Man, you went from "black people are violent criminals" to "trans people are mentally ill and somehow also privileged" to "look at all these fucking jews" in the span of like four posts. It's no wonder you need to repeat your mantra of "the left is losing people" considering everyone you clearly don't want on your side. Who are you going for next? Mexicans? Gay people? Anime fans? Perhaps we'll hear some 13/50, or see some "based groypers" or whatever other anti-intellectual fashtrash you can spit out.
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Man, you went from "black people are violent criminals" to "trans people are mentally ill and somehow also privileged" to "look at all these fucking jews" in the span of like four posts. It's no wonder you need to repeat your mantra of "the left is losing people" considering everyone you clearly don't want on your side. Who are you going for next? Mexicans? Gay people? Anime fans?
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