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Games you used to love, but now hate

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Day of Defeat: Source


At some point i hit a weird breaking point in terms of skill, where i would dominate most public servers but took a nosedive when attempting competitive play. Just goes to show that individual skill is not really important in a team environment.


It was so frustrating i quit the game and haven't touched it in years.

Siegreiche Schlacht, du blutschöne Maid!

Küss mich zum Ruhm, sei mein Geleit!

Siegreiche Schlacht, du blutgeiles Biest!

Der Tod ist dein Meister aus Stahl!

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And for the controversial entry.


Fallout 3.


I used to play this for unhealthy amount of time. Like as much as I'd played morrowind or oblivion. Then just one day, I fired up the game, and I immediately got this sense of "I'd rather be doing anything but" and every time I try to go back to it I get this annoyed feeling of wanting to be doing something else. I can't bring myself to enjoy the game anymore and I can't even say why.


I'd say the same thing, but for New Vegas. I liked it, but as i kept playing, I get this "what now?" feeling in my head, like I should be doing else. I tried reigniting my interest by trying one of the DLC's, Dead Money, but I got caught in a glitch that got me stuck in one of the missions. I gave up at that point. As for Fo3, it's been a while since I last played, but i hope i can get back to that and not get the same reaction as i had with New Vegas.


New Vegas certainly does get old fast. I love it but like, most of the stuff is kinda dull despite people overhyping it's writing. It has some real weak writing and quest design in some places and a good example would be it's main story were a good chunk was just doing side quests to expand it's main story.


Despite people saying radiant quests are more chore-like, I feel the radiant design in stuff like skyrim and fallout 4 are more fun then most of New Vegas's quests which feel, well, more like I'm doing a chore.

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New Vegas certainly does get old fast. I love it but like, most of the stuff is kinda dull despite people overhyping it's writing. It has some real weak writing and quest design in some places and a good example would be it's main story were a good chunk was just doing side quests to expand it's main story.


Despite people saying radiant quests are more chore-like, I feel the radiant design in stuff like skyrim and fallout 4 are more fun then most of New Vegas's quests which feel, well, more like I'm doing a chore.


Said it better than I could about the quests in New Vegas.

Welp, now what?

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psah, use bounties mods and some populated mods (especially ones that add raiders and legion battles randomly) and its whole different game all of a sudden. I usually do all quests, discover all locations then just before point of no return- save game and set new personal objective: kill everyone in Mojave.

but vanilla portion- yeah, its getting stale real fast.

Jack O'Neill: "You know Teal'c, if we dont find a way out of this soon, im gonna lose it. Lose it... it means go crazy. nuts. insane. bonzo. no longer in possession of ones faculties. 3 fries short of a happy meal. WACKO!!!!!!!!"

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Team Fortress 2

Yeah, I don't think I have to explain this one.

Yeah... I don't hate it, I just refuse to play it anymore.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Back when it was New And Interesting™, that was when it was good. Then it just stopped being fun. I know my reasons why, but some people on this forum take it as a personal insult when I say what they are. (which is itself one of the reasons I don't like the game anymore, a truly toxic fanbase)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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but some people on this forum take it as a personal insult when I say what they are.

Because the way you handled it was highly insulting to just about all of us.


My problems with TF2 now are that it's just so oversaturated with weapons that half the time I don't even know what I'm looking at anymore. Public servers seem to be the only ones active which is basically about as balanced as a tank weighted against a cricket on a teeter totter.


And then there's the outdated memes. I'm pretty sure tf2 is the only place left on the internet where you still see Lenny Face spammed every half hour.

Retired Forum Moderator

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but some people on this forum take it as a personal insult when I say what they are.

Because the way you handled it was highly insulting to just about all of us.

Only because you wanted to be insulted.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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but some people on this forum take it as a personal insult when I say what they are.

Because the way you handled it was highly insulting to just about all of us.

Only because you wanted to be insulted.

No. And please do not try to refuel that here. Take it back to the TF2 topic if you really want to open that can again.

Retired Forum Moderator

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I'd wager TF2 is an example of what happens when Endless Tinkering goes wrong. Granted I haven't touched it in 4 years, but even in 2012 (and only after a year of playing it), the amount of content that was locked behind a (vast) paywall made it feel like I wasn't there to capture flags and control territory, but to pimp out my characters either by grinding or giving Valve a disgraceful amount of money. I used to think the Hat obsession was a funny little joke, but it's turned the game into a giant materialist vanity project.


All in all, the general attitudes I got from playing TF2 put me off online gaming and I doubt I'll ever really get back into either. That said, I don't hate it, but the charm has long since worn off.


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I remember how happy as all hell I was when TF2 came free. I especially liked how it came free on my birthday, it was like a birthday gift from Valve that time. I used to pour in hours playing that game 'til my PC gave in. When I got back to TF2 last summer, The game felt silly. So silly, It needs an appearance from the Colonel from Monty Python in to stop the game for being too silly. This wasn't the TF2 i've played and enjoyed years ago, that's all I can say.

