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1 minute ago, kerdios said:

moving on-

Libertarian and small business owner says Amazon workers SHOULD unionize

To be honest I find it unlikely that it will happen. Amazon has a history of being aggressively Anti-Union. That and they're so big they can constantly just hire other people.

"I believe in a universe that doesn't care and people who do." - Night In The Woods

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Just now, kerdios said:

I was looking for the management training video , Louis said he'll share it in the dooblidoo but I didn't see it there. Do you have a link?


"I believe in a universe that doesn't care and people who do." - Night In The Woods

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Apparently I struck a nerve, because you haven't let up on the bad attitude since I had the audacity to say that the far-right were filth.

the name's riley

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I think a lot of people try to make a point by being overly aggressive and exaggerative. Twitter speak tends to rub people the wrong way, but it does feel self gratifying.

"Fleet Intelligence Coming Online"

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27 minutes ago, Maroko said:

I'll shorten your text so it won't occupy much space, but be sure I've read it all:

(1) countless times I've specified it was their pundits' hypocrisy, their Jewish Zionist elites and the supporters of the bloody Zionist agenda.

(2) You don't want to include Transracialism and Transagism in the discussion, and all those fads, because you want to atomize the subject to the point of losing its touch with reality. And, oh? Because it's mostly something than you brush it aside for another significant stat? Y'know, trans people are rare in every single populace too. BTW you've sourced the NBJC - Okaaaaay.

(3) You've sourced Psychology studies HAHA! A BS pseudo-scientific area that has a huge problem with replication. I'm sorry but ACTUAL SCIENCE isn't a Democracy, honey. Hey, why not source the countless older psychological studies that used to say Homosexuality is a mental disorder too? Gosh, it's as if Psychology simply follows the status quo.

(4) If a WIKIPEDIA PAGE says it's pejorative, then I guess it must be so. As for the rest, there are numerous cultures all over the world that would be more aligned with Trump's general ideals than what the mainstream left is about. I, for one, support him for not starting a new war which is at least SOMETHING the left and Repubs haven't been able to do. Or for never saying "YOU AINT BLACK IF" like Biden.

(5) That's because drive-by shootings and such, that terrorizes the hoods every year (almost every weekened even) and kills children and older people nonstop, are simply defined as "crime" - https://abc7chicago.com/chicago-shootings-2020-shooting-crime-stats-statistics/9250374/

(6) Not if a male-to-female trans wants to share the girls' bathrooms with them or dominate them in sports. Context. It's a simple mouth swab for the scarce few that can pass up in appearance.

  1. image1
    this ain't a good look
  2. Before this I didn't even know those existed. Like, these are really niche things we're talking about here. Transracialism (in the original context of adopting was okay, not the weird new version we're talking about) is really just another word for Cultural Appropriation, which is really fucked up and harmful.
    What was your point about transgender people being "rare"? Just because they're "rare" doesn't mean they're less entitled to basic human rights.
    Also which one is the NBJC? I looked back through the links and it didn't directly link to the NBJC. (If it inadvertantly did through the source that's my fault then but from what I see it's not a bad organization?)
  3. "Failures in replication are not all bad and, in fact, some non-replication should be expected in science. Original studies are conducted when an answer to a question is uncertain. That is to say, scientists are venturing into new territory. In such cases we should expect some answers to be uncovered that will not pan out in the long run. Furthermore, we hope that scientists take on challenging new topics that come with some amount of risk. After all, if scientists were only to publish safe results that were easy to replicate, we might have very boring studies that do not advance our knowledge very quickly. But, with such risks, some non-replication of results is to be expected." I find it hilarious that that comes from your source. Anyways Psychology is very real. I do think that Freud was fucked up and wrong, but beyond Freud I think it's a very interesting and (relatively) new field of science. Of course, it does have its issues, but I don't think they're quite as big as you're making it out to be, or at the very least, you're making a big issue of the wrong areas, like instead confirmation bias or the misuse of statistics, or the fact it's done in WEIRD (western, educated, industrialized, rich and democratic) societies 60-90% of the time. I'm pretty sure these controversies won't end Psychology though.
  4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019–2021_Persian_Gulf_crisis I can blame him for this though.
  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gang#Motives I can blame that one on something concrete like socioeconomics, rather than some vague enemy like race or because of political affiliation. Though you can say the political polarization is causing people to turn to gang-like mentality, all of it still ends up far-right.
  6. I find the whole discourse of discussing trans people in bathrooms ridiculous for multiple reasons. Refer to
    Loosely related:

