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Tell Us a Bit About Yourself (strange facts...?)

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Name, address, phone nu-... okay nevermind. Tell us a bit about yourselves!


My name is Ryan, I am 18 and I live in Alberta, Canada.


I like to snowboard, snowmobile, read, animate, game, watch movies and hang out. My interests include history (WWII, reading about anything to do with bank robberies/shootouts), lifestyles and the romantic elements of crime life and the old west, modding, animation, and gaming. I also seem to have some unnecessary fascination with military helmets... Seriously I own everything from an M1C to a fully rigged modern US Marine PASGT. If someone buys me a bit of helmet scrim or an original helmet cover I am all over them. Oddly enough there's a long story I wont get into about how one of my helmets kind of got me the girl of my dreams whom I have been with happily for over a year now.


For reference here's me when I sold one of my precious hunks of formed steel.



Sad, sad day. Lol.


I like WWII movies/shows/books, I adore cats, and I have a sexy red truck and a snowmobile with a mustache.


Anyway kgo.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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My name's Steve and I'm a skeleton. My Interests include escaping from from hell, defeating mini-bosses, using a grappling hook and being a 2D character.

Here's a pic of me when somebody asked me my name.

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There's a thread similar to this called "introduce Yourself".




That's me and my attempt at photoshopping a nuke onto my lenses...


I'm legally insane and have ADHD, but I hide them well. I collect computer parts, mostly obsolete ones. I'm working on a welding degree, but I'm a chronic procrastinator so haven't done my math homework for 2 months. I'm also a gourmand of sorts in that I like food that tastes good, but I can't stand when the overcharge for undersized portions at "fancy" restaurants.


I'm currently single, out of a job, and nobody wants to hire me because I don't have a job. (this includes all the crappy fast food places) If anyone knows of a good job opening in Pueblo Colorado, please let me know since I have yet to find one.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I'm legally insane and have ADHD, but I hide them well

No, you don't. I kinda already guessed this.

I meant I hide them well IRL...


Also, I forgot to mention, I'm a direct male line descendant of Ulysses S. Grant.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I have identical freckles on each of my knees. I have a fear of semitrucks falling over on top of my car when I drive past, and of my ceiling fan falling from the ceiling and tearing me to shreds while I sleep. I love sushi and safety pins.

idk That's about as close to strange facts as it gets to me.

The glass is never half empty because I drink out of the carton.

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Strange facts... hmm.


I have had a severe phobia of water in my face/over my head since birth.

I'm an Eagle Scout.

My ethnic background is Scots/Iroquois/German/English/Irish/Welsh/Polish.

In college, I fought and defeated a guy who was twice my size, crazy, and armed with a baseball bat.

In grad school, I turned a 19-year-old virgin who wanted to be a nun into a 20-year-old bisexual.

I own 51 different variant toys of Optimus Prime.

I eat hot dogs by taking bites from alternating ends towards the middle.

I've been on a Native American vision quest, and my spirit animal is Coyote.


I think that's enough random strangeness to keep people gossiping for days.

He just kept talking and talking in one long incredibly unbroken sentence moving from topic to topic so that no one had a chance to interrupt it was really quite hypnotic...

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Name: Ryan

Age: 20 years old

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual.

Location: California, USA.

Occupation: Student. Currently in my 6th quarter of college studying game design. I plan on being a level designer some day.


I am a gamer, and possibly one of the more defining gamers. At any one time, I have no less than 3 preorders going. I'm a WoW player(and one of the kind who's always trying to make his character better, never satisfied with where it's at.) I have both a 360 and PS3, and while I don't game much online do to my disgust with a lot of the people I encounter, I do spend a majority of my free time gaming. I have been to E3 last year and am going again this year.(and was praised by friends and family for managing to get in last year and attend all 3 days without spending more than 20 bucks. That includes the tickets, which my school got me for free.)


As for hobbies, well, obviously gaming. I watch anime, frequent forums(been at it for about a year or so), like music. I've always had an ear for music, being able to do basic recreations of things I hear on sax and piano.(unfortunately never made anything of it. :x) I used to go to archery and plan on going again when summer comes around.