Welp, now what?

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When it went free I just thought to myself: "Well thanks for making me spend money on it then." Then again I bought the orange box so it wasn't a big deal, I mostly got it for Half-Life and the episodes and Portal. But TF2 never appealed to me and probably never will.

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I used to love World of Warcraft, but since they changed the skill system in it, it really tanked the fun of the game for a lot of the older players. (me included) Don't even get me started on the crappy expansions released after Burning Crusade.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Half Life 2.


I don't hate it, but I think it's massively overrated today. It's the highest scoring PC game of all time on Metacritic. Here's the problem with game ratings, the context changes. Back in 2004 HL2 was amazing. It was a big step up technically and artistically. It had a huge wow factor going for it, I was blown away. The atmosphere was great (best thing about the game IMO), you could drive a variety of vehicles, the engine was revolutionary, it had somewhat believable characters and the story was engrossing. It was also massively successful and set a new standard for first person shooters. But having done so, other games have since come along and improved on the recipe immensely.


So how does it hold up today? I recently played through it again and frankly I almost didn't make it all the way through.


The first half or so of the game was still fun, especially Ravenholm. But from Nova Prospekt on, it just got tedious. I haven't yet found someone to agree with me on this, so chances are I'm wrong, but I think the shooting in HL2 is by far the worst part of the game. I especially hate fighting the Combine, and they're the most common enemy. They are heavily armored and you have to empty more than half a clip to kill one guy, which makes every weapon feel weak. Also, once you've taken one shot at an enemy, they will ALWAYS see you within half a second and return fire. These enemies have hitscan weapons, so you can't dodge their bullets. This is fine when coupled with a replenishing health mechanic like modern shooters have, it makes you play more conservatively and make use of cover. But HL2 has health packs and charging stations, which are exhaustable. So the challenge becomes to manage your health between charging stations. This is just not fun gameplay and makes for a low and very rigid skill cap. I won't even mention the extremely linear level design or the tacked-on squad mechanics. Oh wait, I just did.


Honestly even though it's 10 years older, I think DOOM holds up much better today in terms of gameplay, when compared to HL2. The shooting is as satisfying as ever, especially if you use the Brutal Doom mod. As to the level design, I have mixed feelings. Like Ross, I'm not a big fan of wandering around a maze trying to find the yellow keycard, but I think I prefer that if the alternative is a super linear level where I have to figure out what passageway the designers wanted to funnel me through.


Note I'm just talking about Half Life 2. I think the original Half Life, despite its comparatively drab and lackluster levels, holds up better today, due to having better core gameplay.

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These enemies have hitscan weapons, so you can't dodge their bullets.

I'll take you on when it comes to this... Take an unmodded game, and use console commands to put the timescale to 10% of normal, and you'll see all those bullets traveling, and you'll be able to dodge most of them.


HL2 did extremely well in their representation of the firearms, the bullets move at least semi-realistically. (every bullet is a projectile, and they move very fast) The ONLY hitscan weapons in the game are lasers, everything else is a projectile. (despite several 'sources' saying otherwise)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Not saying they're doing this but the bullet could be a particle projected along the line of the raycast. Only way to really check that would be to do the timescale thing and check if damage is being applied even when the bullet is still on it's way to the player.


Hitscan only wins out over physical projectiles in a highly specific, low framerate scenario where a bullet going too fast will update it's position in large gaps and risk skipping over the player completely. That can be avoided by drawing a line between it's current position and last frame position but if you're in a low framerate that's probably stupid because that's further system intensive. But even in that scenario the bullet would have to be going fast enough that you may as WELL be using hitscan. In the end it's all about how much effort the coder wants to put into it really.

Retired Forum Moderator

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Not saying they're doing this but the bullet could be a particle projected along the line of the raycast. Only way to really check that would be to do the timescale thing and check if damage is being applied even when the bullet is still on it's way to the player.

I've checked numerous times... It does not damage until the projectile hits.


Hitscan only wins out over physical projectiles in a highly specific, low framerate scenario where a bullet going too fast will update it's position in large gaps and risk skipping over the player completely. That can be avoided by drawing a line between it's current position and last frame position but if you're in a low framerate that's probably stupid because that's further system intensive. But even in that scenario the bullet would have to be going fast enough that you may as WELL be using hitscan. In the end it's all about how much effort the coder wants to put into it really.

The way HL2 does its (non-crossbow) projectiles is a kind of hybrid projectile/hitscan. It uses mathematics to determine the distance the bullet has traveled along the hitscan path, and unless you're in the path when the projectile is supposed to hit, it doesn't do any damage. It also renders a projectile, and updates its position based on the mathematics.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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