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Deep Dive Devin

Deep Dive Devin


No matter how hard you try, you are not entitled to honest discussion when you so clearly are not engaging in it yourself. Bogus statistics, cherrypicked screencaps or many literal lies are not smarter than the rest of the people on this forum.


There is no rule on this forum that says people have to have a "logical debate" with you or respect your trash opinions. Nor should there be! Do you think anyone wants to get roped into weeks of argument with a flat-earther or someone who thinks the world is secretly controlled by bees? There's no reason for anyone to treat obvious racist conspiracy theories as somehow above either of those things, no matter how victimized you pretend to be. You're not smart or subtle enough even to deceive insecure white boys into thinking they're under attack.

Deep Dive Devin

Deep Dive Devin


No matter how hard you try, you are not entitled to honest discussion when you so clearly are not engaging in it yourself. Bogus statistics, cherrypicked screencaps or many literal lies are not smarter than the rest of the people on this forum.


There is no rule that says people have to have a "logical debate" with you or respect your trash opinions. Nor should there be! Do you think anyone wants to get roped into weeks of argument with a flat-earther or someone who thinks the world is secretly controlled by bees? There's no reason for anyone to treat obvious racist conspiracy theories as somehow above either of those things, no matter how victimized you pretend to be. You're not smart or subtle enough even to deceive insecure white boys into thinking they're under attack.

Deep Dive Devin

Deep Dive Devin

No matter how hard you try, you are not entitled to honest discussion when you so clearly are not engaging in it yourself. Bogus statistics, cherrypicked screencaps or many literal lies are not smarter than the rest of the people on this forum.


There is no rule that says people have to have a "logical debate" with you or respect your trash opinions. Nor should there be! Do you think anyone wants to get roped into weeks of argument with a flat-earther or someone who thinks the world is secretly controlled by bees? There's no reason for anyone to treat obvious racist conspiracy theories as somehow above either of those things, no matter how victimized you pretend to be. You're not smart or subtle enough even to deceive insecure white boys into thinking they're under attack.

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