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Lots going on today! Here's the delayed Game Dungeon episode I meant to have a week ago:




This game has been partially done for some time now, however I knew it would be murder to edit it, and it kind of was. I think this episode came out pretty well though. This is another one of those episodes I think fits in particularly well with Game Dungeon. Right now my plan is to make multiple videos this month, including a Ross Rants and more Game Dungeons. I don't plan on having a particular schedule to it, just as it gets finished.


I'll have some more news in a couple days for the videochat, as a reminder, it's on twitch.tv/rossbroadcast/ on Feb. 7 at 4pm EST, but will appear on Youtube later. You can also check out the Co-optional Podcast appearance if you're interested. Normally I would have let that be the top entry for a couple days, but I ended up needing to get this one out ASAP. Bop bop bop.



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Fucking shit. I forgot my headphones, and I still have three hours to sit in the tutoring center.

Guess I'll turn this on and listen to the voices in my head.

"Fleet Intelligence Coming Online"

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Nice episode.


I can’t help but notice some of the symbolism in this. From the video, I noticed at first the sign with what appear to be the nordic runes ᚦᛉᚻᚾ which spell “TH Z H N”, which doesn’t seem to mean anything, but taken the individual meaning of each rune, could mean something relating to “thorns”, “hail” (as in precipitation) and “need”.

We later see the rune ᚠ (F) meaning wealth or cattle.


But what intrigued me more is the apple with the “KALLISTI” writing below and the “K” on it. This originates from the greek mythology of Eris and the golden apple of discord, but I suspect could also link to Discordianism, an occult movement related to Chaos Magick, of which the KALLISTI golden apple is the main symbol.


There are also some other symbols in the video which I can’t really relate to anything. I’m going to look for a complete walkthrough to see if I see anything else of symbolic interest, and maybe see if I can dig up something in the game files itself.

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Nice episode.


I can’t help but notice some of the symbolism in this. From the video, I noticed at first the sign with what appear to be the runes ᚦᛉᚻᚾ which spell “TH Z H N”, which doesn’t seem to mean anything, but taken the individual meaning of each rune, could mean something relating to “thorns”, “hail” (as in precipitation) and “need”.


We later see the rune ᚠ (F) meaning wealth or cattle.


But what intrigued me more is the apple with the “KALLISTI” writing below and the “K” on it. This originates from the greek mythology of Eris and the golden apple of discord, but I suspect could also link to Discordianism, an occult movement related to Chaos Magick, of which the golden apple with the word “KALLISTI” is one of the main symbols.


There are also some other symbols in the video which I can’t really relate to anything. I’m going to look for a complete walkthrough to see if I see anything else of symbolic interest, and maybe see if I can dig up something in the game files itself.

The game is a seemingly endless well of possible messages and imagery. I mean I guess not endless, but by and large, they don't phone in the 160 levels, despite showing some of the cheap shots in the video.

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Reitz is probably one of the most consistently bullied people on the internet. It's been going on for more than a decade, and that's just what I've seen. She's gotten the works with ddos attacks, death threats, hacked accounts, and the endless trolling. There's some trash out there who literally has a script he's been running for years to downvote every single post she makes on a particular forum. It's this perfect storm of being a semi-famous figure, an author, having extremely unconventional views, and publicly talking about her depression and bitterness over how people treat her. Which is doubly sad even beyond the human aspect of it since she's got some really interesting stories to tell about the gaming industry, having been involved with it since the beginnings.


Ross, thank you for not being a dick.

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I was unaware that Reitz had developed this game. I didn't really like Unicorn Jelly and Heliotrope, far too convoluted. But I do respect how they kept everything consistent, while my head was melting, I could tell there was a consistent logic out there, it was just going over my head. But in regards to their bullying, it's a horrible case of being unable to tell who is speaking the truth, who's the nut, who's overreacted, like consultantgate. But I DO NOT think they deserved that level of harassment.


I also probably stuck my foot in my mouth, big time, so feel free to tell me how wrong I am, I will listen.


On a brighter note, I feel your collaboration with Tom was much better this time.

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This was a great episode. I was happy to see Tom come back...the back-and-forth was really entertaining.

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Nice shades Ross. You look like an Agent from The Matrix that's become chilled out after the War ended.


And I agree with the others - Tom was a great addition to the episode.


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I thought this episode was brilliant. I'm glad to see Ross's experience with Moon Gaming hasn't gone to waste. I loved the disconnect between Ross and Tom. It was like they were on alternate planes of reality. Ross should get more people who have wildly different views on a game to his own. The chaos that would ensue because of it would be great.


Is there a better description for Mrs Reitz other than her Wikipedia page? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jennifer_Diane_Reitz . It seems a bit bare bones. I would like to know more about the creator of this game as I've never heard of her up until now.


P.S if you're searching for information on the game make sure to search for "Boppin Game" and not just "Boppin" as that's something completely different :oops: . I'm not surprised that Boppin's a term but it did catch me off-guard initially. So just a heads up for anyone else who's searching.

I'm not saying I started the fire. But I most certain poured gasoline on it.

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I would like to know more about the creator of this game as I've never heard of her up until now.