I do have ADHD and it's very clear when I'm with friends as I come out of my quiet mode and become really talkative, hyper, and silly. It's also quite clear when I chat, say, online as I'm constantly joking around and playing off the moment for humorous purposes.


Now that I've said quite a few personal things about me, and not sure if I should say more, I'll end this by saying:



Retired Forum Moderator

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I'm a bit of a wannabe, I don't know where I'm at, where I'm going, and wish I could be as nerdy as most of you (lol). Meaning that I wish I knew more about computers, and I am bogged down with stuff in my house so don't have a lot of excitement in my life. I guess I'm an o.k guy, I have quite a bit of friends, but it's not the life I wish I had. I like how you guys can make stuff like that awesome photoshop'd nuke sunglasses thing, and then you get to show it off. With me, it's just us doing random, stupid, stuff that seems funny. It's not even outside, we do that stuff in school, then I come home for the rest of the day and shoot zombies on Five with a bunch of morons. It's always a new bunch of morons too, everybody on PS3 playing Nazi Zombies on Five is a LEMMING!


Anyway, I love Killzone, it is the game that introduced me to the gaming world and it is also the greatest game ever. Found Freeman's Mind through a stroke of luck when I searched for "Free man" on youtube. I accidentally didn't put a space and added an "s", then clicked episode 4, and god almighty did I laugh.

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Strange facts... let see:


  • I once grabbed the Pope by the shoulder and shook him vigorously
  • Sometimes I growl... to people
  • I once spent about an hour sunbathing in Antarctica
  • I'm pretty sure I took a picture of a ghost in Edinburgh Castle
  • One of my great-grandmothers may have been an actual white witch


That should be enough for now

I bring you mortal danger and cookies. Not necessarily in that order.


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I sleep only once a week, and when i do, i sleep in a chair.



with my eyes open....




in a bikini.


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I'm a 20 year old attending the British Columbia Institute of Technology for animation and 3D modeling. (Real animation is HARD, so I lean towards modeling). I've been making a scene of the Svetslanov Hall of the Moscow House of Music over the past two months (as well as a character and a Cello, shown below) for a demoreel, which should be finished in a little over a month.


(For those skilled enough to notice, no this is not in Production quality Antialiasing. That's pending the final render solution. Rough lighting stage.)

I greatly enjoy movies but usually only ones with happy endings, and due to my highly technical inclinations I love ones that have lots of realistic tech speak. (As such, my favorite movie is Apollo 13) consequently I know a fun bunch about NASA's earlier space programs including a large portion of all of the Mercury, Gemini, Surveyor, Ranger and Apollo missions. I can also comprehend space and objects around me orthographically, I've been able to do that since I was probably 14, when I was introduced to my first 3D Program, Rhinoceros 2.0.

My favorite kind of music is Baroque, Romantic, Classical and Contemporary eras of classical music, of which my favorite composer is a fellow who currently lives in Estonia named Arvo Part. I also like The Barenaked Ladies and They Might Be Giants, but not as much.

I'm a happy Christian and 5th generation German-Mennonite.

This is a nice metric server. No imperial dimensions, please.

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I have identical freckles on each of my knees. I have a fear of semitrucks falling over on top of my car when I drive past, and of my ceiling fan falling from the ceiling and tearing me to shreds while I sleep. I love sushi and safety pins.

idk That's about as close to strange facts as it gets to me.


Damn fans, I used to have that same fear, couldn't do any schoolwork if I was underneath one of those things in class.

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I am unable to sleep on my back. I sleep best on my side.


same here, I get nightmares on my back though

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I am unable to sleep on my back. I sleep best on my side.

Me too, it just doesn't feel right.


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When I get depressed I'm always too depressed to commit suicide... Can never seem to hit that exact level of semi-depression.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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When I get depressed I'm always too depressed to commit suicide... Can never seem to hit that exact level of semi-depression.


Well... I guess that's a... ehm... good... thing?

I bring you mortal danger and cookies. Not necessarily in that order.


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