On 2/17/2021 at 9:06 AM, Maroko said:
Yes, truly inconceivable that someone would want to make a movie about one of the most destructive and traumatic events of the twentieth century if there weren't some ulterior zionist agenda at play. How dare people see importance in the continued awareness of the Holocaust at a time when 23% of Americans between 18 and 39 years old believes it to be a myth or to have been exaggerated and 12% has never heard of it. Being informed and reminded of the ultimate consequence of demonizing a group of people for the nature of their birth or some other arbitrary trait over which they have no control definitely only serves da juice and not other minority groups and ultimately humanity in general.
On 2/17/2021 at 9:06 AM, Maroko said:Thanks. That less-than-1% populace created the problem by identifying themselves as something which they aren't in every fiber of their body (says all their 30 trillion cells).
Blaming the victim, how classy. Transgender people didn't "create" anything; it's not just because it seemed like a thing to do that all throughout recorded history and across widely different cultures people have made the decision to present as a gender other than what they are assigned at birth and in many cases face massive social stigma as a result, but because for those people it is an absolutely necessary step in their path to happiness and a sense of belonging. I would rather die than live an entire lifetime inside the body and gender role that fate handed me at birth; I never asked for this and truly wish I didn't need to carry that burden but I didn't get to make that choice so I'm just gonna have to make the best of it and try not give a damn what other people may think of it. Your disgust towards people whose appearance you find aberrant is not more important than the right of those people to exist as equals in society.
On 2/17/2021 at 9:06 AM, Maroko said:But I like how every Trans meme says republicans-this republicans-that with how confident they are that centrists will simply accept the loudest voice no questions asked lol
Trans memes in the United States complain about Republicans a lot because they are the ones in that country who consistently seek to stymie and roll back equal rights for trans people; it makes no sense to draw it any broader than that. If your aim is to intimidate or demotivate me with that sentence then that's going to be rather lost on me seeing as how I myself am fortunate enough to live in a country where trans rights are not a hotly contested topic of political debate at all, virtually no politician would publicly speak out against trans rights and the few fringe figures who do are strongly criticized all across the political spectrum. It seems like no one here really gives enough of a shit about what trans people do in the bathroom (no pun intended). In fact, right-wing politicians here actually proclaim themselves to be the protectors of the LGBT community against immigrants from the Middle East with a more conservative outlook on those matters. You'd be the real fish out of water over here.