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Birthday thread: MMO Stories

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Exploits of the game to cause chaos, two main events came to mind.


The first was the ultima online slime incident.

Ultima online slimes had a chance to split into two separate enemies when hit with a weapon, a particular player decided to fill his entire in game house with slimes (considering the sheer volume it must have taken days), when he opened the front door the slimes exploded out of the door due to clipping and caused the server to crash in the process killing all the players logged in.


Later he returned with a refined method, using weak AoE attacks he began to fill another house and requested the players pay him a large sum, the ransom went unpaid and he crashed the server again.


After a couple of copycat crashers the developers had to step in and remove the splitting mechanic all together.


The other event is fairly well known, the falador massacre in runescape



Runescape is a fairly friendly MMO with very restrictive PvP combat, after an update that allowed dueling to take place in a separate instance from the normal world one player found he could PvP in the normal world. Massacring players and stealing alot of in-game currency.

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Hi Ross,


First of all, happy birthday! Discovered you, like many others, through Freeman's Mind, and have stuck around ever since.


Now, I don't know if you've read Cracked before, but they've compiled a large number of articles that have to do with, in their words, "dick moves in online gaming." For example, in this article, they talk about Runescape, Ultima Online, EVE, WoW, and more.


If you want to read any more, you just have to google something like "cracked dick moves in video games" and several pop up. Some entries aren't as good, but I still found them entertaining overall. If Cracked isn't your thing, or if you've read all of these before, then sorry :mrgreen:

And yes, some of the ones that you mentioned in the video are out there in some of the articles.

Happy Birthday again!


Edit: the two that the poster above me mentioned are in the article I linked, so brace yourself for initial disappointment when reading.

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Just to slightly amend one of the stories you mentioned: if I'm thinking of the right story, that EVE Online guy didn't just betray everyone, buy the biggest ship, and get attacked for revenge. He actively placed an absurd bounty on his own head, just daring anyone to come for him.

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Another event worth looking into is "The battle of B-R5RB" in EVE Online, usually shortened to "the battle of BR5B" it takes the throne as the largest online multiplayer fight with an estimated $330,000 USD of items being destroyed.


The fight was large enough to get itself a segment on BBC news and was extensively covered online. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloodbath_of_B-R5RB

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I can't really give you a good story, but RuneScape was an amusing shit fest when I played it. I put several thousand hours into the game and lemme tell ya, guild drama and corporate deceit was order of the day when I quit. Most of the gameplay is pretty low key point and click adventure style, but you have the option to invest in whatever skills you find most entertaining, there's no pressure to be a jack of all trades. There was once a time when the players were not mostly mindless mmo zombies and or bots, that cabbage bombings were a regular occurance, people would group up and drop a bunch of cabbages till it looked like a scene from shaun of the dead, except with cabbages. I personally enjoyed it for a long time as almost a nearly single player experience, aside from only one quest I'm aware of, there's no more need to interact with people in RuneScape than there is to set your neighbors dog on fire after the 2nd time he shat in your yard. I personally quit because the developers started lying about upcoming content and starting rerigging the game to appeal to a more WoW fanatic audience. (they even have a clone of the hearthstone cardgame in the works) They're desperate for money too cause about the same time they approved a dozen different little microtransaction things, nothing pay2win, its all just cosmetic stuff, but they do kind of shove it in your face. I guess rather than find you an MMO to enjoy I'm steering you clear of one of the potential worst, Happy birthday!


