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Ah, I'd say - if it's good enough for a British Prime Minister to say that word aloud live on air, then it's probably OK for this forum :lol:




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I've honestly heard it used to describe an inept person.

Yeah, in place of 'idiot' and such like. I've heard it used for all manner of things (drunkenness, getting punched, etc). In Scotland, vulgarity is all part of the lingo. ;)


"This scientist tried to travel to Massachusetts. What happened next changed his life FOREVER."


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Why do you discuss a meaning of a word that is meant to be offensive? The comment was meant to be offensive and however many meanings this one word has, in this context it was meant to be mean towards VNN. The comment was noted by the admins of this forum that has certain rules.

I think more discussion on this is pointless. Thank you and have a good night/day : ]

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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Well, the lady of the house has spoken and the matter is well and truly closed then.


My apologies, ma'am.



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To be fair, Ross, I've honestly heard it used to describe an inept person. it may be a culture/dialect thing. in any event, it's still a very vulgar term to describe an inept person.
It doesn't mean it's not used that way, but all I can say is the dictionary backs me up on both words.

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I hope you realize that it also mean an inept person.
No it doesn't. That's "twit."

No, you're thinking of twix



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Back on topic, the only VR development I've been paying attention to is StressLevelZero's "Hover Junkers". What's nice is how they make the player physically crouch in order to take cover. I also read a YouTube comment saying "The greatest game that no one will ever play", which I think sums up the attitudes of a fair amount of gamers in relation to full VR (the game can't be played with a gamepad or KB&M).



If I was to get into VR gaming, I'd go the whole hog with something like that.


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@Akinaro I would remind you that this is a civil forum and not 4chan. So you need to obey the rules or leave. Also if you provided some evidence of VNN being clickbaity maybe me and Binky wouldn't have made fun of you. Honestly if you can't present your opinion well enough for it not to come across as insulting then don't bother. Your opinion only matters to you anyway.


Third time Im asking to stop sticking to small part of my post.

Why you all so driven into being so mad just because someone doesn't share your opinion...


Its seriously hypocritical that in one way you are so mad at me because I dont like something what you like and in other way... YOU bash me because of that...

And you should really rethink your life if you think this was "4chan" style post...

I have my motives why I dont like VNN, and I have no real reason why I would need to tell you why and leave forum, because I really dont care about some random guy and his friend "Binky" behaving like kid because someone doesnt like what he like.


Again, maybe now instead of driving this topic more and more, you could focus on main topic of my post.



Back on VR topic:


After all this time with VR gaming I found out that such gaming have one problem: cables.

Even if I managed do finish few games using VR goggles and I tried playing on keyboard/mouse and controller, every time I found out that more advanced games(read: fast movement, precision) those damn cables and goggles are a bit annoying after some time. As far as precision is matter of practice, fast movement are really annoying...

For example try to play Portal or even CS... it is possible but for me its irritating as hell when you need to make something fast.

Im afraid that in current state VR gonna do what consoles did with FPS games: They gonna limit everything, dumb AI and simplify everything just to make it easier for casual gamers in every new game... But as far as I can play old ones... Im cool with it.

And in this time when we gonna return to old games in new style they would limit size of goggles and add wirelesses connection without big lag... ;)

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I really dont care about some random guy and his friend "Binky" behaving like kid because someone doesnt like what he like.

For the record, I wasn't making fun of you. I should have mentioned that when Helio claimed I was. I was simply making clickbait jokes, because clickbait is ridiculous. Sorry if it looked like it was directed at you.


Now before I get into trouble for perpetuating this silly argument, everyone scroll back up and read what Akinaro has to say about VR. Peace.


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For the record, I wasn't making fun of you. I should have mentioned that when Helio claimed I was. I was simply making clickbait jokes, because clickbait is ridiculous. Sorry if it looked like it was directed at you.

Sorry, I didn't mean to drag you in like that if that wasn't your intention. VNN's content didn't fit my definition of what clickbait is. So I made fun of people who I felt were attacking VNN for no reason. I figured that's what you were doing as well. That my fault for assuming that my intention was the same as yours. Anyway back to VR.