    As for trans athletes, it's an issue that's really nuanced and it doesn't feel so clear cut as y'know, going to the same bathroom or basic human rights. (Though you can argue that being able to be an athlete is some form of basic human rights.) Still, you know there's an alternative to DNA swabs right? It's called asking. (What they were born as, also known as assigned at birth.)

"I believe in a universe that doesn't care and people who do." - Night In The Woods

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1 hour ago, Maroko said:

You called me far-right first (besides many other things like Nazi) and justified being uncivil to the "far-right filth" on this board when @The Britain asked us to chill. Why is everyone so dishonest with their ad homs?

Yeah, I think you missed the point entirely. The fact that you assume I was calling you far right filth to begin with says a lot more about you than it does about me. Rule 4 exists for a reason and if you're going to be a bigoted POS (like, y'know, posting unambiguous conspiracy theory bullshit about Jewish people or any number of the unsavory things you've said about trans people the past two or three pages), then you SHOULD be held responsible. New users have been banned outright in the past for the exact behavior you're exhibiting right now. My entire point is that if @The Britainwants to come in here and play peacekeeper he shouldn't be letting shit that's in clear violation of rule 4 slide.


1 hour ago, Maroko said:

If one has the nerve to throw them in the first place, then either get ready to receiving them back or apologize. Scuttling away like that just reinforces cowardice. And calling any group on the political spectrum "filth" is pure bigotry as @BTGBullseye said, whether you like it or not.

Yeah, no. I'm not one to entertain petty arguments about semantics. If you want to use the broadest possible definition of the word "bigotry" then go for it, but just understand that it applies to basically everyone involved in politics, and there's still a pretty damn obvious moral difference between "queers are mentally ill and jews are taking over the world" and "fascists are fucking retarded and far right ideology is dangerous." Words have meanings and there's a reason we've narrowed down the word "bigot" to what it is now.


And for that matter, even if I was talking about you specifically with my far-right filth comment, what on earth made you think "y'know, I could be petty and call her a far-left whore back, or I be senselessly cruel and keep going, try to push her buttons by making fun of her pronouns and insinuating she's not a real woman."


You're a real piece of shit, you know that?

Edited by Annie (see edit history)

the name's riley

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17 minutes ago, Annie said:

Yeah, I think you missed the point entirely. The fact that you assume I was calling you far right filth to begin with says a lot more about you than it does about me. Rule 4 exists for a reason and if you're going to be a bigoted POS (like, y'know, posting unambiguous conspiracy theory bullshit about Jewish people or any number of the unsavory things you've said about trans people the past two or three pages), then you SHOULD be held responsible. New users have been banned outright in the past for the exact behavior you're exhibiting right now. My entire point is that if @The Britainwants to come in here and play peacekeeper he shouldn't be letting shit that's in clear violation of rule 4 slide.


Yeah, no. I'm not one to entertain petty arguments about semantics. If you want to use the broadest possible definition of the word "bigotry" then go for it, but just understand that it applies to basically everyone involved in politics, and there's still a pretty damn obvious moral difference between "queers are mentally ill and jews are taking over the world" and "fascists are fucking retarded and far right ideology is dangerous." Words have meanings and there's a reason we've narrowed down the word "bigot" to what it is now.


And for that matter, even if I was talking about you specifically with my far-right filth comment, what on earth made you think "y'know, I could be petty and call her a far-left whore back, or I be senselessly cruel and keep going, try to push her buttons by making fun of her pronouns and insinuating she's not a real woman."


You're a real piece of shit, you know that?



Annie we handle these things on a case-to-case basis. Maroko has been restricted from posting after an investigation, which takes time. I want to make something clear to everyone.


