240 vs 240 their competitive format. Please be aware you're poking the bear.
I'm interested what do you mean by that. Care to explain? Should we fear a strong, united counter-offensive or is it something else you are talking about?

Likelyhood of being literally farmed by veterans is god damn high. If Angry Joe's attempt at getting back to PS2 has shown, veterans of this game rarely take kindly to "newbs" with ideas of conquering them. Not to say you can't still fight it, but it will be hard, if even half of vets decide they don't like the new kids on their block.


On poking the bear comment. PS2 players, who are veterans of this game know how to wage organized large scale warfare in Auraxis. I'm talking about organized and voice communicated forces of few hundred players with experienced squad and platoon leaders and what we call Force Commanders controlling multiple platoons. I've personally seen 480 people working under single person, I have seen and been part of such forces where ~1500 players from 3 sides clashed for single base for as little as breaking the lock of the continent. Most of them probably don't play these days anymore, but some that do would probably be enough to organize about 240 people and that would be enough with their knowledge and organization to rip most of the rabbles, that come to such events as Ross' to shreds and keep us locked in the warpgate.


I know I am being a negative nancy and a pessimist, but I want to be prepared, if this were to happen and that's kinda hard with as loose as organization as we do have now.

You who distill within you the whole world,

attend to this voice from the realm beyond:

You’re beast, and demon, angel, human being;

whatever you show forth, you are that thing.

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I would love to join in, but my character is of the Terran Republic. anyone want to join me in a organised opposition?

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I would love to join in, but my character is of the Terran Republic. anyone want to join me in a organised opposition?


You do understand that you can make up to 3 characters, 6 if you everget were a lot subscriber?

You who distill within you the whole world,

attend to this voice from the realm beyond:

You’re beast, and demon, angel, human being;

whatever you show forth, you are that thing.

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I would love to join in, but my character is of the Terran Republic. anyone want to join me in a organised opposition?


You do understand that you can make up to 3 characters, 6 if you everget were a lot subscriber?


I suppose i can delete a old character, but thought it would be fun to have a planned opposition, even if it is a lot smaller force

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I've played a bit more and remain crap at this game, but I think I have a few thoughts as a newbie. I won't fact check, since this is about impressions from an actual novice.


You'll have about....1500 certs to use before your progress basically stops around br 15. The common advice is to buy gear instead of weapons. I'm glad I got that advice, although if you love heavy assault or engineer you might want to think twice about it. Manning vehicle weapons can be superb exp sometimes, though sometimes I worry about taking the spot from a more competent gunner. As for the main classes:


1) Light assault. It's alright. You've got mobility, and that's 80% of not dying too much. I can't shoot, so it's not for me.


2) Heavy assault. Seems like garbage. I just can't hit with the default loadout. Unless I hold still which equals death. The base rocket launcher is insultingly bad. I get that it doesn't seek, but it drops, and it drops fast. That on top of the many hits to take out a slow vehicle. There's seeker launchers one can buy for around 1000 which I'd bet would be game changers.


3) Infiltrator. I hear you can do some amazing things with terminal hacking behind enemy lines, but as a sniper class it's the worst I've ever seen. Breath hold doesn't kick in for like a second, and only lasts for about two seconds. No prone position. Being cloaked and trying to fire doesn't drop the cloak and fire, it STOPS YOU FROM FIRING. Holding still equals being sniped yourself, so it's a high danger class. I understand the concept of balance, but this is balance through annoying mechanics. These futuristic snipers are inferior to a redneck with a scoped rifle and some leaves in his hat. You know you've done a shit job designing something when rednecks are the example to be admired and respected.


4) Engineer. I like engineer a lot, although the exp sucks. Between turrets and ammo boxes, conserving shots is a non issue. The three turret options are all pretty interesting. Even the starter one is good for racking up kills in certain situations. You will eat sniper shots, but at least it has some shielding. On top of that you can weld yourself to a maxes ass and still help out if you can't shoot well. A good class for all seasons, complete with sticky grenades.


5) Medic. Medic is decent. Very good exp during pitched battles with level 6 healing gun. Sometimes medic can get in the way and create very visible rocket targets though. Toggle crouch is your buddy.

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1) Light assault. It's alright. You've got mobility, and that's 80% of not dying too much. I can't shoot, so it's not for me.