Acctually now that I think on it, one I can vaugely reccomend is Vindictus. It's heavily anime, the story is intriguing if nothing else, and instead of your typical MMO lather, rinse, repeat combat you get a more hack and slash system that uses the Source engine, the entire game runs on the same stuff that makes HL2 work. It does have a tendency to lag a bit, as all the servers are in Korea if I recall correctly, however dungeons are typically hosted on the party leaders machine so soloing is probably the least laggy thing you can do. The game is totally f2p, the only Paid aspects are vanity items, that I remember, the game has updated a great deal since I last played. And you have a pretty decent cast of characters to choose from so you don't have to play the sword and shield guy all the time. It also has epic boss battles with most major bosses being no smaller than a medium sized tool shed. for the most part you can also solo most area's once you start getting to the really high levels you may find groups are almost necissary but it's up to personal taste/skill. Oh yeah being a perpetual cheapass as well RuneScape is also free, though it does block about 80% of the quests and world behind a monthly subscription but that f2p part can take a while, a good way to see if you like it or not.

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Happy Birthday, Ross!


So for my MMO story, I was once really obsessed with EVE Online, yadda yadda. More importantly, I liked to fly in a public, NPSI (basically NPSI is shoot anyone not in your fleet, regardless of alligence) bomber fleet called Cloaky Ninjas. Bomber fleets in basically consist of hotdropping onto unexpecting bystanders, catching them with there pants down, and blasting them to bits before they can respond.


One night last February, there was a fleet being held. It started off as a really slow night, we maybe got a couple of easy, small kills. Suddenly we hear our forward scout scream into comms that we had a sighting on 3 capital ships, two dreadnoughts and a carrier. Capitals ships in EVE can easily exceed the price of two months of subscription fees when properly fit, so finding capitals like this for a bomber fleet is a big deal. Finding them in public usually means it's either bait or some poor sucker is about to be out $20-$40.


Our scout found 3 of them doing the absolute worst thing you can do in a ship so valuable, hanging outside an undefended station in a low security system. To make it worse, for some reason the guy in the ships fired at our scout. Which means we had full rights to attack him without penalty.


Some guys in the fleet thought is had to be bait, since it would be way WAY lucky to find something like this, but our commander decided to take the risk and we jump in. On the other side we find exactly what the scout called and started going to town on one of the dreadnoughts. They don't even fire back. Comms starts devolving into laughter as we realize this guy just left these big targets out in space. So we blow up one, after the other.


So after that the kill reports come in, and we found out this sucker not only lost 3 very expensive ships, but he also had them fit with some of the rarest gear in the game. To make it even more funny, he had battleship-class weapons on one of his dreadnoughts. For those not well versed in EVE terminology, that would be like giving a super soaker to a marine.



Here's the reports for anyone interested:





We found out later it was all one guy on 3 sperate alt accounts who just left his windows open. Overall caused damage was over $150 within 3 minutes. I still don't feel bad at all about taking it from him. Best part, after that we managed to break up two sieges and get even more shiny kill that night. Our overall total was around $320.


It was a good day.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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Not sure if this is grandiose enough, but i've always been a fan of the stories of Shinobi, an Ultima Online player sometimes called The King of Thieves. I'll save myself from regurgitating the stories by providing some nice links that lead to an interview and some stories told by Shinobi himself. Fun Fact btw, Shinobi is better known today as Peeve Peeverson, a name big in the Dark Souls community.


http://uo2.stratics.com/shard-pages/atlantic/interviews-shinobi/ - Interview

http://uothief.com/nonchad/label/shinobi.html - Stories

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Well, this one time I was playing World of Warcraft for 8 hours in a row then started crying out of loneliness...

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Posting from YouTube comment I made like a dummy.


In one mmo, don't remember which one it was, some Korean game, maybe MU online. Made one friend who got so overly attached it was getting creepy, then I got a rare sword and for some reason he asked to borrow, I said no, he got emotional, offered his all other items, he told he would kill himself, did not believe him, mind you I was around 10 at the time. Told him to piss off. Next time I meet him, he was with other friend, both were passive aggressive.


Also got blowjob via emote manipulation by some female elf.


Also remember interrupting clan meeting in some remote area, but don't remember what they have said.



