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New game dungeon! This has been one I've been wanting to make for a while, I think it came out pretty well. In the last videochat, I predicted it would come out in 3 days. I honestly believed that, since I thought it was "mostly" done. Here it is a week and a half later, with me working most of the time on it, with it FINALLY being finished. It honestly astounds me how much time the small simple things end up taking. I run into so many things that should conceptually only take about 10 minutes that end up taking 1.5 hours for one reason or another. Or else they will take 10 minutes, but then I realize I'm forgetting 10 other small parts also.


On that note, after the next video, I plan to really catch up on email and help offers so I can be more efficient on future videos, but I have lots of stuff planned. For the immediate future, expect the next video to be a Planetside 2 "recruitment" video for a hopefully monthly play session with fans I hope to get started sometime this month. In the meantime, enjoy Rama!



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Now that I think about it, the only FMV game I've ever played was Journeyman 3 Project... well, that and I got recommended Normality a couple of years ago, but I'm not counting that as I haven't finished it and it doesn't have the live action actors thing. But yeah, judging from the ones I've seen Retsupurae cover, these games usually have some rather interesting acting. I guess while I'm here, here's a wishlist thing to get RAMA on GOG.

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Yay for Star Trek 4 reference!


Great episode, great books, not my kind of game.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Ross, out of sheer respect and admiration for you I shall recommend the graphic adventure game called "Beyond Atlantis" (also known as Atlantis II) as an "enlightenment game" with amazing graphics for 1999, nice puzzles, decent story, no HUD at ALL besides the pointer and a JAWDROPING and relaxing soundtrack. I believe it is abandonware now since Cryo interactive went out of business many years ago and it is impossible to run it on modern systems without tweaks. I would go as far as to say that for a person like YOU if you haven't payed this game you are missing out, maybe I'm biased but I try not to be; but I say if you liked Rama you are going to love Beyond Atlantis.

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Well duh Ross, of course the Ramens know all about us. We did create them after all.





I Don't blame them for hiding from us. We've been hunting, packaging and consuming their kind since the 70s. I heard they're a delicacy amongst college students as well. :P


I'm not saying I started the fire. But I most certain poured gasoline on it.

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After watching this video and you mentioning Super Metroid I thought you should try a recent game which perfectly captures the exploration (and massive exploration when finding hints and dealing with alien languages and such), it's called Environmental Station Alpha http://store.steampowered.com/app/350070/


I think it's worth every penny after playing through it multiple times, even if you don't make a game dungeon out of it I think you should give it a shot at playing. The pure alien atmosphere and setting is well worth it in my opinion (also good music as well).

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After watching this video and you mentioning Super Metroid I thought you should try a recent game which perfectly captures the exploration (and massive exploration when finding hints and dealing with alien languages and such), it's called Environmental Station Alpha http://store.steampowered.com/app/350070/


I think it's worth every penny after playing through it multiple times, even if you don't make a game dungeon out of it I think you should give it a shot at playing. The pure alien atmosphere and setting is well worth it in my opinion (also good music as well).

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After watching this video and you mentioning Super Metroid I thought you should try a recent game which perfectly captures the exploration (and massive exploration when finding hints and dealing with alien languages and such), it's called Environmental Station Alpha http://store.steampowered.com/app/350070/


I think it's worth every penny after playing through it multiple times, even if you don't make a game dungeon out of it I think you should give it a shot at playing. The pure alien atmosphere and setting is well worth it in my opinion (also good music as well).


I did not know about that :V I just hope you get on terms with the horrible eldritch secrets ;)

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After watching this video and you mentioning Super Metroid I thought you should try a recent game which perfectly captures the exploration (and massive exploration when finding hints and dealing with alien languages and such), it's called Environmental Station Alpha http://store.steampowered.com/app/350070/


I think it's worth every penny after playing through it multiple times, even if you don't make a game dungeon out of it I think you should give it a shot at playing. The pure alien atmosphere and setting is well worth it in my opinion (also good music as well).

I did not know about that :V I just hope you get on terms with the horrible eldritch secrets ;)

Yeah I just watched playthroughs for the later endings that required a skill cliff dropoff. I beat it with two of the endings though.