Get a scope for the default primary weapon and C4... This is not a run-and-gun, or spray-and-pray class.


Use the primary weapon to engage lone targets, or as a light suppression system in hard to reach areas. Use the C4 by dropping onto unsuspecting vehicles, and detonating. (you can take out anything with 1-3 direct hits on the top of the vehicle, but you're likely to die doing so)


2) Heavy assault. Seems like garbage. I just can't hit with the default loadout. Unless I hold still which equals death. The base rocket launcher is insultingly bad. I get that it doesn't seek, but it drops, and it drops fast. That on top of the many hits to take out a slow vehicle. There's seeker launchers one can buy for around 1000 which I'd bet would be game changers.

Get a 3.4-4x scope, advanced foregrip, and High Velocity Ammo for the NC6 Gauss SAW that you get by default, and never try to hipfire with it unless the enemy is within 10 feet of you. This weapon is designed for short-medium to medium-long ranges, and is primarily a suppression weapon. (your aim is to wound, slow, and pin down the enemy with this weapon, not kill) If you want stealthy kills with it, get a suppressor, otherwise get the compensator. When fully upgraded in this way, it is the least expensive top-tier capable weapon in the game.


You can also turn this class into a counter-sniper system by getting the Warden. (combat medic and engineer can use it as well) It is semi-automatic, but if you put a 4x or 6x scope on it and High Velocity Ammo, you can use it to 2-shot 99% of snipers at up to very-long range. Standard method to engage: Put up shield, (use Nanite Mesh shield) leave cover, put two semi-rapid shots into the location the sniper is located at, reenter cover, drop shield, wait for shield to regenerate, repeat until sniper dies. If done right, there is no way you will lose vs a single sniper. If you're against multiple snipers, only leave cover far enough to be visible to 1 sniper.


3) Infiltrator. I hear you can do some amazing things with terminal hacking behind enemy lines, but as a sniper class it's the worst I've ever seen. Breath hold doesn't kick in for like a second, and only lasts for about two seconds. No prone position. Being cloaked and trying to fire doesn't drop the cloak and fire, it STOPS YOU FROM FIRING. Holding still equals being sniped yourself, so it's a high danger class. I understand the concept of balance, but this is balance through annoying mechanics. These futuristic snipers are inferior to a redneck with a scoped rifle and some leaves in his hat. You know you've done a shit job designing something when rednecks are the example to be admired and respected.

The trick is to get in position, drop cloak just before firing, then move behind cover, cloak, and move to different cover. (there are a LOT of people that can really ruin a good firefight with very little skill, so it's obviously not broken) If you're using the same cover more than once, you're doing it wrong, and deserve every death.


I highly recommend immediately upgrading to the AF-6 Shadow, unless you intend on using the Stalker Cloak. (which prevents the use of your primary weapon) Put a 3.4-4x scope on it, and you're good to start semi-auto sniping.


If you prefer bolt-action sniping, the only weapon that can guarantee a 1-hit kill on any non-MAX or non-shielded Heavy is the EM4 Longshot.


4) Engineer. I like engineer a lot, although the exp sucks. Between turrets and ammo boxes, conserving shots is a non issue. The three turret options are all pretty interesting. Even the starter one is good for racking up kills in certain situations. You will eat sniper shots, but at least it has some shielding. On top of that you can weld yourself to a maxes ass and still help out if you can't shoot well. A good class for all seasons, complete with sticky grenades.

The default weapon for this class is the AF-19 Mercenary... It is a good weapon when you put a light scope on it.


If you're planning on close-quarters combat, I would suggest getting the Blitz GD-10 though. It is a superior CQB hipfire weapon.


5) Medic. Medic is decent. Very good exp during pitched battles with level 6 healing gun. Sometimes medic can get in the way and create very visible rocket targets though. Toggle crouch is your buddy.

Medic is usually the most targeted enemy class. If you choose medic, bear in mind that you are NOT a frontline shooter. You will die fast, and often. You will only get lots of points if you have great cover, and a lot of people being injured/killed around you. Rez people only if they are outside the line of fire, otherwise you'll have wasted your rez charge to either give points to the enemy, or on a guy smart enough to not accept the rez.


I very much like the Heavy Assault class, simply because of the extremely capable weapons, variety of uses, and overall durability of the class when compared to others... However you should go to the VR training range, and learn what class suits you best before purchasing anything. (in the VR range, everything is completely free, so you can try everything to see what you like most)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I don't really want to give conflicting information, but I can't stand the urge to give my opinion.


