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  koach2 said:
  Doom Shepherd said:
  Bjossi said:
The ideals of marriage, which as far as I know was invented on the grounds of religion, only include one man and one woman in a marriage/relationship.


Actually, my research on the topic seems to show that that's not true. Or is selectively true, depending on culture.


Marriage used to be a lot more about property rights (especially back when wives were considered property of the husband) than about love or religion. Nothing but mutual consent was required in Ancient Greece. In the early Christian era, marriage was thought of as primarily a private matter, with no uniform religious or other ceremony being required. It is believed that same-sex unions were celebrated in Ancient Greece and Rome, some regions of China, and at certain times in ancient European history.


dont forget that Caesar was a homosexual... (or bisexual i dont remember). and i think he did marry with a guy once... idk thou...


I'm going to have to look that up.

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Im pretty much a homophobe. Can't be near it, I do respect them for being bold enough to follow what they truly believe. Just skeevs me out is all. I dont really get over dramatic about it. In fact I hate flamers. Flamers are possibly worse than fagbashers because at least fagbashers aren't insistently annoying.

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  ArEstus said:
Im pretty much a homophobe. Can't be near it, I do respect them for being bold enough to follow what they truly believe. Just skeevs me out is all. I dont really get over dramatic about it. In fact I hate flamers. Flamers are possibly worse than fagbashers because at least fagbashers aren't insistently annoying.

At least you admit to being one.

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There are all sorts of fears around, perhaps homophobia could be classified as fear of the unknown, much like people who are afraid of disabled people and get really nervous around them.

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  Bjossi said:
There are all sorts of fears around, perhaps homophobia could be classified as fear of the unknown, much like people who are afraid of disabled people and get really nervous around them.

I think it's the same kind of fear of what they don't understand and can't comprehend.

Game developments at http://nukedprotons.blogspot.com

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  Alyxx said:
  Bjossi said:
There are all sorts of fears around, perhaps homophobia could be classified as fear of the unknown, much like people who are afraid of disabled people and get really nervous around them.

I think it's the same kind of fear of what they don't understand and can't comprehend.


The fear of the unknown is not common, but in most cases, it is not logical.

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  Fujin said:
The fear of the unknown is not common


The fear of the unknown (very) arguably gave birth to religion in human society, I would say it is quite common.

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  Bjossi said:
  Fujin said:
The fear of the unknown is not common


The fear of the unknown (very) arguably gave birth to religion in human society, I would say it is quite common.


Pretty much sums up how I feel about religion, IMO it was created because people are scared of the nothing that probably comes after death, no afterlife, no second chances.

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Moving to the afterlife now? Want me to make a thread about it?

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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  BTGbullseye said:
Moving to the afterlife now? Want me to make a thread about it?



That might be the best idea, to keep this on the subject that it was intended for.

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  Fujin said:
What are your thoughts on homosexuality, heterosexuality, bisexuality?


Sexuality is just mind-set. There's nothing Biological about someone's sexuality. The only thing you're born with that contributes to what your perceived sexuality is, are the hormones that urge you to act in a certain manner. Like when a heterosexual teenage boy looks at a fully developed girl, his penis becomes erect. But the thoughts leading to his member becoming erect are effected by his own opinions, formed by the upbringing he received. Not by a set-in-stone batch of chemicals in his brain.


I hate everyone and everything, so I guess I'd be...... asexual. If anything.


  Fujin said:

Christians will never change their view, but that does not take away peoples rights, I mean, the KKK hates black people, and since they have rights is that bullying them?


If you continue to post in this manner, I will raise your warn level. I don't want to troll the board looking for all your posts, but I will if you keep causing flame wars.

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Same here. Technically, sexuality isn't a scientific term. You can't measure how gay or straight someone is. Everyone has the ability to have sex with either a man or a woman. Unless you're barbie or ken....

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All emotions and feelings are born in your brain, it is all just chemical activity. "Just" is however a big word, considering the brain is still largely a mystery that has brought more speculations and theories than any confirmed and understood functions.

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That's highly arguable. Not everything is there at birth, you don't instinctively know how to ride a bike or throw a ball. Even though sexuality acts through a chemical process, that doesn't mean it all happens in a certain order.


Plus that's an incredibly vague rebuttal.

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Of course not. We have to learn the things that seem most basic. What I find interesting though is how "stuck" the memory of bike riding becomes, it would take a lot for you to forget it once it is learned. Wish I had that kind of memory for my exams.


Sexuality is partly learned as well, some people are unsure about theirs and find out through experimentation.

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I thought you were trying to argue my point. Never mind then.


Well bike riding is a physical exercise. Whereas written exams are a mental one. More people learn through physical activities than they do through written or oral ones. But yeah, I wish I could remember like, half of the crap I learned in highschool.

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My first sexual experience was very unpleasant. Not only was I nervous and didn't know how to do it right, so was my boyfriend at the time.


But after a while it became easier for me.


So I can definitely say that sex is a thing you learn and practice, not something you are born with. Because children are all, as we know, very asexual.

Game developments at http://nukedprotons.blogspot.com

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