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Late January Update

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This is just a small update. I was hoping to have the next Game Dungeon out by now, but I can see this one is going to be a longer one since it involves more editing than usual. I'll get it done as soon as I can, but I think it will still be a few more days. After that, I plan to continue working on more Game Dungeons, some other videos, plus I have ideas how to get more videos out later that I'll be looking into once I catch up on more email. Besides working on the movie, most of this month has been trying to catch up on everything else and prepare for a lot of videos I hope to have this year. So things may seem slow right now, but I promise a lot more is coming.


In other news, I've been invited to appear on the Co-Optional podcast on February 2nd at 3pm EST. It will go up on TotalBiscuit's Youtube channel later on, I'll make another post when it does.


Finally, just as a reminder, the next videochat will be on February 7th, 4pm EST at www.twitch.tv/rossbroadcast/. I'll have more news then.



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Awesome to hear. So will the Co-Optional podcast be live, or can we only see it once it's uploaded to his channel later?

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Awesome to hear. So will the Co-Optional podcast be live, or can we only see it once it's uploaded to his channel later?
It will be live, but I don't know how it works, it might be only his subscribers can watch it live. Somebody familiar with the podcast might know the answer.

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Finally, just as a reminder, the next videochat will be on February 7th, 4pm EST at www.twitch.tv/rossbroadcast/. I'll have more news then.


Still going with the Twitch-solution then? I for one think that's alright, the last segment was actually really neat and worked well compared to the first ones. You said you would look for a way to improve on the format, and letting people send in questions ahead of time has certainly accomplished that.


To me it would be weird at this point if the streams went somewhere else than Twitch, as that would remove the need for the game-demos in the corner. I have come to enjoy those as a secondary distraction. But change is not always bad, I don't know things.


Another thing, is this where we post questions for the next time? I guess that counts as a question either way, but you know...

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Ross I have some questions I'd like to ask you for the videochat, but I'll leave them here so you can have them beforehand and address them then. I think they'd be as interesting for everyone as there are for me.

If you could answer them all please do, if not maybe answer some here of in future videochats. Thanks


-What happened to Magda's channel, will she ever be Chell's mind?, will she be a voice in one of your videos?

-Can we hear about the infamous car drowning incident you implied to have had?

-Are you a fan of deadpool, thoughts about the upcoming movie?

-Will Craig Mengel appear in the movie, please say yes.

-If you could choose any actor to play a roll in the movie who would it be and what

character would they play?

-What is your favourite Dave line? mine is "you'll smoke yourself retarded with one of those"

-What do you think about

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjAYxHn9PvE(heavenly sounds) possibly having rpg and open world features and VR technology?

-Have you seen CDJO's animation of Civil Protection's episode "


In the video he states that he would be willing to collaborate with you to bring the series back. If so will you be open to collaborate with him or any animator should the opportunity arise to bring out new CP videos?

-In an interview you did some years back, you said you got into machinima as a way to do film and tell stories without the hassles and costs of live-action productions. If you had whatever budget, cast and workforce you wanted for the movie, would it still be a machinima, just exponentially bigger in scope or would you rather make a live-action film?

-You have a very well-formed concept of what good level design in a game should have. What do you think about LoK blood omen's level design in hindsight. Was it good? or was it crawly and repetitive. Would the nostalgia carry you all the way through the game. I played it out of curiosity years back, it was great, but I ended up having to power through it, guide-in-hand.

-What do you think about the way the timeline went in the LoK series? Did you know Silicon Knights had a sequel planned for LoK BO before it was cancelled and it went radically different to what Crystal Dynamics did? What would you like to have seen in the previous games/future installments?

-What would be your favourite environment, mood and setting for an exploration game.

-Any cool personal scary experiences or anecdotes you care to tell? I don't have any myself but my grandpa was once choked by a ghost while horseback riding back home on a country road.

-Out of all the stereotypical world endings, which one would you prefer to see? I'd like to see a literal,

word by word version of revelations in the bible, the horsemen and the dragons flying in the sky, the stars falling into earth... sky trumpets announcing stuff and whatnot.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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Ross I have some questions I'd like to ask you for the videochat, but I'll leave them here so you can have them beforehand and address them then. I think they'd be as interesting for everyone as there are for me.

If you could answer them all please do, if not maybe answer some here of in future videochats. Thanks


-What happened to Magda's channel, will she ever be Chell's mind?, will she be a voice in one of your videos?

Oh my... I get more and more of that question. I'm surprised people are so interested.

Unfortunately I have to admit that I lost access to my YT channel. I'm not sure if I screwed up or Google did. Or both of us.


I don't think I'll be in Chell's mind. Making episodes like that is not exactly my style of work (I'm a lazy ass) and I may have some ideas but... as Ross mentioned before, I fit better to the style of TwitchTV. I've been planning to do this for ages but I'm really, really scared. However, I'm also curious and hope that people would like me talking gibberish live while playing games. Ross says I sound good :roll: so if he says so, I guess I could believe that :mrgreen:


Thank you for asking. :)

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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Hi Ross, I have a few questions I would like to ask.