Get a scope for the default primary weapon and C4... This is not a run-and-gun, or spray-and-pray class.


Use the primary weapon to engage lone targets, or as a light suppression system in hard to reach areas. Use the C4 by dropping onto unsuspecting vehicles, and detonating. (you can take out anything with 1-3 direct hits on the top of the vehicle, but you're likely to die doing so)

As much as C4 is useful, using starting certs on it will not bring great results, especially, if the person doesn't know what class he wants to take. C4 is also huge cert investment on any class and even if this brings best out of LA, there are better investments at the start to make. Just equiping MEDKIT would be better, since it's a universal utility item and only costs 50 certs for first tier.


Also suggesting to put on scope without trying is a bad suggestion, new player should try out scopes in VR, to see, which is most comfortable for him.


Furthermore just saying that LA is not a "run-n-gun" class is kinda oversimplification, when it's best at usint's mobility. And anyways, there is not a class that can just "run-n-gun" in planetside, as much as you'd get close that style, it's gonna be shut down by any type of player, who takes time.



Get a 3.4-4x scope, advanced foregrip, and High Velocity Ammo for the NC6 Gauss SAW that you get by default, and never try to hipfire with it unless the enemy is within 10 feet of you. This weapon is designed for short-medium to medium-long ranges, and is primarily a suppression weapon. (your aim is to wound, slow, and pin down the enemy with this weapon, not kill) If you want stealthy kills with it, get a suppressor, otherwise get the compensator. When fully upgraded in this way, it is the least expensive top-tier capable weapon in the game.


You can also turn this class into a counter-sniper system by getting the Warden. (combat medic and engineer can use it as well) It is semi-automatic, but if you put a 4x or 6x scope on it and High Velocity Ammo, you can use it to 2-shot 99% of snipers at up to very-long range. Standard method to engage: Put up shield, (use Nanite Mesh shield) leave cover, put two semi-rapid shots into the location the sniper is located at, reenter cover, drop shield, wait for shield to regenerate, repeat until sniper dies. If done right, there is no way you will lose vs a single sniper. If you're against multiple snipers, only leave cover far enough to be visible to 1 sniper.


First of all, DO NOT suggest Hight Velocity ammunition to new players, it's extra recoil for little benefit.

Second of all, as someone who payed 700 Station cash for Warden, it's bad, real bad and does not bring anything good compared to NC6 Gauss Saw. The 200 damage weapons are way better for countersniping due to innate 0 degree cone of fire (CoF) for first shot, while not moving.

Third thing. New players won't have a selection of weapons to pick from and it's best for them to have multitude of scopes, so narrowing down their selection through recommendations will only harm them. Also, you wouldn't want person with limited amount of weapon variety to limit it even further through misconception. True, NC6 is worse in CQC than most other factions, but it's not fully outclassed, it's still competitive in Time To Kill (TTK) deparment, as are most weapons. And if you are having bad time in Close Quarters Combat, there is always Shotgun available, that you can equip in 4 out of 6 classes, which also is a good to invest 100 certs into extended magazine.



The trick is to get in position, drop cloak just before firing, then move behind cover, cloak, and move to different cover. (there are a LOT of people that can really ruin a good firefight with very little skill, so it's obviously not broken) If you're using the same cover more than once, you're doing it wrong, and deserve every death.


I highly recommend immediately upgrading to the AF-6 Shadow, unless you intend on using the Stalker Cloak. (which prevents the use of your primary weapon) Put a 3.4-4x scope on it, and you're good to start semi-auto sniping.


If you prefer bolt-action sniping, the only weapon that can guarantee a 1-hit kill on any non-MAX or non-shielded Heavy is the EM4 Longshot.


All bolt action sniper rifles can one shot into the head, just their One Hit range varies between rifles. Even SAS-R can one shot, but it has lower range than any other sniper rifle and longest range of them all is Railjack, though, it's not that great due to it's range being beyon rendering range. Furthermore unlike all other sniper rifles, SAS-R has it's benefits, it has no sway while aiming down sights (ADSing).


The default weapon for this class is the AF-19 Mercenary... It is a good weapon when you put a light scope on it.


