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The Slifers Vs The Heroes (Forum Game.)

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Long before reality even existed, there is a war between The Slifers and the Gods. The battle took many lives as a result, and the Slifers are always destined to win. But a massive toll on their victory as One Powerful (But dead) Demi God sealed them away with a Tablet of Void, taking The Silther Race and killing the half god due to it's void powers. The rest of the gods sealed the Tablet of Void in there long dead universe as they went on for thousands of eons, creating universes, even ours. But today, the hero can be any universe at all at within a limit. But a daring hero managed to find out what is the Tablet of Void, a curse spreads to all universes and that the Silfer race reborn as a powerful army. Now, it's up to you and your partner to find the cause and defeat The Silfers once and for all. But sealing it is now impossible due to the Tablet of Void has Evil Energy. Can you defeat them before they corrupt and destroy every universe?


Game Rules:


1. Don't be super Op (Like Powerful than The silfers, Which it's an unplayable race that i am going to talk about it later.)

2. Take any character from any franchise.

3. No matter what, your character starts with 25HP and 15 MP.

4. You have perks you can upgrade along with skills. Vitality, Agility, Strength, Resilience, and Arcane Power (Mana, etc.)

5. When you level up, your character gains 4 Skill Points (Including your NPC Partner!), Each of them has a cost from 3 to 6, to 9 to 12.

6. You have a Max guild capacity of 500.

7. You can make your own universes as a home, but you must be LV 75 to do that.

8. Have fun! (But don't overlook this as an RP since it's not an RP.)


Game Lore:


The Silfers AKA Souless Hims: Silfers are a race with no emotions what so ever despite having a Faint Glowing bulb rather than a face. They have purple-ish blue slender bodies with two arms with stumps for slicing people, they walk slowly when unalarmed, but when they are after it spotted someone, they have incredible fast speed which they used the arms to kill a person in seconds. They have tough bodies like the Aliens in Battle: Los Angeles. But the even stranger and sinister is when you try to kill it, it won't die unless if you drown it, burn it, or poison with strong venom, it will die, otherwise the enemy won't die. Exploding and slicing at the neck is the only way to kill them. Energy blasts are fine too. The slithers can survive the vacuum of space due to it's lungs being filled with Liquid Oxygen. They eat glowing pods with larva in them and they breed via a gas that it will grow a silfer in adult form. They spread too quickly in the past and took over many universes.


The Reason? By blacking out the stars via sucking the energy for their starships and creating a Midnight planet to inhabit on. They can siphon and suck the energy out of Black Holes and make them evaporate. The process kills the universe they're on so, they have to manage the stars by creating a new one, then sucking the energy. Their goal is to create a Purple Star just to have the same skies as their home planet so they can be normal again. The Problem is that the Star is 17x times the size of universe which means all daytime in every universe. The temperature of the Star is 72F which it's good for the Silfers, but not good for any of the universes.


The Silfers are super hostile when their sun is present and will attempt to kill you. So, be careful.




Game's Player Limit: 5,000

Game's Diffculty Setting: Easy to Hard.

Game Modifyer: Enemy Hell.



I choose Goten (Or any character) and Andrew Hussie (Character Goes Here.) because______. (< That's your message, Use that to join. Except the Characters i took them.)




Lv. 1 Goten

Lv. 1 Andrew Hussie

EXP need to go up a level: 20.



A Final Message: This is the First Fourm Game to be an RPFG. (Role-Playing-Fourm-Game.) So don't you dare lock it or else there will be cookies. Giant. Killer. Cookies.

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