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Join me in Planetside 2! I originally planned to have this video out a couple weeks ago, but as usual for me, better late than never. Besides giving a rundown on what this is all about and relevant information, I also included a tutorial for people who have never played Planetside 2 before. I hope we get a large volume of people and things don't melt down. In case you miss it, the game will start on May 15th, at 2pm EST on the Emerald Server. It will also be livestreamed at twitch.tv/rossbroadcast.


The next videos will be a little slow to come out (besides the monthly videochat), but I'm working to get all kinds of stuff coming in the future. In the meantime, I'll see some of you in Planetside!



I made two important mistakes in the video!


1. There is an easier way to get to some battles! You can "serial spawn" where you repeatedly spawn closer and closer to the base you want, waiting 10 seconds in between. I didn't know that!

2. Each base DOES have a vehicle terminal, but some may need an engineer to repair them. Something else I didn't know.



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About the liaison thing (is that how you spell it?)

I may not be the most experienced in PS2 but I have a little experience as a Sergeant (squad commander) and have done platoon commanding with the outfit AJSA (Angry Joe Show Army) too so I like to think I know the basics.

Other than that, I live in Europe too so timezones aren't a bother and my ping isn't *that* bad on the US servers.

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Aw, damn, my 32-bit OS fails me yet again.

I forgot those exist.

Looking forward to owning some nubz with you Ross

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I got a question. Will you make a squad? If so,how exactly is each member gonna operate? I'm more of a rushing player.

Or maybe you won't make squads and just want others to play how they want to play it?


"Hark! Dost thou hear with thine ears what I hear with mine? Interloper! No quarter shall be shown hither, fiend! Anon! Show thyself, churl!"


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I have actually built a clan for those who are advanced enough to know how those work... It is available to the NC on the Emerald (US East) and Connery (US West) servers. Should be able to find it by searching for Accursed Farms.


I am hoping to be there for this event, and will likely be running a small squad to do 'black ops' style missions. (running behind enemy lines to delay their vehicles from getting to the front lines, or do hit & run tactics on undefended territories) In game name is BTGbullseye or Bobthegreat.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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So super lucky me, I have a level 21 NC on Emerald already, and the time that this starts (May fifteen, Sunday, 2 PM EST) Is literally all perfect for me. This has set me on a path to not be deterred.


If you want a liaison, Ross, I'm your guy. I've spent more than enough time in game (142hrs45m to be exact.) to know my way around I can lead a group of new players to a decisive victory anywhere on the map, The Crown excluded from 'anywhere'.

You can find me here https://www.planetside2.com/players/#!/5428021759062919489. I look forward to leading the NC to victory by your side, If you desire my aid as a liaison please message me there or on my g-mail, [email protected] .


I await your response with honest terror. Because I have no idea if you consider me legitimate or not...

Thanks for reading Ross!

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Not really a huge fan of you recommending New Conglomerate, because the NC population is in a good place right now. VS desperately needs more players.

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Not really a huge fan of you recommending New Conglomerate, because the NC population is in a good place right now. VS desperately needs more players.


Damn Vanu apologists. The only good technoscum is a dead technoscum. Burn those half-machines with the rest of them.



Obviously I'd prefer the Terran Republic


"They might have been human once, but not anymore. Whether it's their crazy alien-god bullshit or something more insidious, humanity has become little more than an obstacle to those freaks. You see your own brother hooked up to Vanu tech, you take him out - you're not family anymore. To him, you're just human rabble that needs to be 'enlightened'."

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Aw, damn, my 32-bit OS fails me yet again.
Yeah sorry man, it USED to support both, though I guess you could argue this is a game that really could use the extra RAM.



About the liaison thing (is that how you spell it?)

I may not be the most experienced in PS2 but I have a little experience as a Sergeant (squad commander) and have done platoon commanding with the outfit AJSA (Angry Joe Show Army) too so I like to think I know the basics.

Other than that, I live in Europe too so timezones aren't a bother and my ping isn't *that* bad on the US servers.

So super lucky me, I have a level 21 NC on Emerald already, and the time that this starts (May fifteen, Sunday, 2 PM EST) Is literally all perfect for me. This has set me on a path to not be deterred.


If you want a liaison, Ross, I'm your guy. I've spent more than enough time in game (142hrs45m to be exact.) to know my way around I can lead a group of new players to a decisive victory anywhere on the map, The Crown excluded from 'anywhere'.