If you're planning on close-quarters combat, I would suggest getting the Blitz GD-10 though. It is a superior CQB hipfire weapon.



Or not waste certs and equip a shotgun for CQB and use AI turret for longer engagements.

You who distill within you the whole world,

attend to this voice from the realm beyond:

You’re beast, and demon, angel, human being;

whatever you show forth, you are that thing.

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Thank you for the thoughts. I don't plan on playing too much more aside from if Ross's vision comes though, but always nice to hear ideas. I'm pretty much only into engineer as of now. I'm not great at it, but it can contribute to most situations pretty well. I don't know what an average exp gain is per life, but I had a nice run of around 8500 doing suppressing turret fire on a fortress today. Then I was slain by an elf. I mean tank. I imagine that the opposition must have been totally uncoordinated for me to last that long, but it was interesting.

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I don't really want to give conflicting information, but I can't stand the urge to give my opinion.

There is nothing wrong with an opinion, so long as you don't try to force others to share it.


As much as C4 is useful, using starting certs on it will not bring great results, especially, if the person doesn't know what class he wants to take. C4 is also huge cert investment on any class and even if this brings best out of LA, there are better investments at the start to make. Just equiping MEDKIT would be better, since it's a universal utility item and only costs 50 certs for first tier.

I do agree that the medkit is a good investment, but for most people, they aren't going to want to spend 2 seconds unable to do anything but move, just to heal themselves once per life. (and use up Nanites that are used to make vehicles/MAXes, despite their relatively fast recharge rate) The Restoration Kit is a good alternative to the medkit. (and at half the Nanite cost of the medkit)






As for C4, it's a suggestion for if you like the class, not for an immediate purchase. Never buy anything for any class until you find something you like for the class you want to play.


Also suggesting to put on scope without trying is a bad suggestion, new player should try out scopes in VR, to see, which is most comfortable for him.

If you look at the last sentence of my post, you'll find I did say to go to VR and test everything first... Saying that I shouldn't suggest anything until after they go to VR makes no sense.


Furthermore just saying that LA is not a "run-n-gun" class is kinda oversimplification, when it's best at usint's mobility. And anyways, there is not a class that can just "run-n-gun" in planetside, as much as you'd get close that style, it's gonna be shut down by any type of player, who takes time.

I was relating it to the standard FPS games that people are currently used to playing... You know, the popular ones. (the ones that aren't Planetside 2)


CoD caters to run-and-gun. Battlefield less so, but still has quite a bit of it. Come to think of it, I have yet to hear of ANY popular game that didn't have at least a 50% focus on run-and-gun and make that form of combat the most powerful in the game.


First of all, DO NOT suggest Hight Velocity ammunition to new players, it's extra recoil for little benefit.

First of all, don't tell me what I can and can't suggest. I have many reasons for this suggestion, and not everyone is going to notice a 7.5-10% increase in their recoil. (and if you start with it, you'll adapt a LOT quicker than those that don't) I also suggested foregrips and compensators for them, this mitigates the increased recoil for those that have trouble with recoil. (not everyone does; I don't)






Second of all, as someone who payed 700 Station cash for Warden, it's bad, real bad and does not bring anything good compared to NC6 Gauss Saw. The 200 damage weapons are way better for countersniping due to innate 0 degree cone of fire (CoF) for first shot, while not moving.

So you feel you wasted real money on it a long time ago, and are bitter... (it hasn't been that expensive in 3 years, and went UP to to its current price last year) It only costs 325 Certs now, so it's not going to break the bank for people to get one.


Also, I'd like to see someone miss a bodyshot with a 0.1-0.25 spread. The Warden takes 3-4 body shots to kill, and being semi-auto means you can get those in less time than a sniper can get the 2 headshots he needs to take down a shielded heavy. (most of the time) You also get a much larger pool of ammo than the sniper, so combining everything (not just the weapon, as effective counter-sniping requires more than just a weapon) it becomes a very effective counter to ANY sniper. (and despite it not being the best for it, it is even useful for hipfire at very close range, I've lost count of how many BR 200+ players I've killed in CQB with it)


You mentioned the "200 damage weapons"... Plural. Which ones specifically? I can only find 1 for the NC Heavy, and that is the NC-6 Gauss SAW. The SAW is good, but isn't good for counter-sniping beyond medium range. (bullet drop, recoil, and spread ruin the multi-round hit chances that are needed with this weapon) It may start at 0 spread when aiming, but it moves to a much worse spread faster, and stays there longer than the Warden.