First what are your current plans for the PlanetSide 2 meetup? Are you managing the PlanetSide 2 meetup all by yourself or do you have multiple people managing for you? I would like to know who to talk to and what faction I should play as so I can level up my character prior to the meetup.


Have you played Warframe and what do you think of it? I recently picked it up again after a 2 year hiatus. I heard from Totalbiscuit that quite a few things have changed with Warframe so I decided to pick it up again to see what was new. I hated Warframe back when I played it two years ago and I still hate it with this new revamp. I practical tore Warframe a new one in a post I made on these forums. I'll go ahead and put the important bits in a spoiler box for you to give you some context as to where I'm coming from. I'll also update it a bit since I have a few more points I would like to add.

Warframe is the video game equivalent of a sleazy and deceptive door to door salesman. When you first start playing Warframe it makes you think you're going to have a great time with it. Then the microtransactions start to creep in. From that point on you have three choices either you buy the premium currency, pull double duty by farming crafting components and waiting forever. Of course Digital Extreme I would love to not play Warframe for 3 days straight while I wait for something to be crafted you stupid developer.


Your loadout is limited to three types of weapons and five powers depending on what level your Warframe(Warframe's equivalent of a class) is for the whole game. So you can have anywhere between 4 killing methods to 8 killing methods. That's not enough variety for the game to stay fresh and not go stale.


On the topic of variety there isn't any in Warframe at all. There are two factions(not exactly but might as well be) you can fight in one of 7 possible scenarios over and over again. Along with procedural levels with not enough room variety. I once ran through 3 of the exact same rooms.


The weapons are not fun to use. In Warframe you have to choose between speed or damage. You'll be screwed regardless of which way you go about it. You can install mods but they're capped to five levels and vary in terms of helpfulness. They can either be helpful like giving you a 15% damage increase or not be helpful at all like giving you a 5% increase to your ammo capacity. Also the mod drops are random and infrequent. So honestly what's the point?


The weapons are incredibly unbalanced. You can acquire some of the most powerful weapons in Warframe in as little as 3 ranks. Which does not take anytime at all to acquire. This makes acquiring any other less powerful weapon pointless. Why would you bother leveling your MK1-Paris when you could craft and level a Vectis sniper rifle?


There are so many pits you can fall into and not be able to progress as a result. Remember the 5% increase to ammo capacity I mentioned. Well you can upgrade it to a maximum of 25% and strap yourself of credits in the process. That is one of the many pitfalls that can prevent you from progressing. The game is incredibly vague and unhelpful in terms of helping you. I had to carefully plan out everything I did to make sure I wasn't screwing myself over in the process.


Finally there is no end game to Warframe. Got 3 of the best weapons in the game alongside one of the best Warframes in the game? Congratulations, now you no longer need to play Warframe.


I will admit that Warframe is fun with friends but that's the only time it ever is. Warframe's a quick game you play with your buddies and nothing more. If you're at all considering to play Warframe make sure to play it with friends. If you want to solo Warframe please heed my warning and don't do it. You'll unconsciously thank me for that. Trying to solo Warframe is downright painful and not worth the effort. Take it from someone who's played Warframe to practical completion. if I could undo all of the progress I made in Warframe and play something else I would've without hesitiation.



Are there any games you'd like to give more attention that you know you won't cover in a game dungeon?


What is your experience with Linux? Did you just play around with Linux or are you doing more advanced stuff with it? I know you mentioned you would do a Ross's rants video on Linux eventually.


What are your thoughts on overkill PC rigs and superfluous PC addons? I have a PC with only AMD hardware with normal air cooling at normal clock speeds and it drives me insane when I hear people talk about how much they've spent on their hard-tubing, watercooled, overclocked, Intel Skylake builds. My PC's just as good as playing modern titles as theirs. They're just nitpicking over the tiny unimportant details and at risk of burning a massive hole in their wallet. There are so many points of failure they've added just to their PC for no other reason other than to have fancy things in their fancy PC. It just seems like such a careless way to build a PC to me.

I'm not saying I started the fire. But I most certain poured gasoline on it.

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Awesome to hear. So will the Co-Optional podcast be live, or can we only see it once it's uploaded to his channel later?

Everyone can watch it, though the chat will be set to subscribers only and the vod on Twitch(!) won't be accessible unless you've subscribed.

Which isn't a big deal since it will be up on his YouTube channel a day later for everyone to enjoy : )


I'm REALLY excited for this podcast, as I have silently hoped it would come to happen one day, but I didn't really expect it to.

Better yet I can watch it live on my Birthday, so that day is saved :D

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I've been planning to do this for ages but I'm really, really scared.


"You'll never know unless you try ,what winning's all about"

Worst case scenario everyone hates you and you stop doing it.You're not doing it now.

Best case scenario people like you and you have added something very interesting to your hobby.

The're will be trolls, spam and things to learn.But you have two options: you can see this things as problems or see it as challenges to overcome.