One time, playing Planetside 2, between 4 continents in the game two get locked up when one faction wins, but I noticed that you can warp in to one continent that was locked. Some thing fucked up. Well me being me and I joined that continent. It was for the most part empty, almost all map, except corner bases, belonged to faction that has won before so I just got car and drown round, capturing bases and enjoying scenery. But soon few other people joined in. I teamed up with one and we spend our time hunting the other guy, in the center of the map, large ass base.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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I met a guy in an mmo and told him I was a girl. He told me to insult him and treat him like dirt, so I did every time I talked to him. Then he sent me recordings of him moaning while he cums to my insults.


mmos attract the worst people

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Right. So I was playing a game called Freerealms (Rest in Pepperonis) and I wanted to find one of my old school friends on. However, I never knew her username or what server she was on so I constantly searched every server, every zone asking if she was there. It took... a while, and then I found her in some place with tiki torches and blocks strewn everywhere.


And even then it took a while trying to know if it was her. Since it was you know, an MMO for chilluns, we wern't allowed to type numbers so it took ages to see if it really was her. We talked for like 10 minutes and left.




It was a boring day.

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I remember way back when, when Runescape was still a thing and I was still fond of it, There was an incident known as the Falador Massacre. But first a little background context; There was new skill introduced into the game a little while before the incident, known as construction. It allowed for players to create houses within their own little pocket dimensions. Within them, you could create an array of furniture and accessories. The only part of construction that is relevant to the story, is the boxing ring. It allowed for those inside to fight one another. Now what happened was this, one player managed to reach level 99 construction (The highest level), and to celebrate, threw a party in his home. Eventually there was too much a strain on the number of people joining the server. It evicted all of them from the teleporter in a town known as falador where they had entered. Though those who were in the boxing ring, retained their aggro potential. Normally players can only attack each other in the wild (an area to the north), but this glitch held an exception. What followed was a massacre across the whole town, as many who were involved were high level players. They easily wiped everyone out, and spread across Runescape wreaking havok, including going to Lumbridge (Runescape's spawn point) and repeatedly killing players over and over. In all I think it lasted an hour or two before moderators got involved, but by then there was so much that was lost. A lot of people were banned that day.


Happy Birthday Ross,

Have a good one.


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Back when I was into MMOs, there was this very entertaining blog called Bannable Offenses by a "GM Dave" who would tell stories of abusing his GM powers in FFXI.


Some of my favorite posts include him warping a cheater to a boss and killing her over and over, deleveling her some 20 levels (a significant amount of work to lose in Final Fantasy XI). That's the very first post:




(Can't link individual posts directly, scroll down to see the first post.)


I was really sad when he suddenly stopped five years ago with a post talking about how he was back. :(

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"]I remember way back when, when Runescape was still a thing and I was still fond of it, There was an incident known as the Falador Massacre. But first a little background context; There was new skill introduced into the game a little while before the incident, known as construction. It allowed for players to create houses within their own little pocket dimensions. Within them, you could create an array of furniture and accessories. The only part of construction that is relevant to the story, is the boxing ring. It allowed for those inside to fight one another. Now what happened was this, one player managed to reach level 99 construction (The highest level), and to celebrate, threw a party in his home. Eventually there was too much a strain on the number of people joining the server. It evicted all of them from the teleporter in a town known as falador where they had entered. Though those who were in the boxing ring, retained their aggro potential. Normally players can only attack each other in the wild (an area to the north), but this glitch held an exception. What followed was a massacre across the whole town, as many who were involved were high level players. They easily wiped everyone out, and spread across Runescape wreaking havok, including going to Lumbridge (Runescape's spawn point) and repeatedly killing players over and over. In all I think it lasted an hour or two before moderators got involved, but by then there was so much that was lost. A lot of people were banned that day.


Happy Birthday Ross,

Have a good one.



How much you want to bet that everyone who was banned was mad and surprised that they got banned?

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Final Fantasy 14 Healers are fucking royalty and if you don't meet there every demand you don't play sorta. You have to have basically a tank two attack class and a healer to enter a dungeon. You can wait 8 hours if you do not have one in your group.