Third thing. New players won't have a selection of weapons to pick from and it's best for them to have multitude of scopes, so narrowing down their selection through recommendations will only harm them. Also, you wouldn't want person with limited amount of weapon variety to limit it even further through misconception. True, NC6 is worse in CQC than most other factions, but it's not fully outclassed, it's still competitive in Time To Kill (TTK) deparment, as are most weapons. And if you are having bad time in Close Quarters Combat, there is always Shotgun available, that you can equip in 4 out of 6 classes, which also is a good to invest 100 certs into extended magazine.

1. Narrowing down is exactly what a new person needs. They need to know what is most effective to start with for each class, then they can move on to more expensive/optimized loadouts later.


2. Actually, new players have the luxury of not having wasted all their certs buying things they thought would be the best because all other FPS games have it as 'the best'. This means they can start saving for their final build immediately. (I know I would get the Warden first if I started a new NC character) They also get all their certs refunded at BR15, and they can repurchase only those things they actually want at that time.


3. I never said it was bad for CQB, I said not to hipfire with it unless the enemy is within 10 feet. (I should've said 10m, but who cares) Essentially I said you should always use the weapon scoped-in unless it's too close for you to see the enemy with the scope. It is designed for longer engagements though, and that is where it shines.


4. I have never seen anyone getting kills with a shotgun in this game that wasn't killstealing, or going after someone 1000 BR lower than themselves. (anecdotal evidence, but it's there nevertheless) Extended mag is a must with shotguns.




All bolt action sniper rifles can one shot into the head, just their One Hit range varies between rifles. Even SAS-R can one shot, but it has lower range than any other sniper rifle and longest range of them all is Railjack, though, it's not that great due to it's range being beyon rendering range. Furthermore unlike all other sniper rifles, SAS-R has it's benefits, it has no sway while aiming down sights (ADSing).

No NC weapon can 1-hit a shielded heavy at medium range except the Longshot and Railjack, and the extra 50 damage from the Railjack won't help anything. (it just means someone else doesn't have to put an extra bullet into them with an SMG to kill them if you get a bodyshot instead of a headshot)


The SAS-R loses a LOT of damage quickly, not to mention having an extremely slow projectile. (slow enough that I have effectively dodged long-range attacks from it many times) The fire rate may be 0.4 seconds per shot faster, but it's just too slow and low damage at range for it to be a long-range sniping weapon. Go semi-auto for mid range, bolt for long range. (any other any you may be making kills, but you're going to have a much lower KDR in the long-run)




Or not waste certs and equip a shotgun for CQB and use AI turret for longer engagements.

Or don't waste certs, and test everything in VR first... Very few people do well with shotguns in CQB, and even worse when it takes more than 1 hit to kill someone. Most people will get a LOT more kills with the default weapon, or a subgun. (and can still use it for engagements beyond 12m)





Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I do agree that the medkit is a good investment, but for most people, they aren't going to want to spend 2 seconds unable to do anything but move, just to heal themselves once per life. (and use up Nanites that are used to make vehicles/MAXes, despite their relatively fast recharge rate) The Restoration Kit is a good alternative to the medkit. (and at half the Nanite cost of the medkit)






The thing is, Restoration kit is a bad investment in the end, since it does not restore even 500 hp, while the medkit gives you about 1-2k hp in about half a second.


As for C4, it's a suggestion for if you like the class, not for an immediate purchase. Never buy anything for any class until you find something you like for the class you want to play.


C4 is such a game changer on most classes aside from Engineer, especially on Medic and even more on LA. However, it's not something any new player should be investing from his starting certs anyways. Though, as far as I remember, C4 falls under stuff that you can get reimbursed at BR15, so least that helps.



Also suggesting to put on scope without trying is a bad suggestion, new player should try out scopes in VR, to see, which is most comfortable for him.

If you look at the last sentence of my post, you'll find I did say to go to VR and test everything first... Saying that I shouldn't suggest anything until after they go to VR makes no sense.


Yeah, my bad, I stopped reading just short of that sentence and skimmed over it, while I had nothing to add there, it didn't register to my brain.