You have the advantages here: a bunch of people here will watch it and will support you, Ross is there for you if you need any help or any tips,you're bilingual (as i understand), so you can reach more people, even teach people more about you're country and things like that.

I think you have nothing to lose doing it. It's a good exercise on self control having a public figure to maintain, you can do your own schedule and make things the way you want.

But that's just one more opinion on the internet, i just hope it helps.

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Awesome to hear. So will the Co-Optional podcast be live, or can we only see it once it's uploaded to his channel later?
It will be live, but I don't know how it works, it might be only his subscribers can watch it live. Somebody familiar with the podcast might know the answer.


He'll stream it first then he'll upload it to youtube, I can't wait for it!

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Thanks for the responses, Ross, ThickCrow and Daft. There's also some really good questions here, especially from Dextro.



I've been planning to do this for ages but I'm really, really scared.

Man, I'm ten times more scared than you are, so I know how you feel. I could barely bring myself to talk in a competitive game not long ago. But you're also completely sweet and harmless, so I don't think you could do anything bad. I'm not trying to pressure you into streaming, you should just do whatever feels right when it's comfortable, but I can also see why you get so many questions about your channel and future videos.



-If you could choose any actor to play a roll in the movie who would it be and what

character would they play?

I like this one, I wonder if Ross has any favourite voice actors. I also wonder, if he had to star in a major movie role himself, what character or movie he would pick.

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Awesome to hear. So will the Co-Optional podcast be live, or can we only see it once it's uploaded to his channel later?
It will be live, but I don't know how it works, it might be only his subscribers can watch it live. Somebody familiar with the podcast might know the answer.


It'll be live for everyone to watch on twitch.tv/totalbiscuit but chat is subscriber only, same as the vid going up. However the vid will be up on Thursday on his YT channel.

Would turn for Poe Dameron.

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Hey Ross! In your freeman's mind videos i noticed that some of the sound design was exceptional. Who did your adr and sound design, and what archives/techniques did they use?

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Awesome to hear. So will the Co-Optional podcast be live, or can we only see it once it's uploaded to his channel later?

Everyone can watch it, though the chat will be set to subscribers only and the vod on Twitch(!) won't be accessible unless you've subscribed.

Which isn't a big deal since it will be up on his YouTube channel a day later for everyone to enjoy : )


I'm REALLY excited for this podcast, as I have silently hoped it would come to happen one day, but I didn't really expect it to.

Better yet I can watch it live on my Birthday, so that day is saved :D


Same here. Generally speaking this is one of my favorites out there because it doesn't take itself too seriously. TB's dry sense of humor meshes well with the wackyness of his other regular contributers like Dodger/Cox.


In other words Ross, have fun :)

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Awesome to hear. So will the Co-Optional podcast be live, or can we only see it once it's uploaded to his channel later?

Everyone can watch it, though the chat will be set to subscribers only and the vod on Twitch(!) won't be accessible unless you've subscribed.

Which isn't a big deal since it will be up on his YouTube channel a day later for everyone to enjoy : )


I'm REALLY excited for this podcast, as I have silently hoped it would come to happen one day, but I didn't really expect it to.

Better yet I can watch it live on my Birthday, so that day is saved :D


Same here. Generally speaking this is one of my favorites out there because it doesn't take itself too seriously. TB's dry sense of humor meshes well with the wackyness of his other regular contributers like Dodger/Cox.


In other words Ross, have fun :)


The last episode was pretty awesome :D

I'm sure this one will be as well

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Ross I have some questions I'd like to ask you for the videochat, but I'll leave them here so you can have them beforehand and address them then. I think they'd be as interesting for everyone as there are for me.

If you could answer them all please do, if not maybe answer some here of in future videochats. Thanks


Hi Ross, I have a few questions I would like to ask.


Hey there. Just was wondering if you two could pick your best 3 or 4 questions to ask and then we can hold those other questions until the next one. We'd like to get through all the questions if possible.


Also, if you have any questions you'd like to pre-submit, go ahead and do so by sending them to [email protected] ASAP so I can compile them and get them into a format Ross likes it to be in.


Thanks! 8-)

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Ross I have some questions I'd like to ask you for the videochat, but I'll leave them here so you can have them beforehand and address them then. I think they'd be as interesting for everyone as there are for me.

If you could answer them all please do, if not maybe answer some here of in future videochats. Thanks


Hi Ross, I have a few questions I would like to ask.


Hey there. Just was wondering if you two could pick your best 3 or 4 questions to ask and then we can hold those other questions until the next one. We'd like to get through all the questions if possible.


Also, if you have any questions you'd like to pre-submit, go ahead and do so by sending them to [email protected] ASAP so I can compile them and get them into a format Ross likes it to be in.


Thanks! 8-)


I'd like to hear all of them, but if they're too many then I guess I can send them to the email in order of interest. Then Ross can pick the ones he likes and maybe answer the rest in another video or in here.

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Was a great Podcast, really enjoyed it :)

Hope to see you there Ross some time in the future again. Although if it will just have been a one-time thing, I'm very glad it happened anyway :)

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