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The Doom 4 closed multiplayer beta.

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So the Doom 4 closed multiplayer beta just ended and it has gathered some interesting reception so far. I haven't actually tried it but I have seen a couple streams and it seems much more Quake/Unreal-esque in its pace and gameplay than any other modern shooter I have seen so far, which is a good thing since it is about time we get an AAA shooter that harkened its gameplay back to the olden days.


Still not sure about the mutiplayer's 3-weapon loadout system though. I guess this approach was taken because it would be too hard for console players to switch between 10 different weapons all the time due to controller limitations.


Either way, have you guys played the Doom 4 beta? If you did, share your thoughts on it.

Actually Yngwie of Haus Malmsteen, feefty eenches of pure Svwedish beef.

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