I was relating it to the standard FPS games that people are currently used to playing... You know, the popular ones. (the ones that aren't Planetside 2)
Like CS:GO, or CoD Pro Mod? The only trully run-n-gun games were arena shooters and they aren't that popular. With amount of snipers, extremely fast time to kill, run-n-gunners are fodder to anyone with enough caution in those "popular" fpses, then again, I haven't played popular FPS since CoD4.


CoD caters to run-and-gun. Battlefield less so, but still has quite a bit of it. Come to think of it, I have yet to hear of ANY popular game that didn't have at least a 50% focus on run-and-gun and make that form of combat the most powerful in the game.
Except, I don't think CoD, least first 2 Modern Warfare installments made run and gun a powerful playstyle. I mean, I always like to do that, but unless I stop doing that, I will be just a fodder for better players. I still do run-n-gun in PS2 from time to time, because how ingrained it is in me from early ET:Wolfenstein days and AvP2 survival marathons, but I have to catch myself doing that brainlessly and remember, to turn the autopilot off.


First of all, don't tell me what I can and can't suggest. I have many reasons for this suggestion, and not everyone is going to notice a 7.5-10% increase in their recoil. (and if you start with it, you'll adapt a LOT quicker than those that don't) I also suggested foregrips and compensators for them, this mitigates the increased recoil for those that have trouble with recoil. (not everyone does; I don't)





My fault, I should've said "Please, don't do that" because it's still a stupid suggestion putting HVA on a weapon with 0.55 degree vertical recoil for 30 more m/s muzzle velocity at cost of 10% extra recoil, making it over 0,6 degrees per shot. The gun already has too much visual recoil to it obscuring your vision on target to keep make sure you're shooting well enough.

The correct way to build NC6 is with compensator, AFG and no HVA, scope depends on taste.


These two datasheets have more info on guns behaviour and how attachments affect them.




So you feel you wasted real money on it a long time ago, and are bitter... (it hasn't been that expensive in 3 years, and went UP to to its current price last year) It only costs 325 Certs now, so it's not going to break the bank for people to get one.


325 certs for the weapon, 100 certs for HVA, because this thing nees that 100 more muzzle velocity, a sight, Forward grip and compensator, so 325+100+30+100+100 = dun dun dun 655 certs, does that sound cheap now? Note, auraxiuming a weapon you earn about 800 certs. Auraxiuming is a process of getting 1160 kills with a weapon to get auraxium medal on it and 200 certs + complete part of directive. Also, please, don't asume shit like that about me. I regret the purchase not because of money, I've spent about 200$ on Planetside 2, I regret it, because it's a terrible weapon and every time I see it in my weapon select screen, I know a completionist in me will want to Auraxium it and every time I tried, I just wanted to drink myself to passing out. That gun too damn niche to suggest for "counter sniping". Especially, when you have access to a damn Bolt Driver from the get go and way more reliable and universal NC6.


Also, I'd like to see someone miss a bodyshot with a 0.1-0.25 spread. The Warden takes 3-4 body shots to kill, and being semi-auto means you can get those in less time than a sniper can get the 2 headshots he needs to take down a shielded heavy. (most of the time) You also get a much larger pool of ammo than the sniper, so combining everything (not just the weapon, as effective counter-sniping requires more than just a weapon) it becomes a very effective counter to ANY sniper. (and despite it not being the best for it, it is even useful for hipfire at very close range, I've lost count of how many BR 200+ players I've killed in CQB with it)

Yeah, max BR in game is 120.... If you're talking dasanfal BR ratings, how many of those were infiltrator specialists?

Warden is a gun for 50-200 meter engagments, which are also somewhere where vehicles become main actors of the fight. Furthermore, if you're taking your time countersniping instead of fighting for the base as infantry, you're already losing a fight, because that's what the snipers are there to do, distract and pick off straglers. That's my opinion though and let's agree that we disagree on usefulness of Warden and other battle rifles. God damn it, Eidolon almost made me quit the game when I was a newb, I can't just stand there and see others suggest something that almost made me quit the game :/


You mentioned the "200 damage weapons"... Plural. Which ones specifically? I can only find 1 for the NC Heavy, and that is the NC-6 Gauss SAW. The SAW is good, but isn't good for counter-sniping beyond medium range. (bullet drop, recoil, and spread ruin the multi-round hit chances that are needed with this weapon) It may start at 0 spread when aiming, but it moves to a much worse spread faster, and stays there longer than the Warden.