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Absolutely fantastic episode. Basically perfect.


Another Sierra musician who's released high quality versions of his soundtrack is Aubrey Hodges


I did not like Rama II due to how stupidly it progresses.


Forget sneaking cigarettes on, there you've got the main character bringing powerful psychedelics onboard. Then she decides to trip balls in the middle of a dangerous situation because heck, nothing better to try. I lost all respect for the book right there. Mind you, I've listened to a lot of Terrence McKenna and think psychedelics are really cool and should be legal. Ironically I'd have supported the character taking a micro dose when she was out of ideas, since they can increase visual acuity quite a bit and promote lateral thinking. That would've been a good "out of the box" approach without the insufferable appeal to spirituality claptrap that infects so much of sci-fi.


Maybe she just wanted to think like a triangle.


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This episode made me wonder- what sci-fi franchises do you like? Or at least which ones have good aliens in your opinion? For example, lets take Stargate (my favourite sci-fi franchise)- most aliens here are pretty boring (since focus isnt on aliens), i concur (jaffa, humans, wraith, unas heck even asgard are quite usual looks for sci-fi, heck even mist-thingy and ancients looks are rather common in sci-fi), but there are few quite curious ones. The gadeer, sulfur-based aliens for example, that SG encounters in "scorched earth" episode (s4e9). Or the crystal-alien rather early on in "Cold Lazarus" (S1E7). But they are one-offs. And of course, goa'uld themselves

Jack O'Neill: "You know Teal'c, if we dont find a way out of this soon, im gonna lose it. Lose it... it means go crazy. nuts. insane. bonzo. no longer in possession of ones faculties. 3 fries short of a happy meal. WACKO!!!!!!!!"

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That was an interesting episode.

"I don't trust a man that doesn't have something strange going on about him, cause that means he's hiding it from you. If a man's wearing his pants on his head or if he says his words backwards from time to time, you know it's all laid out there for you. But if he's friendly to strangers and keeps his home spick-and-span, more often than not he's done something even his own ma couldn't forgive." -No-bark Noonan

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Hey Ross, have you played Star Control 2? It's one of my favorite games and it has some very cool "realistic" alien designs. All the alien species in it have some character to them. If you liked Rama but wish it had some extra elements like branched speech, exploration, alien politics, mining, and humans being ruled by alien overlords, then Star Control 2 will definitely be right up your alley. Its soundtrack is mostly okay, but some tracks are phenomenal, especially from the remastered OST.

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Really enjoyed this one Ross, makes me want to read some Arthur C Clarke Books. Such interesting concepts and ideas.

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Hey Ross, just wanted to say another awesome review, great job bro! I am definitely going to download the music from the link you posted, and I agree completely from the tracks you used on this review it sounds like the musical equivalent of Valium lol :D . I have to disagree with you about Ms Salvatini though the crazy hot redhead would always have a special place in both my crew and heart :lol: . Thanks again for posting this you really have become one of my favorite reviewers over the years, I always learn something from your reviews, get a lot of laughs, and are one of the only reviewers that I can truthfully say has never let me down ( I know I will be entertained as soon as I see a new game dungeon posted !). If I ever get to the place where I am not so damn poor please know you'll be the first person i will donate money to man! Please please please keep up the awesome work your doing ( I can't wait to see what you have cooked up in your head for your movie, I bet it's going to be hilarious!), and know you are making a lot of peoples lives better with the laughter and knowledge you are working so hard to bring us, and once again thanks!

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Hey Ross one more thing bud. I already asked this once on your April fools video, but I understand you don't have time to answer every last question your fans have. Anyhow you mentioned in it that you got in school suspension in highschool for something you did as a freshman. Would you mind sharing with us what the prank was, it sounds like there might be a funny story there?

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Hey Ross one more thing bud.

You can hit that little "EDIT" button in the lower right corner of your post to edit it, and include any additional information you want... You don't have to double post.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Man, when Ross mentioned that he was going to review an epic space strategy? (can't remember the exact words), I thought it'd be Homeworld. This is pretty cool too, I guess. At least the OST is.

"Fleet Intelligence Coming Online"

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