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14:00 for me... I'll probly be there.

i should be too since its 10 in the morning i think for me on the pacific coast

Edit: im a flipping blonde its at 1pm pacific

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

“Error 482: Somebody shot the server with a 12-gauge. Please contact your administrator”

“Caution Laser Caution Laser Caution Laser”

“I can now solve up to 800 problems a minute”

"I got my degree under the tutelage of Dr. Pepper."

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Hopefully this should help some people...


@Ross - that's a nice and really helpful map Jeb's made. Maybe it would be a good idea to put it in your original post. And also make similar maps for whenever you schedule any live events!




Why thank you! :D But oh, I didn't exactly make it all. X3 I just used a website to make a map like this. All I did was input some stuff, then take a screenshot of it. :3 I'll take half the credit though. XP

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have to have a game playing in the corner if you set the game you were playing to "Gaming Talk Shows"

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@Jeb - yeah, yeah, and you couldn't have shared it without the internet, so part of the credit goes to... Oh, wait... The internet and worldtimezone.com will do just fine as they are... On this site, though, it was your idea to make that map, so ALL credit goes to Jeb_CC. From me, anyway :D



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For me Twitch is no go. I personally hate it for lack of optimization, really idiotic stream configuration, forcing for HD stream, really bad, bad, bad, bad mobile app. And all that covered with double-dragon-falcon-punch traffic sucking machine. In one minute it can just kick to death my 50 mbps LTE and actually stop any other traffic in home.

Any other stream service, even VOD with 1080 res videos doesnt have such problems.

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For me Twitch is no go. I personally hate it for lack of optimization, really idiotic stream configuration, forcing for HD stream, really bad, bad, bad, bad mobile app. And all that covered with double-dragon-falcon-punch traffic sucking machine. In one minute it can just kick to death my 50 mbps LTE and actually stop any other traffic in home.

Any other stream service, even VOD with 1080 res videos doesnt have such problems.

Did you ever try livestreamer? https://github.com/chrippa/livestreamer


Don't know about mobiles, but all the desktop OSes semm to be supported.

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For me Twitch is no go. I personally hate it for lack of optimization, really idiotic stream configuration, forcing for HD stream, really bad, bad, bad, bad mobile app. And all that covered with double-dragon-falcon-punch traffic sucking machine. In one minute it can just kick to death my 50 mbps LTE and actually stop any other traffic in home.

Any other stream service, even VOD with 1080 res videos doesnt have such problems.

Well I can ask for other recommendations in the stream, for the first one I'm trying twitch. The main thing I wanted was the following:


-Support for a LARGE audience

-support for moderators

-no limitation on size of the chat


Twitch seemed to meet all the requirements, though if enough people want me to switch to something else later, I can.

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Doesn't Google Hangouts only allow 10-15 people at one time and they all have to have Google accounts?




Happy that I'm not the only one bothered by nonsensical time zones like ETC or UTC and so on.

At least with GMT all you need to learn is how many hours you are from 0 to figure out in what time zone anything will be for you.

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That was fun. I was worried Ross would get exasperated being 45 minutes behind the chat, but he caught up and remained forthcoming.

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Well the stream is over, but it was a wonderful first session! :D

Apologies to Ross for that minor incident... it was a struggle to deal with because there was probably about 10+ spammers in the span of a single sudden minute.

Thanks to Daniel and Magda for helping though! :D



x24mori: What's he talking about at the moment?

nyetiii: MOO GAMING

Jeb_CC: 'Moo gaming'

Danielsangeo: "Hello! It's a little dark right now but that's because I'm broadcasting from inside a cow. Why is that? Welcome to Moo Gaming."



Once the video is up, if Ross isn't already planning on doing it himself, I'm thinking of making a written FAQ out of it. It'll make it easier to get information, without having to scramble through a 2 hour long video, might post it on the forum. But I'm not sure. Ross might be planning some other way to make it easier to watch the video. Who knows! :3

Was fun though.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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I was unable to see the chat. The panel where it would usually be stated that the chat was disabled for this session (or something to that effect). Did anyone else have this problem?

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Pdan4: If anyone is getting that error, try to refresh and/or log-out/in.

Jeb: Adding on, when the spamming happened, it was nearly impossible to grab each individual spammer and ban them before 8 more posts happened. You go to click on the name and suddenly the name is either gone or you've clicked on someone else's name (a legitimate person--I think I grabbed Jeb's name once! Had to be careful!). I suggest an automated thing to cut down on a lot of that, such as Moobot. I'll have to investigate further, and I'll wholeheartedly support a FAQ if you make one! Thanks! :D


And thanks to everyone that came out! I hope everyone had a good time!

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That was very good for a first attempt. If it had a flaw it was that I had trouble splitting my focus between two different information streams. As to the question of how Ross can deal with the chat torrent, I think there are three main solutions.


First is is some kind of split feed. One for chat, the other for questions. I think both should be publicly visible to reduce duplicated questions. This could work, but might cause more frivolous questions. "If you were a fruit, what kind would you be?



Second is keep it as is, and record common answers in a faq/wiki/whatevah. This would require the least work and might be fine, since after the first couple streams things will probably calm down and it'll become moot.


Third idea was presending the questions. That would let Ross partially script his answers, which is exactly why I'm ambivalent about the idea. Politicians do that kind of predictive scripting all the time, and it can suck the life out of a response in my opinion. But it might save time, and time is precious for Ross right now.

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