200 damage weapons with 0 degree standing CoF. LMG: NC6 Gauss Saw and NC6A Godsaw; Assault Rifles: Reaper DMR and A9-Tross; Carbine: AC-X11. All are 200 damage weapons fully automatic.



1. Narrowing down is exactly what a new person needs. They need to know what is most effective to start with for each class, then they can move on to more expensive/optimized loadouts later.


2. Actually, new players have the luxury of not having wasted all their certs buying things they thought would be the best because all other FPS games have it as 'the best'. This means they can start saving for their final build immediately. (I know I would get the Warden first if I started a new NC character) They also get all their certs refunded at BR15, and they can repurchase only those things they actually want at that time.


3. I never said it was bad for CQB, I said not to hipfire with it unless the enemy is within 10 feet. (I should've said 10m, but who cares) Essentially I said you should always use the weapon scoped-in unless it's too close for you to see the enemy with the scope. It is designed for longer engagements though, and that is where it shines.


4. I have never seen anyone getting kills with a shotgun in this game that wasn't killstealing, or going after someone 1000 BR lower than themselves. (anecdotal evidence, but it's there nevertheless) Extended mag is a must with shotguns.



You've suggested a 3.4x scope for a weapon with highest recoil per shot for automatic weapons, that would be used as main bread and butter for the player. This would kill any of ADS capabilities in CQB enviroment of NC6. 3.4x sights do not use ADS sensitivity, but one tied to scope sensitivity, which is tied to snipers, which will make it way harder to follow target in CQB enviroment.


Speaking of 4th point, I've seen multiples of good players using shotguns to dominate in correct place. It's not used much by them because it's shunned by their peers for "having no skill weapon" but



No NC weapon can 1-hit a shielded heavy at medium range except the Longshot and Railjack, and the extra 50 damage from the Railjack won't help anything. (it just means someone else doesn't have to put an extra bullet into them with an SMG to kill them if you get a bodyshot instead of a headshot)


To quote you:

If you prefer bolt-action sniping, the only weapon that can guarantee a 1-hit kill on any non-MAX or non-shielded Heavy is the EM4 Longshot.

We're not talking about shielded heavies here. 1 shot kill ranges for bolt rifles are this: SAS-R 200m, LA-80 and NC14 Bolt Driver 250m, EM4 Longshot 300m, Railjack 300+


The SAS-R loses a LOT of damage quickly, not to mention having an extremely slow projectile. (slow enough that I have effectively dodged long-range attacks from it many times) The fire rate may be 0.4 seconds per shot faster, but it's just too slow and low damage at range for it to be a long-range sniping weapon. Go semi-auto for mid range, bolt for long range. (any other any you may be making kills, but you're going to have a much lower KDR in the long-run)



SAS-R also doesn't have any scope sway at all and damage drop off matters at 200 meters, where 1 shot in the head still kills. Bolt Driver has 250m effective range and EM4 has 300m (infrantry render range) But good luck for a newbie hit it. Also BS, that you can dodge a bullet that can get to you in 0.2 seconds from 100 meter range and 0.4 seconds (average human reaction time) from it's maximum effective range.


Or don't waste certs, and test everything in VR first... Very few people do well with shotguns in CQB, and even worse when it takes more than 1 hit to kill someone. Most people will get a LOT more kills with the default weapon, or a subgun. (and can still use it for engagements beyond 12m)
Investing 100 certs into a shotgun to make it a viable alternative for CQB, especially in smaller bases (that's all Mauler needs, extended magazine, everything else is fluff) or invest 1k + attachments into an SMG, that you might not like? Mauler is a semi automatic shotgun too, not a pump one, so it's not that hard to use. Unlike something like Jackhammer and Baron, which have quite small CoFs, making them more accurate, but also, easier to miss in frantic CQB, Mauler is more lenient for new player to even get a kill at least, if he chose right tool for right job.



Though it's interesting, how updated wiki is. Back in my day (old man mode) we had to use api dataminer spreadsheets to get any info on weapons.

You who distill within you the whole world,

attend to this voice from the realm beyond:

You’re beast, and demon, angel, human being;

whatever you show forth, you are that thing.

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You know, there isn't a hundred percent overlap between wanting to just jump in and shoot dudes and being a good for nothing CoD player.

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