The wikipedia page is fairly accurate. Beyond that, you are going to have a hard time finding a neutral opinion. One could write a long article about her treatment on the internet. People have in fact taken the time to write long articles that unironically claim she's an ungrateful race-traitor who makes death threats to all who don't like her work. If I wanted to explain why her claims of being constantly and severely harassed are all provable or credible, I'd have about twenty pages of work cut out for me between the explanations and the citations.


If you're just interested in her creative works, her website is very 90's, but fairly complete.

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@Presence I'm afraid I don't quite understand. Is she just severely harassed on the internet or is this something specific? Unfortunately I often hear of vile harassment against transexuals.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

I'm not saying I started the fire. But I most certain poured gasoline on it.

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After hearing that this game was made by Accursed Toys, I immediately was reminded of an incredibly old site with the people who actually made this game (Stephen P. Lepisto, and Jennifer Reitz, with Dov Sherman as their webmaster). The site itself actually being http://www.otakuworld.com

and there are some remnants of their work all over the place there. I'm still amazed that this page from 1996 still exists, and even more amazed that the most recent update to the site was in October of 2014. Really a trip to see that Ross played something I knew a little bit of history about.

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Reitz is probably one of the most consistently bullied people on the internet. It's been going on for more than a decade, and that's just what I've seen. She's gotten the works with ddos attacks, death threats, hacked accounts, and the endless trolling. There's some trash out there who literally has a script he's been running for years to downvote every single post she makes on a particular forum. It's this perfect storm of being a semi-famous figure, an author, having extremely unconventional views, and publicly talking about her depression and bitterness over how people treat her. Which is doubly sad even beyond the human aspect of it since she's got some really interesting stories to tell about the gaming industry, having been involved with it since the beginnings.


Ross, thank you for not being a dick.

I didn't know that much about the creator really, I didn't even find out about the gender until I went to the site to get the full version a few years back. I was mostly just interested in the game.

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@Presence I'm afraid I don't quite understand. Is she just severely harassed on the internet or is this something specific? Unfortunately I often hear of vile harassment against transexuals.


Reitz is an eccentric person who's lived an unusual life. I could list any single fact about her and it would be something that people have used as an excuse to harass her. Transsexual. Lives in a group marriage. Writes My Little Pony fanfics. Helped found the biggest gaming website on the internet, sold it for millions, lost said millions. I could go on for quite a bit longer, but I'm not making a litany here.


I got interested a while back because I'm always looking for unusual webcomics, preferably ones that aren't written by college students who'll drop everything the day they graduate. I'll never understand why people hate weird. I understand hate, but why hate weird?

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About Tom... Ross, if you want him on your episodes, that's fine. I can get used to that. But personally, I watch these episodes to listen to *you*. Having Tom on there and talking so much, it seemed like Ross's Game Dungeon -Lite-. It like I was getting a reduced fat version of your typical RGD episode. So sure, it was still RGD, but it felt like it was missing the savoriness that goes with the fat, or like it was one of those "whipped" yoghurts where a large portion of the volume is just extra air added into the mix. Whenever you'd start talking again after the point in the video where Tom was introduced, I always felt a little, "Yay!" show up in my mind which was then snuffed out when Tom began talking again. His voice just has a way of making me mentally tune out.


It's not that Tom is bad, but he does feel flat. His voice is more of a monotone, medium-range, typical YouTube kind of voice. Your voice, Ross, has presence. It's like the voice of the radio DJ that wakes up your mind after listening to a few songs back-to-back. When I as a viewer am listening to the videos, it's like I start zoning out while Tom is talking, and then a few minutes later, when your voice kicks in, it's like, "Woah, shit! I better start listening. This guy has things to say!" I'm not sure what gets this reaction out of me, but I imagine the "anti-Tom people" know what I'm talking about. It's like your voice was designed for radio. Tom's voice just feels like that of your average man.


He seems like a nice guy, but Toms feels like an odd, foreign presence in your videos. However, please keep in mind that I'll continue listening to your videos whether is it you as a solo or as a duo.

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Well, not according to Youtube comments and Moon gaming reception.

I prefer Ross's game dungeon format the way it has been up until now.


I realise now that I almost never read the comments on any of Ross's videos. While I agree Moon Gaming was a something of a non-starter, Tom was much better in this video than that one. It was also contextual that Tom appeared in this video, so I doubt he'll be a regular appearance - unless Ross is doing a load of two player games for the next few months.


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About Tom... Ross, if you want him on your episodes, that's fine. I can get used to that.


My mother said something similar when i asked her if i could have a dog.Now you need to make Ross promise that he's going to take care and clean up after Tom.

Not trying to pick a fight over the internet here,so don't worry,there's no need for a strong answer.

But the thing is,Ross likes this Tom guy, he likes him enough to try for a second time to make a collaboration with him after the moon bomb (i personally liked moon gaming, but that's just an opinion)

I could just ask Ross why,but i think it's more interesting to guess, and my guess is that Ross likes the polarity that Tom brings to the show. A different person will bring different opinions, and if Ross invited this chubby funster Tom guy, he had a reason to do it.

I personally like the way Tom deals with Ross, he's aware that Ross's sanity is long gone, and you need to choose your words carefully or things could get out of control.

Anyway,fun times nonetheless. Hope to see more collaborations,Ross always looks so alone in his videos...

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I personally like the way Tom deals with Ross.


Hope to see more collaborations,Ross always looks so alone in his videos...


Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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