One Aspect of VR that concerns me are the health risks. Those of us who stare at a monitor most of our day aren't exactly known for the best eyesight so what more damage will VR cause? that's basically putting two monitors directly in front your eyes unable to see anything outside of those two monitors. For me trying out a VR headset isn't worth potentially damaging my eyes even more than they already are. Motion sickness would probably be more prevalent and may even appear in individuals who don't get motion sickness. I am slightly prone to motion sickness but nothing too sever. I can see a VR headset exacerbating motion sickness in individuals who are slightly prone to motion sickness and making it unplayable for people who get motion sickness bad.


Also Ross comparing NIN to Coldplay was pretty good. I would argue that NIN is slightly better but not by much. Coldplay have both obnoxious music and pretentiousness where as NINs got a few good songs but for the most part is entirely pretentious. That reminds me of this mashup I found called Call Me A Hole by a guy called Pomdeter.


The mashup uses NIN's song Head Like a Hole but replaces Head Like a Hole's melody with the melody of Carly Rae Jepsens's song Call Me Maybe. It is as hilarious as it is sacrilegious. Though if we're seriously talking about music Korn's where it's at.


Edited by Guest (see edit history)

I'm not saying I started the fire. But I most certain poured gasoline on it.

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Im afraid that in current state VR gonna do what consoles did with FPS games: They gonna limit everything, dumb AI and simplify everything just to make it easier for casual gamers in every new game
That worries me too. It might help VR if it starts out being pretty esoteric. Dumbing it down will make it much more gimmicky than the naysayers claim it to be.


motion sickness

I have thought about that. Certainly it's hard to follow LP's of VR, but that's because naturally the screen moves when the player's head moves, so I can't say much about that.


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As I can attest, having a VR unit myself (an Oculus Rift DK2), it's not the head movement per se that causes the motion sickness. It's the lower frame rate than your mind is expecting. When you have a low frame rate on a monitor, it's fine. You can even watch a slideshow like your avatar here is, Binky, and not have any trouble, but when viewing it through VR, it becomes a problem.


Think of it like a boat. Your mind thinks something should go smoothly in a certain direction and it doesn't. It judders and staggers. This constantly makes your brain feel like you're going to fall over, getting you dizzy and sick. Only at extremely high frame rates (probably 90fps or better) could this feeling go away.


And to say nothing of what happens in, say, Half-Life 2 where you're walking along and suddenly everything stops moving for the loading screen. It feels like you had the ground pulled out from under you and you're suddenly dizzy. You thought you were fine and the suddenly,



That's the biggest problem I see with VR that could be solved in the future--lower frame rates and movement pausing.

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As I can attest, having a VR unit myself (an Oculus Rift DK2), it's not the head movement per se that causes the motion sickness. It's the lower frame rate than your mind is expecting. When you have a low frame rate on a monitor, it's fine. You can even watch a slideshow like your avatar here is, Binky, and not have any trouble, but when viewing it through VR, it becomes a problem.


Think of it like a boat. Your mind thinks something should go smoothly in a certain direction and it doesn't. It judders and staggers. This constantly makes your brain feel like you're going to fall over, getting you dizzy and sick. Only at extremely high frame rates (probably 90fps or better) could this feeling go away.


That's the biggest problem I see with VR that could be solved in the future--lower frame rates and movement pausing.


And not to forget about the focusing...

I've used the Oculus Rift, and the fact that I couldn't focus on objects... that made me feel sick. However, it was pretty damn freaking awesome to be able to see so clearly without glasses. :D I could work fine with the low FPS... and the movement wasn't bad either. But the fact that I couldn't focus... that messed me up hard. Headaches, stomach ache. Oculus Rift, why you gotta be so cool but painful? XD

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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Sorry, I didn't mean to drag you in like that if that wasn't your intention. VNN's content didn't fit my definition of what clickbait is. So I made fun of people who I felt were attacking VNN for no reason. I figured that's what you were doing as well. That my fault for assuming that my intention was the same as yours.
No worries :)


@Dan and Jeb - your experiences go some way to showing how much work needs to be done in order to tweak the VR headsets. On-board settings (focus wheels etc) will be handy for that.


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Focusing isn't a problem for me, but I don't need glasses. Did you try both sets of lenses?


I wish I knew... this was aaaages ago, and it was a friend's I was using. Of course, this was just one of those prototypes... so it could be different now!

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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