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Broken Stuff

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So what kind of broken stuff are you currently having to deal with? My monitor's display went all sorts of wonky on me today. The old bastard currently displaying numerous vertical bars and and segmented text. It'll be amazing if I can post this without any typos as I'm still using the monitor :P .

I'm not saying I started the fire. But I most certain poured gasoline on it.

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I had a broken mouse for a little while - would keep double clicking when I didn't want it to and it was pissing me off. XD Couldn't play any games. But my friend bought me a new one. :D So kind of him. Exact same model, cause, I love Logitech stuff. And the small mouse fits my small palm. :P

I also had broken headphones, but I bought new ones lately too. XD I guess I'm finally getting around to fixing my shit. Other than that, the only thing that is CURRENT is technically not even broken I guess. But my laptop is getting old and likes to overheat like all shit, so I can't play a lot of games that I used to be able to play. :( Tragic.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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My last keyboard had keys that were falling apart on a functional level and more often than not the 'a' and 'c' key would input 2-3 times. An unedited message for example "usuaally looked like this aand the more 'aaa's and 'cc's I used, the more frustraating it waas to go through my posts aand ccorrect everything."


programming was a nightmare those 2 months.

Retired Forum Moderator

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I have 4 full computers lying around, 2 are just obsolete boxes, (one still has a label saying it was $1600 for a Pentium@75MHz) the other 2 are obsolete laptops from IBM that were used for a small business. (I still haven't gotten around to clearing them off and installing Linux)


I plan on making the laptops into mini servers for Minecraft, if they can handle it. (they should be able to, if I can find a version of Linux that works right on them)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Currently, one of my case fans is broken. (assuming that "broken" means that it makes a hell of a lot of noise when it's running; it still spins but I can't stand the noise when it does) It's been that way for about half a year now, just never bothered to do anything about it because it doesn't seem to contribute much air flow anyway. More recently though, the fans inside my power supply have been acting up (often I find them not spinning for a bit every time I boot my computer) which is more worrisome. :| Oh well.

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  SymphonicMetalFanatic95 said:
Currently, one of my case fans is broken. (assuming that "broken" means that it makes a hell of a lot of noise when it's running; it still spins but I can't stand the noise when it does) It's been that way for about half a year now, just never bothered to do anything about it because it doesn't seem to contribute much air flow anyway.

All it takes is a couple drops of light machine oil in the bearing, and it should become nice and quiet. (and start contributing more to airflow)


  SymphonicMetalFanatic95 said:
More recently though, the fans inside my power supply have been acting up (often I find them not spinning for a bit every time I boot my computer) which is more worrisome. :| Oh well.

Might want to clean the PSU then. If it's got too much dust in it, it can have issues with the thermal sensors or other things. It could be a more serious issue for the PSU as well, so you might want to look into a new PSU for your system, just in case.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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