So of course the healer didn't get his way at some point in between dungeons, unfortunately he new like every healer in our group...

so we finally reach the dungeon and we are ready and he bails says to contact another healer so we do and this guys says he will be there in like 5 min 5 became 30 and he said we need another healer so we are in the lobby waiting and he cant come so then we switch off for another healer for and same process keeps repeating. we are there for 5 hours and no random solo healer appeared and we had gone through 8 of our members he finaly logs in and joins us but leaves the moment we enter the dungeon and we fight our way through using all our items and die at the boss, after a week of similar shit happening we are still waiting at that dungeon and they make there demand "OBEY US, WORSHIP US, AND PAY UP" basically give us items and power level us in our alternate classes to proceed. and of course every one was like damn I don't wanna but I really wanna complete this dungeon at least cause I waited literaly over 2 days of my life, except me I responded "fuck this I'm lazy" and got out and just waited 3 more days for a random healer, Now here is where shit gets messed up after all that work and help leveling all there other classes that is like going from level 1 to 30 for all like 8 other classes of the healers for combat and then getting quest items for them for things like cooking and fishing and minning and all the other items they gave to help the progress, the healers turned around and stabbed them all in the back leaving to create there own group. And of course the rest of the group members tried contacting admins or whatever there response, the legal jargon roughly translated they didnt technically cheat since one they didn't hack the game, they didnt scam you in a way we can act on because they didnt ask for actual money, they just lied and wasted your time. THe moral of this story is if you role healer you could be genghis kahn and his horde in the early years of ff14 and there was no consequence for your action.


That being said it is a fun game.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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You want a story eh? One that is so insane that nothing compares to it? Well I don't have anything that great, but this one is still good.


I was not a part of it, but I know of it. So there's an MMO called EverQuest, and it had a boss called Kerafyrm. Kerafyrm was not meant to be beaten by players, but let's hold off on that for now. So to spawn this boss, you had to kill 4 dragons to get him to spawn (I'm not sure if they had to be killed all round the same time or one at a time) and then the battle starts. Well, he was not meant to be beaten, so the Devs made it so he had a death touch effect, if he hit you then you would die no matter what. But is that going to stop anyone? No, so one guild assembled 180 players from both inside and outside the guild to take this guy down. Then more people joined up with their guilds, and we end up with so many people that there isn't probably anyone who counted it. There's just one problem, Kerafyrm is immune to spells save two, and those two aren't going to kill him anytime soon. So you have a lot of people running at this dragon with 250 Million HP (Most bosses only have 2 Million in EverQuest at this point), and he's destroying people, so how is this going to work? Well the group was mostly non-spell users for damage, and a LOT of characters who can revive and the plan was to just keep running at him until he dies. So people begin fighting this thing at it's going okay, 3 hours or so in and he's about down to 26% health. Then the devs come in, and they aren't happy. They despawn the boss right then and there and then claim that it was because they feared people weren't fighting him legitimately. They obviously didn't get it, because this wasn't going to stop us gamers and our insatiable bloodlust. The next day, there Kerafyrm was, ready to be fought again, and guess what? The crazy SOB's did it, another 3 hours and it was dead.


So I feel like this isn't some lame story, if I may be so bold. If you want, below is a link to a video on YouTube with footage of the fight (excuse the quality, this is 8 years ago). Yeah there's some lame song in the background, but this is 2007 and therefore this sort of thing is to be expected.


Link -

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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Heya. So I used to play this shitty game called Salem, made by a couple dudes who.. nevermind. They're Swedish.


Anyway, it was a permadeath game and the settings were colonial amhurrica.

After playing a few months we started hearing stories about this guy who dresses up like an Indian chief and scalps people. Weird stuff.

Later on I saw him starting to post threads on the game forums, with screenshots of him 'scalping' the white man. Just killing everyone in sight.

He even had a bunch of followers to help.


Oh, and he always signed his posts as 'Chief PeePooKaKa'.

I suck at stories haha, just look at dis.




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