You can find me here https://www.planetside2.com/players/#!/ ... 9062919489. I look forward to leading the NC to victory by your side, If you desire my aid as a liaison please message me there or on my g-mail, [email protected] .


I await your response with honest terror. Because I have no idea if you consider me legitimate or not...

Thanks for reading Ross!

Just email me about that. I don't know how many I can take, but the idea is I would need someone who could handle me talking frequently to keep the stream more watchable for people, but could communciate any major issues or suggestions unfolding if they arise (either in-game or on twitch).



I got a question. Will you make a squad? If so,how exactly is each member gonna operate? I'm more of a rushing player.

Or maybe you won't make squads and just want others to play how they want to play it?

I wasn't planning on it. The idea behind all this is I don't want new people feeling excluded. The more experienced you get with a squad, the more it becomes more of a "in" group. And I want people who are struggling to learn the rest of the game to be able to join in. And other people can absolutely play it the way they want to. I think we'll be more effective letting existing / experienced players handle things in their own way rather than follow me into any bad decision I may make.


I am hoping to be there for this event, and will likely be running a small squad to do 'black ops' style missions. (running behind enemy lines to delay their vehicles from getting to the front lines, or do hit & run tactics on undefended territories) In game name is BTGbullseye or Bobthegreat.
Yeah I hope a lot of people do what you're talking about while my group acts as more of a meat shield.

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I have actually built a clan for those who are advanced enough to know how those work... It is available to the NC on the Emerald (US East) and Connery (US West) servers. Should be able to find it by searching for Accursed Farms.


I am hoping to be there for this event, and will likely be running a small squad to do 'black ops' style missions. (running behind enemy lines to delay their vehicles from getting to the front lines, or do hit & run tactics on undefended territories) In game name is BTGbullseye or Bobthegreat.


That's a great idea. The best way to accomplish this is to cut Prowler and Sunderer access when defending and being the sort of "advance force" when capturing a territory.

Or you could just go rogue and do as much damage to the enemy team(s) in any way you see fit. Great thing about this black ops or "Rogue Squad" idea is flexibility. The cons of course are that you guys will die.

A lot.

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I have a question. If a person who wants to join the server lives far away from the US, will they still be able to play, or will the lag be too much to handle. Also how viable would it be to have the fans divided into the three factions for anyone who wants to fight against the main group?


I'm very dissapointed that NC doesn't have Miniguns.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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Dammit, I was hoping I'd have an opportunity to bust out the spandex again. Ah well, NC is probably the best faction lore-wise to have a bunch of inexperienced guys running around in a swarm.


Looking forward to this, a PS2 event certainly has plenty of room for hilarity.

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Finally someone else loves Kelly's Heroes. Not only is it someone, but it's Ross Scott - Paragon of Taste.

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I'm kinda stoked for this. I played Planetside 2 several years ago, but I didn't play for long and wasn't super experienced or good (multiplayer FPS's have always been kind of a stumbling block for me). It should be fun to join a swarm and mow down some territory.

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I've installed PS2 before, died a lot and had no idea what I was doing. This helped a bunch, ran around and got warmed up for MayDay. Game was surprisingly unwilling to work however. Defaulted to low settings (on a beefy machine if I do say so myself) and crashed whenever I touched the options menu, G12 error. Eventually it cooperated though.

"That which you do not know, is not a moral charge against you; but that which you refuse to know, is an account of infamy growing in your soul. Make every allowance for errors of knowledge; do not forgive or accept any breach of morality."

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I'm actually the one of them that "launched it once or twice, and then never came back". Interesting to know I'm not alone in this.


On the technical side: what kind of communication is planned for this? So you'll have twitch, but that's for viewers, not for players. How do you plan to communicate with other players? Does PS2 support voice chats? Do you have any voice-chat servers? I have a private mumble server, but I never tested it on more than 3 players, I doubt it'll support even 50. But it'll be good for at least a couple of squads, I guess. Although it's located in russia, and perhaps won't be that good for US players.

But in any case, I can donate my server for one evening if some sort of voice communication is planned. Tell me if you're interested.

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Didn't bother reading the previous comments because I'm a dick like that, but MAKE SURE THAT YOUR STREAM DOESN'T HAVE GAMEPLAY AUDIO!! Or make two streams (is that possible?), one with and one without gameplay audio, because I want to hear you talk while I'm playing and obviously don't want to always get confused between your and my audio.


I plan to have your stream running on my Wii U, or if that doesn't work on my PSTV, so I can glance over from time to time :)


Can't wait for this!

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