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I bait PC fanboys with Mac comments on PC-oriented youtube videos

*highfive* Same here. The resulting butthurt is hilarious.


I've taken to disabling notifications on youtube, though XD My inbox gets so spammed with replies that make me bet most Windows-computer enthusiasts are republicans.

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Eh, I hate Apple products, but if you want to be the sucker that spends 3 times the amount on the same product, by all means, it's your money.


When I'm at the movies, I sit next to the couple who brought their new-born baby to the PG or PG-13 movie and glare menacingly at them the second their baby makes a noise.

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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When I'm at the movies with a friend we talk ALL the time


My opinion of you just lessened. That is ridiculously inconsiderate to people who have payed good money to see a movie.


Anyway, I am rather shallow when I observe women. I typically don't consider less-attractive girls as potential partners. I'm kind of ashamed of it, but I base a lot off of appearance.

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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When I'm at the movies with a friend we talk ALL the time

I have on multiple occasions had to physically get up, walk over to people in a theater who are doing that, and tell them to kindly STFU.


Anyway, I am rather shallow when I observe women. I typically don't consider less-attractive girls as potential partners. I'm kind of ashamed of it, but I base a lot off of appearance.

It's funny, even though I tend to be more initially attracted to a girl if she's particularly attractive; it's often the case that I find myself much more attracted to certain not-as-pretty girls after getting to know them, since a lot of them often are a heck of a lot of fun to talk to.


OT: I pretty much just am an absolute dick to every cat I ever happen across. Jesus, those animals think they rule the world. I feel it's my civic duty to put them in their place.

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When I'm at the movies with a friend we talk ALL the time


My opinion of you just lessened. That is ridiculously inconsiderate to people who have payed good money to see a movie.


Anyway, I am rather shallow when I observe women. I typically don't consider less-attractive girls as potential partners. I'm kind of ashamed of it, but I base a lot off of appearance.

Let me explane, yes we do talk but we try to keep it quietly. We talk about the movie such as the directing acting and writing, we for some reason feel the need to analyze anything we watch. And we try to sit as far away from people as possible. And if anyone asks us to be quiet we stop talking completely

non-euclidean fuck machine

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Okay, that's absolutely fine, then. I thought you were talking about being that one lady who yells out "Yo, don't go in there! He gon kill yall!"


But yea, I usually save the analyzing and criticism for when I watch it at home. I'm just too conscious of myself to even do it in the theater. Like, I hate when people tell me to stop doing something for reasons of manners and common decency.


OT: When driving by random groups of people, my friends and I will yell random things at them out of the window that typically aren't very becoming.

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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I think my goal in life now is to invent a movie where, if some dumbass yells any kind of warning at the characters, they will actually heed them, which will immediately ruin the movie, and everyone in the audience will either administer beatings to the person at fault, or else shame him or her without mercy. They would hopefully learn their lesson.

"I aim for the stars, but sometimes I hit London." - Wernher von Braun

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That would be an impressive feat to pull off.


I spit at the top of Loop-the-Loops on roller coasters.

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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Overpost and piss off mods

Yea, i get that you're doing it for the fun of it, but really man, testing us hasn't done anyone any good. Especially when you blatantly point out that you're trying to piss people off...

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Lol, You just got served by the mods, bitch!


JK man.


OT: Laughing at the expense of others.

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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No no, you just worded your message rather vaguely and I wanted to poke fun at the irony. As long as people keep the flow of the conversation going I think it is fine to post replies of any size, it is just when somebody breaks the flow with entirely irrelevant/disruptive posts I see it as spamming. If a conversation goes too far off the rails set by the thread there is often the option to split it into a new thread of course.


Doctor Felix's "Overpost and piss off mods" is something I would categorize as disruptive and therefore spamming. While it is "kind of" on-topic it does provoke a derail and possibly even a quarrel, and a derail did indeed happen following this post.


Now, speaking of on-topic...

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