To Everyone:

You being offended doesn't make it "hate speech". You not liking what the other person says also doesn't qualify. There's a fine line between crazy conspirator and what a court (see rule 4) would classify as hate speech. If you're willing to wade into the deep-end of political discussion, there's a certain amount of maturity that's expected.


We don't normally do forum moderating, it's not our MO, but since every participant of this thread this morning wanted to blow up our inboxes by reporting everyone they didn't agree with, we jumped in. Everyone gets warnings now because everyone broke rules. Maroko is banned. If someone is being overtly racist, not just being edgy, then report it, we will take care of it. Do not attempt to "take care of it" for us.

Edited by The Britain (see edit history)

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Just now, The Britain said:

To Everyone:

You being offended doesn't make it "hate speech". You not liking what the other person says also doesn't qualify. There's a fine line between crazy conspirator and what a court (see rule 4) would classify as hate speech. If you're willing to wade into the deep-end of political discussion, there's a certain amount of maturity that's expected.


We don't normally do forum moderating, it's not our MO, but since every participant of this thread this morning wanted to blow up our inboxes by reporting everyone they didn't agree with, we jumped in. Everyone gets warnings now because everyone broke rules. Maroko is banned. If someone is being overtly racist, not just being edgy, then report it, will take care of it. Do not attempt to "take care of it" for us.

Here's the thing though, "what courts would define as hate speech" isn't exactly good enough. It's vague on account of the fact that what legally qualifies as hate speech differs from country to country, state to state, province to province. Hell, in the U.S. in particular "hate speech" isn't even a legally recognized term. As far as I'm concerned, simply saying "no hate speech allowed" is a simple and concise enough interpretation of rule 4 and it's worked great so far, at least when we had active mods to enforce it.


And speaking of, this place NEEDS mods desperately, at least one who regularly checks in and makes sure people aren't making clowns of themselves, ideally someone who's familiar with the community and its members. Someone like Kraken, Mira, or Kerdios.


Hell, I've been here 11 years and know this place well, I'll nominate myself too.

the name's riley

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1 minute ago, Annie said:

Someone like Kraken, Mira, or Kerdios.


Hell, I've been here 11 years and know this place well, I'll nominate myself too.

I'd rather not. Also I literally didn't touch the forums for like, 5 months.

"I believe in a universe that doesn't care and people who do." - Night In The Woods

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9 minutes ago, Annie said:

Here's the thing though, "what courts would define as hate speech" isn't exactly good enough. It's vague on account of the fact that what legally qualifies as hate speech differs from country to country, state to state, province to province. Hell, in the U.S. in particular "hate speech" isn't even a legally recognized term. As far as I'm concerned, simply saying "no hate speech allowed" is a simple and concise enough interpretation of rule 4 and it's worked great so far, at least when we had active mods to enforce it.


And speaking of, this place NEEDS mods desperately, at least one who regularly checks in and makes sure people aren't making clowns of themselves, ideally someone who's familiar with the community and its members. Someone like Kraken, Mira, or Kerdios.


Hell, I've been here 11 years and know this place well, I'll nominate myself too.

"Heh, nothing personal kid" 

I don't really want to be a mod thought I vote either Mira or The Kerd

"Fleet Intelligence Coming Online"

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Just now, kerdios said:

but then I'll win the last post thread ?

Bring it on, Janny

"Fleet Intelligence Coming Online"

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13 minutes ago, Mira said:

I'm gonna have to decline my nomination too; I really don't think I would do a good job and it doesn't feel right for me to take on a responsibility like that when I've only been active here for about a year.


Original mods started almost from inception too. I think a year's worth of rapport is fine 


More importantly, I want one of our boys on the inside to find out where they are keeping Ratchet. He may not have long.



Edited by Im_CIA (see edit history)

"Fleet Intelligence Coming Online"

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38 minutes ago, Im_CIA said:


More importantly, I want one of our boys on the inside to find out where they are keeping Ratchet.



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Looks like they figured that being sued was less of a loss than what they would have to dole out. (Robinhood is owned by Citadel, who owns both Robibhood and Melvin Capital)

That's right GME pumpers, you're going to become Made Men

Edited by Im_CIA (see edit history)

"Fleet Intelligence Coming Online"

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